Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314).
Evidence received by the Committee is listed below
in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical
order. Those witnesses marked with * gave both oral evidence and
written evidence. Those marked with ** gave oral evidence and
did not submit any written evidence. All other witnesses submitted
written evidence only.
Oral evidence in chronological order
** | (QQ 1-55)
| Professor David Bell
** | (QQ 55-116)
| Professor John Kay
** | (QQ 117-187)
| Professor Gavin McCrone
* | (QQ 188-243)
| Professor Robert Rowthorn
** | (QQ 244-278)
| Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR North)
Professor John Simpson
Professor John Tomaney
** | (QQ 279-330)
| Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
The Institute of Directors (IoD)
** | (QQ 331-367)
| Independent Commission on Funding and Finance for Wales
* | (QQ 368-429)
| The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
* | (QQ 430-481)
| British American Security Information Council (BASIC)
Professor Iain McLean FBA FRSE
* | (QQ 482-499)
| Dr Karen Henderson
** | (QQ 500-525)
| Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP
Sir Nicholas Macpherson
** | (QQ 526-547)
| David Hume Institute
Professor Charlie Jeffery
* | (QQ 548-563)
| Professor Alex Kemp
** | (QQ 564-586)
| Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP
* | (QQ 587-600)
| Ruth Davidson MSP
Patrick Harvie MSP
Johann Lamont MSP
Willie Rennie MSP
* | (QQ 601-622)
| Scottish Financial Enterprise
Standard Life
* | (QQ 623-640)
| Professor Jim Gallagher
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
Reform Scotland
** | (QQ 641-658)
| CBI Scotland,
The Scottish Institute of Directors
Scottish Chambers of Commerce
** | (QQ 659-675)
| Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)
** | (QQ 676-697)
| Weir Group |
** | (QQ 698-712)
| National Farmers Union of Scotland (NFUS)
** | (QQ 713-724)
| Glasgow City Council |
** | (QQ 725-756)
| Defence Analysis |
** | (QQ 757-793)
| Royal Bank of Scotland
** | (QQ 794-822)
| Aggreko |
** | (QQ 823-843)
| Paul Johnson |
** | (QQ 844-863)
| Lord West of Spithead |
** | (QQ 864-900)
| John Swinney MSP |
** | (QQ 901-917)
| Rt Hon Michael Moore MP and Scotland Office
** | (QQ 918-925)
| Sir John Gieve |
Alphabetical list of all witnesses
** Aggreko
** Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP, Chief Secretary
to the Treasury
** Professor David Bell
British Academy
** British American Security Information Council
Professor Malcolm Chalmers
** Confederation of British Industry
** Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP
** David Hume Institute
** Ruth Davidson MSP
** Defence Analysis
** Professor Jim Gallagher
** Sir John Gieve
** Glasgow City Council
** Patrick Harvie MSP
* Dr Karen Henderson
** Independent Commission on Funding and Finance
for Wales
* The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
and Wales (ICAEW)
* The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
** The Institute of Directors (IoD)
** The Institute for Fiscal Studies
** Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR
** Professor Charlie Jeffery
** Professor John Kay
* Professor Alex Kemp
* Johann Lamont MSP
** Sir Nicholas Macpherson, Permanent Secretary
to the Treasury
** Professor Gavin McCrone
* Dr Iain McLean FBA FRSE, Professor of
Politics, Official Fellow, Nuffield College
** Rt Hon Michael Moore MP
** National Farmers Union of Scotland (NFUS)
Newcastle International Airport
** Reform Scotland
** Willie Rennie MSP
* Professor Robert Rowthorn
** Royal Bank of Scotland
** Scotland Office
** Scottish Chambers of Commerce
** Scottish Financial Enterprise
** The Scottish Institute of Directors
Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE)
** Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)
** Professor John Simpson
* Standard Life
** John Swinney MSP
** Professor John Tomaney
** Weir Group
** Lord West of Spithead