145. The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is undoubtedly
the most prominent and controversial of the PCJ measures subject
to the opt-out. This Committee has produced a number of reports
on the EAW in the past.[245]
The benefits of the European
Arrest Warrant
146. The majority of our witnesses considered
the EAW to be an important PCJ measure that brought benefits to
the UK. They said that it had led to the creation of a more efficient,
simpler, quicker, cheaper, more reliable and less political system
of extradition, which allowed for the return of those wanted for
trial in the UK as well as allowing dangerous criminals to be
extradited to other Member States. It had also increased mutual
trust between Member States and was a marked improvement on the
system of extradition that had existed previously within Europe.[246]
147. Some of our witnesses cited the prompt return
of Hussain Osman from Italy as a good example of the EAW[247]
in contrast to the slower procedures involved in extraditing Abu
Hamza to the US or the pre-EAW extradition of Rachid Ramda to
France.[248] Others
pointed to the EAW's success in facilitating the return of large
numbers of fugitives from Spain to the UK to face trial and the
normalisation of previously poor bilateral extradition arrangements
between the UK and other Member States such as Ireland and Spain.[249]
The DPP provided some examples of where the EAW had been of practical
benefit to the CPS.[250]
148. Statistics regarding the number of EAWs
requested and received by the UK are provided in Appendix 6. They
confirm that the number of extraditions increased significantly
after the introduction of the EAW and have been increasing, year-on-year,
ever since.
Criticisms of the European Arrest
149. While the Government considered the EAW
to be a "vital tool" in the fight against international
crime, which had had some success in streamlining the extradition
process, they also had a number of concerns about its operation,
including its disproportionate use for trivial offences and for
actions that were not considered to be crimes in the UK; and the
lengthy pre-trial detention of individuals abroad.[251]
Open Europe shared these concerns and has stated that the benefits
of swift extraditions need to be balanced against the potential
infringement of British nationals' civil liberties, as well as
pointing to what they perceive to be the lack of procedural safeguards
in the EAW.[252]
150. UKIP was highly critical of the EAW. They
considered its benefits to be "illusory", and that it
had not speeded up, simplified or made extradition proceedings
any cheaper.[253] Dominic
Raab MP raised similar concerns and remarked that the high
number of EAW requests received by the UK placed operational strains
on UK policing.[254]
However, Commander Gibson, from ACPO, considered this analysis
to be flawed and stated that the EAW provided a much cheaper system.[255]
151. There have been allegations of injustice
arising from the operation of the EAW. The Government cited the
case of Andrew Symeou, as did other witnesses.[256]
Commander Gibson emphasised that the EAW had provided a better
deal for victims, as more people had been brought to justice.
He also stated that the perceived injustices in the Symeou case
had not been caused by the EAW instrument itself but resulted
from the poor prison conditions in Greece.[257]
The Bar Council emphasised that only a relatively small number
of those extradited from the UK have been British nationals, with
the Police Foundation stating that in 2011, 93% of the individuals
surrendered by UK under the EAW were foreign nationals.[258]
Should the UK continue to participate
in the European Arrest Warrant?
152. Many of our witnesses were of the view that
the Government should seek to rejoin the EAW, were the opt-out
to be exercised.[259]
Stephen Booth said that the police's concerns about losing the
EAW should be listened to.[260]
Dominic Raab MP said the EAW needed to be reformed but did
not advocate "throwing the baby out with the bathwater".
He, alongside Timothy Kirkhope MEP and Anthea McIntyre MEP, suggested
that the Government should use the opt-out as an opportunity to
press for modest reform of the EAW as a condition of opting back
in.[261] FTI also considered
that reform of the EAW was essential but, as they did not expect
the reforms to be put in place before the decision on the opt-out
must be made, would be content provided a commitment to reform
it was secured.[262]
The CER and Jodie Blackstock agreed but did not make rejoining
the EAW contingent upon securing reforms, which FTI did.[263]
UKIP and the Fresh Start Project did not want the UK to rejoin
the EAW under any circumstances.[264]
The possibility of implementing other "flanking" measures
to improve the operation of the EAW is considered at the end of
this Chapter.
