ADCS Association of Directors
of Children's Services
BAAF British Association of Adoption
and Fostering
BASW British Association of Social
BME Black and Minority Ethnic
CAFCASS Children and Family Court Advisory
and Support
CAMHS Children and Adolescent Mental
Health Services
CVAA Consortium for Voluntary
Adoption Agencies
ECHR European Convention on Human Rights
FDAC Family Drug and Alcohol Court
Hague Convention An international agreement
to establish safeguards to
(Adoption) ensure that inter-country adoptions take
place in the
best interests of the child
IRO Independent Reviewing Officer
Kinship care Care provided by a relative for
a child who is unable to remain with his or her parents.
LGA Local Government Association
Looked-after children Children who are in the
care of the local authority.
Nagalro The Professional Association
for Children's
Guardians, Family Court Advisers and Independent
Social Workers
NICE National Institute for Health
and Clinical Excellence
NORCAP Voluntary Adoption Support Agency
that works solely
with adults affected by adoption
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to
Ofsted Office for Standards in
Education, Children's Services
and Skills
PAC Pre-adoption, Post-adoption,
Permanency Advice and
SEPAN South East Post Adoption Network
SGO Special Guardianship Order
SSDA 903 Statistical return on children who are
looked after by local authorities.
TACT The Adolescent and Children's
Tri-borough London Borough of Hammersmith
and Fulham, Royal
Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster
City Council
WWiSH Partnership Warrington, Wigan and St Helens