Adoption: Post-Legislative Scrutiny - Select Committee on Adoption Legislation Contents


Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 5314).

Evidence received by the Committee is listed below in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical order. Those witnesses with * gave both oral evidence and written evidence. Those with ** gave oral evidence and did not submit any written evidence. All other witnesses submitted written evidence only.

Oral evidence in chronological order

*  QQ 1-79    Department for Education

*  QQ 80-107    British Association for Adoption and Fostering

*  QQ 108-155    PAC

*  QQ 156-186    Coram

*  QQ 187-233    Barnardo's

*  QQ 234-274    Children and Family Court Advisory and Support
        Service (Cafcass)

**  QQ 275-308    London Borough of Hillingdon

*        London Borough of Hackney

**        Bournemouth Borough Council

*  QQ 309-353    Sir Martin Narey, Ministerial Adviser on Adoption

*  QQ 354-382    Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA)

**  QQ 383-411    Professor Eileen Munro CBE

*  QQ 412-436    Intercountry Adoption Centre

*  QQ 437-459    After Adoption

*  QQ 460-500    Ofsted

**  QQ 501-534    Mark Rogers, Chief Executive, Solihull Metropolitan
        Borough Council and Children's Lead for the Society
        of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE)

**  QQ 536-547    Office of the Children's Commissioner

*  QQ 548-566    Association of Directors of Children's Services

**  QQ 567-588    Tim Loughton MP

*  QQ 589-621    British Association of Social Workers (BASW)

**        College of Social Work

**  QQ 622-667    Association of Lawyers for Children

**        Family Law Bar Association

*  QQ 668-693    Family Rights Group

**        Grandparents Plus

*        The Who Cares? Trust

**  QQ 694-717    District Judge Nicholas Crichton

*  QQ 718-769    Dr Julie Selwyn, University of Bristol

**        Professor Nina Biehal, University of York

*        Professor June Thoburn, University of East Anglia,

**  QQ 770-804    Lord Justice McFarlane, Mr Justice Ryder,
        Her Honour Judge Hindley, and Her Honour Judge

**  QQ 805-830    Edward Timpson MP, Minister for Children and
        Families, Department for Education

*  QQ 831-848    National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
        Children (NSPCC)

Alphabetical list of all witnesses

Action for Children

Adopt UK Child Director Ms Azra Jabbar

Adopt West Mids (West Midlands Adoption Consortium)

Adoption Focus

*  Adoption Matters Northwest


*  After Adoption (QQ 437-459)

  Alliance for Child-Centred Care

*  Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) (QQ 548-566)

**  Association of Lawyers for Children (QQ 622-667)

  Professor Ravinder Barn (Royal Holloway, University of London) and
  Dr Derek Kirton (University of Kent)

*  Barnardo's (QQ 187-233)

  Stephen Bashford

  Florence Bellone

  Pete Bentley

**  Professor Nina Biehal, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
(QQ 718-769)

  Birmingham City Council's Adoption Service

  Amanda Boorman

**  Bournemouth Borough Council (QQ 275-308)

  Bradford Metropolitan District Council

*  British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) (QQ 80-107)

*  British Association of Social Workers (BASW) (QQ 589-621)

  Roger Bullock

*  Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) (QQ 234-274)

  Cambridgeshire County Council

  Jim Clifford

**  College of Social Work

*  Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA) (QQ 354-382)

**  Office of the Children's Commissioner

*  Coram (QQ 156-186)

**  District Judge Nicholas Crichton (QQ 694-717)

*  Department for Education (QQ1-79)

  Evangelical Alliance and Care for the Family

**  Family Law Bar Association (QQ 622-667)

  Family Justice Council

*  Family Rights Group (QQ 668-693)

  Fostering Network

  Charles Geekie QC

**  Grandparents Plus (QQ 668-693)

**  Her Honour Judge Hindley (QQ 770-804)

  Collette Anne Ibbotson, Director of Yorkshire Adoption Agency

*  Intercountry Adoption Centre (QQ 412-436)

  Interdisciplinary Alliance for Children

  Justice for Families

  Six independent Chairpersons of Adoption Panels, in Kent

  Kinship Care Alliance

Dr Derek Kirton (University of Kent) and Professor Ravinder Barn (Royal
  Holloway, University of London)

*  Local Government Association

*  London Borough of Hackney (QQ 275-308)

**  London Borough of Hillingdon (QQ 275-308)

**  Tim Loughton MP (QQ 567-588)

  Professor N V Lowe, Professor of Law, Head of Cardiff Law School

  Jan Loxley Blount TCert, Dip Child Development

**  Lord Justice McFarlane (QQ 770-804)

**  Professor Eileen Munro CBE (QQ 383-411)


*  Sir Martin Narey, Ministerial Adviser on Adoption (QQ 309-353)

  National Adoption and Fostering Service, South London and Maudsley (SLAM)

  National IRO Managers Group

*  National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
(QQ 831-848)


  Helen Oakwater

**  Office of the Children's Commissioner (QQ 536-547)

*  Ofsted (QQ 460-500)

*  PAC (QQ 108-155)

  Parents Against Injustice (P.A.I.N.)

  Race Equality Foundation


**  Mark Rogers, Chief Executive, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and
  Children's Lead for the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives
  (SOLACE) (QQ 501-534)

  Councillor Rosalyn St Pierre

**  Mr Justice Ryder (QQ 770-804)

*  Dr Julie Selwyn, Director of the Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster
  Care Studies, University of Bristol (QQ 718-769)

  South East Post Adoption Network (SEPAN)


  Sally Stoker, Head of Adoption, Suffolk Adoption Agency

**  Her Honour Judge Swindells (QQ 770-804)

  TACT (The Adolescent and Children's Trust)

  Specialist Fostering, Adoption and Kinship Care Service, Tavistock and
  Portman NHS Foundation Trust

*  The Who Cares? Trust (QQ 668-693)

*  Professor June Thoburn, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, Centre for
Research on the Child and Family, University of East Anglia, Norwich
(QQ 718-769)

**  Edward Timpson MP, Minister for Children and Families, Department for
  Education (QQ 805-830)

Tri-borough Adoption and Fostering Service (London Borough of
  Hammersmith and Fulham; Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,
  Westminster City Council)

  Paul Twyman

  Alex Verdan QC

  Warwickshire County Council

  Warrington, Wigan and St Helens Councils (WWISH) shared Adoption

  Welsh Government

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