Reversion to the 1957 Council
of Europe Convention on Extradition
153. The Government and Martin Howe QC considered
that the UK's extradition relations with Europe would be governed
by the 1957 Council of Europe Convention on Extradition[265]
(the 1957 Convention) if it did not rejoin the EAW.[266]
UKIP agreed, but wanted it to require a prima facie case
against the accused and Dominic Raab MP wanted the Convention
to contain stronger safeguards. He also acknowledged that extradition
under the Convention would be slower than under the EAW.[267]
Others also acknowledged that the Convention could be relied upon
if the UK stopped participating in the EAW.[268]
154. However, many witnesses also criticised
the Convention system as being inefficient, cumbersome, slow (which
resulted in long periods of pre-trial detention for suspects),
expensive, technical, political, restrictive, containing a series
of loopholes and subject to less judicial oversight.[269]
The Bar Council considered that reverting to such a system would
be a "retrograde" step.[270]
Others suggested that relying upon the Convention, or other bilateral
agreements, in place of the EAW would also suffer from the faults
identified in the EAW, and only result in fewer and slower extraditions,
which would be a worse deal for suspects and victims.[271]
The legal differences between the Convention and the EAW are explored
in Box 7.
155. On 25 October 2012, Kenny MacAskill MSP
told the Scottish Parliament that "The Home Office might
believe that [we] could revert to the Council of Europe Convention
on Extradition of 1957. Irrespective of whether that is possible,
however, those arrangements would not be as satisfactory. The
actions and attitude of the UK Government towards Europe are jeopardising
the administration of justice in Scotland".[272]
Differences between the Convention and
the Framework Decision
The Convention was adopted in 1957 but was not ratified
by the UK until 1991. It contains an obligation on the contracting
parties to extradite but this is subject to a double criminality
requirementthat is, the offence in question is against
the law in both Statesand a number of exceptions for political,
fiscal or military offences. The extraditable offences are offences
punishable in both the requesting and requested States by a custodial
sentence for a maximum period of at least one year, and, in conviction
cases, custodial sentences of at least four months. It allows
the contracting parties the right to refuse the extradition of
their own nationals.[273]
It does not require requesting States to submit prima facie
evidence but permits States to adopt this requirement if they
chose to do so (the UK chose not to do so).
The Framework Decision was adopted in 2002. It removed
executive decision-making from the surrender process and changed
it into an exclusively judicial procedure. It simplifies the procedure
for extradition and makes it quicker by imposing a scheme of time
limits on the executing State. It removes the double criminality
requirement with respect to 32 types of offences so long as these
are punishable in the issuing Member State with at least three
years' imprisonment. It also removed the exceptions for political,
fiscal and military offences. Like the Convention it does not
require the requesting State to submit prima facie evidence
but, unlike the Convention, removes the option for Member States
to require this.
156. The Bar Council suggested that, in order
for the Convention to apply in some Member States, legislative
changes may be required, while in others it may have been superseded
following the adoption of the EAW.[274]
The DPP raised concerns about the gaps and risks that may arise
as a result of this situation, including the difficulties that
the UK may experience in securing the return of suspects to stand
trial for serious cases.[275]
Helen Malcolm QC and Franoise Le Bail, the Director-General of
DG JUSTICE at the Commission, referred to Article 31 of the Framework
Decision, which explicitly states that it will replace all earlier
treaties between Member States including the Convention. Director-General
Le Bail told us that the Commission Legal Service was investigating
the legal situation.[276]
The consequences for the UK of
opting out of the European Arrest Warrant
157. The Lord Advocate told us that he would
have "real concerns" if the UK were to opt out of the
EAW[277] and the DPP
told us that to do so would result in a poorer deal for victims
of crime.[278] ACPO
and Mike Kennedy emphasised the significant percentage of EU nationals
from other Member States that were arrested in London each year
and suggested that it would be more difficult to return them to
their Member State of origin.[279]
ACPO stated that withdrawing from the EAW would be a mistake and
could jeopardise justice and public safety,[280]
while the President of Eurojust told us that it would make it
harder for the UK to tackle cross-border crime.[281]
158. The same problems arising from having to
negotiate and rely upon alternative arrangements, which have already
been discussed in Chapter 5, were also raised in relation to replacing
the EAW.[282] JUSTICE,
Justice Across Borders and Dr Maria O'Neill stated that criminals
would exploit any differences that arose between any different
extradition arrangements that were put in place[283]
and others suggested that it could result in the UK becoming a
"bolt-hole" or "safe haven" for criminals
engaged in organised crime or terrorism, because they were subject
to more cumbersome extradition procedures than elsewhere.[284]
Regarding this possibility the Home Secretary said "I will
not be doing anything that I believe would put the safety and
security of UK citizens in jeopardy and that has to be the first
and foremost consideration".[285]
159. The potential consequences for Ireland if
the UK were to leave the EAW are considered in Chapter 9.
