Adoption: Post-Legislative Scrutiny - Select Committee on Adoption Legislation Contents



Rt Hon Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top

Rt Hon Baroness Butler-Sloss GBE (Chairman)

Baroness Eaton DBE

Viscount Eccles CBE

Baroness Hamwee

Baroness Howarth of Breckland OBE

Baroness King of Bow

Baroness Knight of Collingtree DBE

Baroness Morris of Bolton OBE

Lord Morris of Handsworth OJ

Baroness Walmsley

Rt Hon Lord Warner

Specialist Adviser

Professor Sonia Harris-Short, Professor of Family Law and Policy, University of Birmingham

Declaration of Interests

Rt Hon Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top

Chair, the Cyrenians, Newcastle—among other projects the Cyrenians run a residential centre for women with addictions, and their children, trying to prevent the children from entering the care system. No financial involvement.

Ambassador for Action for Children, a children's charity that works with children in the care system. No financial interest.

Rt Hon Baroness Butler-Sloss GBE

President of the Family Division until April 2005 in charge of appointing adoption Judges.

Sat as an adoption Judge and as an appeal Judge on adoption.

Governor of Coram.

Patron of BAAF.

Past Patron of TACT

Trustee of Human Trafficking Foundation.

Informal work on trafficked children with Barnardo's.

Previous work on trafficking with NSPCC.

President of the Grandparents Association.

Served as independent member on the Conservative Social Work Commission.

Baroness Eaton DBE

Elected member of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

Past Leader of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.

Past Chairman of Bradford Metropolitan District Council Social Services.

Past Chairman of the Local Government Association.

Viscount Eccles CBE

No relevant interests.

Baroness Hamwee

Patron, PAC.

Patron, Intercountry Adoption Centre.

Joint President, London Councils.

Past Council Member and Legal Adviser, Parents for Children.

Past Member, Legal Group, British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF).

Past Member, Social Services Committee, London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames.

Past Member of adoption panel, London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames.

Baroness Howarth of Breckland OBE

Former Chair of Cafcass and deputy before that, no present involvement.

Member of British Association of Social Workers (BASW).

Associate, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

Vice President of National Youth Advocacy Scheme.

Baroness King of Bow

Mother of three adopted children.

Baroness Knight of Collingtree DBE

No relevant interests.

Baroness Morris of Bolton OBE

Vice-President of Oxford Parent Infant Project.

Vice-President of Northampton Parent Infant Project.

Former Shadow Minister for Children, Schools and Families.

Served on Conservative Social Work Commission.

Lord Morris of Handsworth OJ

No relevant interests.

Baroness Walmsley

Sister to an adopted brother.

Grandmother to an adopted granddaughter through an overseas adoption (China).

Rt Hon Lord Warner

Director of social services, Kent County Council 1985-91.

A full list of Members' interests can be found in the Register of Lords Interests:

Professor Sonia Harris-Short

Authored publications on issues relating to adoption law and policy and the accommodation of cultural and religious diversity.

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