160. We consider the European Arrest Warrant
to be the single most important pre-Lisbon police and criminal
justice measure. If the United Kingdom were to leave the EAW and
rely upon alternative extradition arrangements, it is highly unlikely
that these alternative arrangements would address all the criticisms
directed at the EAW. Furthermore, it is inevitable that the extradition
process would become more protracted and cumbersome, potentially
undermining public safety. If the opt-out is exercised then the
Government should apply to the Commission to rejoin the European
Arrest Warrant so as to avoid any gap in its application.
161. We acknowledge that in some cases the
operation of the EAW has resulted in serious injustices for UK
and other EU nationals. We do not belittle the seriousness of
these cases. However, those injustices resulted not directly from
the operation of the EAW but from the consequences of extradition,
including long periods of pre-trial detention in poor prison conditions,
which could also occur under any alternative system of extradition.
Possible improvements to the
operation of the European Arrest Warrant
162. The operation of the EAW was considered
by Sir Scott Baker's review of the UK's extradition procedures
in 2011.[286] His report
concluded that the EAW had improved the scheme of surrender between
Member States and that broadly speaking it had operated reasonably
well. The report's recommendations for how the EAW could be improved
are set out in Box 8.
Sir Scott Baker's Extradition Review:
the European Arrest Warrant recommendations
- The Government should work with the EU and other Member States through the Roadmap for strengthening the procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings and other measures to urgently improve standards.
- Any future amendment to the Framework Decision, or any future related legislative instrument, should include a proportionality test, to be applied in the issuing Member State.
- In the meantime, consideration should be given to encouraging Member States to consider using other measures of cooperation where appropriate, including: recognising and enforcing fines imposed by Member States; the European Supervision Order, in part, to address the problem of lengthy periods of pre-trial detention; transferring probation or non-custodial measures to the UK for execution rather than issuing an EAW for a sentence imposed in default; transferring sentences to the UK where appropriate; serving a summons pursuant to Part 1 of the Crime (International Cooperation) Act 2003; and using a European Investigation Order (once this is in force) to allow for an efficient and effective investigation to take place before a decision is taken about whether to issue an EAW.
- The accused and convicted persons should be legally represented in both the issuing and executing Member States. Any move toward "dual representation" would have to proceed on the basis of an EU-wide initiative.
163. In their response to Sir Scott Baker's Review the
Government stated that they intended to "work with the European
Commission, and with other Member States, to consider what changes
can be made to improve the EAW's operation".[287]
The Home Secretary told us that the opt-out provided them with
an opportunity to look at the EAW, and that they were now consulting
other Member States about possible reforms, but that that these
discussions were at an early stage. She also stated that the Government
had not made any suggestion that they intended to leave the EAW.[288]
FTI and the LSEW welcomed the Government's intention to work with
their European partners to reform the EAW.[289]
164. While many of our witnesses supported the
UK's continued participation in the EAW, they were not blind to
its failings and were unanimous that its implementation needed
to be improved.[290]
Others stressed that the problems with the EAW's operation needed
to be resolved within the existing framework rather than outside,
which would be easier for the UK to achieve as its negotiating
hand would be stronger.[291]
JUSTICE considered that all of the problems identified with the
EAW could be resolved through existing or forthcoming proposals,
including implementation of the European Supervision Order and
procedural rights measures.[292]
The improvements that were suggested are considered below.
The prospects of amending the
Framework Decision
165. Hugo Brady noted that there was reluctance
to reopen the original measure because it had been very difficult
to agree in Council and, now that the European Parliament had
to agree such measures under the OLP, the task of agreeing an
amendment to it may be even more difficult to achieve.[293]
We understand that the Commission is reluctant to reopen the EAW[294]
and Director-General Le Bail appeared to confirm this when she
told us that the Commission detected no appetite among Member
States to amend the EAW and that it could be improved by other
means.[295] However,
we note that a minimum of seven Member States have the option
of initiating legislation in this respect, as the CER, FTI and
the Home Secretary acknowledged.[296]
166. In 2011 the Joint Committee on Human Rights
produced a report on the UK's extradition policy and, among other
things, urged the Government to work with the Commission and other
Member States to amend the Framework Decision to include provision
for a proportionality principle.[297]
A number of our witnesses suggested that the Framework Decision
may need to be amended to include, among other things, a proportionality
167. Although the use of EAWs for trivial offences
has occurred in different parts of the EU, the problem is commonly
associated with Poland, as it makes the largest number of requests
to other Member States, particularly the UK. One of the reasons
for this is said to be that Polish prosecutors do not have the
discretion not to prosecute. The Police Service of Northern Ireland
(PSNI) and the DPP agreed that proportionality was an issue but
that the number of EAWs issued for trivial offences had reduced
in recent years.[299]
The Police Foundation attributed this reduction to the work carried
out by the Metropolitan Police Service, the Home Office and the
CPS with the Polish prosecution authorities.[300]
Director-General Le Bail also emphasised that the Commission's
work with the Polish authorities was yielding results, including
a 20 per cent reduction in the number of EAW requests made by
that Member State.[301]
The DPP provided figures to the Committee which show that the
number of EAW requests that Poland has made to the UK has reduced
by approximately 40 per cent in the period from 2009/10 to 2011/12.[302]
168. During our inquiry, the CJEU issued its
judgment on the Radu case (on 29 January 2013).[303]
Some of our witnesses had hoped that, in line with the Advocate
General's Opinion, this judgment would expressly permit proportionality
considerations, as well as stronger human rights considerations,
to be taken into account during the future consideration of EAW
requests.[304] However,
the CJEU did not follow the Advocate General's Opinion and instead
adopted a narrow approach to the case. Despite this, FTI thought
that the CJEU could still play a role in improving the operation
of the EAW in due course but Martin Howe QC considered this to
be the proper role of the legislature, as did Dominic Raab MP,
who was also critical of the CJEU for having taken so long to
consider such matters.[305]
Jodie Blackstock, James Wolffe QC and the Lord Advocate also referred
to the recent consideration of proportionality matters in cases
concerning the EAW before UK courts.[306]
169. Some of our witnesses emphasised the role
of existing guidance on use of the EAW[307]
but the DPP considered the non-legally binding status of the guidance
to be problematic,[308]
while the Home Secretary stated that the use of guidance and non-legislative
routes to improve the operation of the EAW had not so far produced
the desired results.[309]
170. The COPFS and Justice Across Borders emphasised
the role played by the European Judicial Network in facilitating
contact between judges and prosecutors.[310]
However, UKIP considered that "secretive institutions"
such as this posed "at least a potential threat to the independence
of judiciary".[311]
In this respect, we note that the Judicial Office, which supports
the judiciary in England and Wales, has announced a project to
establish a European Arrest Warrant Judicial Network which will
create a permanent support structure for judges in all Member
States who regularly deal with the EAW. The Network will develop
and expand the existing EAW Network of Judges, set up in 2010,
assist in the delivery of training in the operation of the EAW
across all Member States and provide opportunities for judicial
office holders from all Member States to contribute their views
on how the EAW is working in practice.[312]
Human rights
171. The LSEW and Baroness Ludford MEP drew attention
to section 21 of the Extradition Act 2003, which allows a judge
to discharge someone subject to an extradition request if they
decide that the person's extradition would be incompatible with
their Convention rights as set out in the Human Rights Act 1998.[313]
The Lord Advocate stressed that the compatibility of an EAW request
with Article 8, ECHR was regularly taken into account under this
provision.[314] UKIP
suggested to us that one of the results of the CJEU Radu
judgment had been to "overrule" the UK Parliament and
hold that section 21 was "illegal and void", which in
any event they already deemed to be "illusory and of no practical
172. In our view UKIP's interpretation of
the Radu judgment is mistaken. It is clear to
us that courts in the United Kingdom continue to have the option
to decline an EAW request on human rights grounds.
Minimum procedural rights for
173. UKIP and Dominic Raab MP cited Lord
Justice Thomas's evidence to the Scott Baker review, when he said
"One of the problems with the way in which a lot of European
criminal justice legislation has emerged is that it presupposes
a kind of mutual confidence and common standards that actually
don't exist".[316]
FTI made a similar point, saying that the underlying assumption
of mutual recognition PCJ measuresthat trial standards
and compliance with human rights are at the same level across
the EUwas a flawed one.[317]
The Centre for European Policy Studies has also published a report
which considers this issue, among other things.[318]
174. In 2009 the Council adopted a "Roadmap"
of five legislative measures and a Green Paper concerning criminal
procedural rights. The Commission has brought forward three
measures in the Roadmap, which concern the right to interpretation
and translation; the right to information; and the right to legal
advice. We have already noted that the UK decided to participate
in the first two proposals, which have been adopted, but not the
third, which they have reserved the right to opt in to after it
has been adopted.[319]
The Lord Chancellor told us that he did not object to this measure
in principle.[320]
175. Many of our witnesses considered that the
UK should opt in to all of the Roadmap measures.[321]
We also note that, in the same evidence session referred to above,
Lord Justice Thomas went on to emphasise that he thought that
many of the problems related to the EAW could be solved by adherence
to the Roadmap measures.[322]
European Supervision Order
176. The European Supervision Order (ESO) was
adopted in 2009 and the deadline for Member States to implement
its provisions into national law was 1 December 2012.[323]
We have already noted that it has not yet been implemented in
UK law. It provides a mechanism under which a judicial authority
in Member State A could impose a non-custodial supervision measure
(grant conditional bail, in English law terms) on the foreign
suspect which would be recognised and enforced in Member State
B where he is normally resident. The authorities in Member State
B would supervise compliance with the order and would also be
responsible for returning him for trial if he did not return on
his own when summoned to do so by the trial State. When this Committee
examined the Commission's proposal for an ESO it concluded that
it was "a meritorious and welcome proposal. It addresses
a serious issue affecting the liberty of the individual and has
the potential to reduce hardship for some thousands of EU citizens".[324]
177. Many of our witnesses emphasised that the
implementation of the ESO could help to mitigate some of the EAW's
problems by allowing British citizens to be supervised in the
UK until the trial in the requesting Member State was ready to
begin, thereby helping to avoid a repeat of the Symeou case.[325]
However, the Lord Chancellor told us that while the ESO could
bring benefits, he also expressed doubts about how easy it would
be to ensure that someone on bail in another Member State could
be returned to the UK to stand trial. He said "I am not saying
that we oppose the European Supervision Order; I am not saying
that we support the European Supervision Order; I am saying that
it is not as clear cut as you might think".[326]
During a Lords debate on 4 March 2013, Lord McNally, the Minister
for Justice, echoed the Lord Chancellor's point when he said
"In practice, the European Supervision Order
is unlikely to help to avoid lengthy pre-trial custody in cases
where an EAW has been used to secure the return of the suspect.
That is for the simple reason that, the EAW having been needed
to secure the return, the suspect has shown himself to be a flight
risk, having already resisted voluntary return. In those circumstances,
it is difficult to see the same suspect persuading the court to
allow him to return home again".[327]
Following this debate we note that FTI wrote to Lord
McNally to contest this statement, as well as making it clear
that in their view the Government's failure to implement the ESO
into UK law meant that "some British citizens may needlessly
spend months or years awaiting trial away from home".[328]
178. At present, there is no EU-wide summons
procedure available. Two of our witnesses mentioned the potential
utility of such a procedure in passing and we also note that one
of Sir Scott Baker's suggested improvements to the EAW involves
relying upon an existing non-EU measure in this area.[329]
179. We very much regret that the Government
have chosen not to implement the European Supervision Order, pending
their decision on the opt-out being made, and urge them to implement
this measure without further delay. There is no justification
for British citizens to be deprived of the benefits of this measure,
especially as it could help prevent a repeat of the Symeou case.
180. We consider that the best way to achieve
improvements in the operation of the EAW is through a process
of negotiations with the other Member States; the use of existing
provisions in national law; informal judicial cooperation; the
development of jurisprudence at the Member State and EU level,
including on matters of proportionality, as well as the immediate
implementation of flanking EU measures such as the European Supervision
Order and the Roadmap procedural rights measures, to which the
Government should opt in where they have not already done so.
245 EUCommittee,Counter-Terrorism:TheEuropeanArrestWarrant(6thReportofSession2001-02,HLPaper34);TheEuropeanArrestWarrant(16thReportofSession2001-02,HLPaper89);andEuropeanArrestWarrant-RecentDevelopments(30thReportofSession2005-06,HLPaper156) Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'(byHugoBrady);COPFS,ACPO,ACPOS,Jean-ClaudePiris,FacultyofAdvocates,JUSTICE,BarCouncil,LSS,LSEW,PoliceFoundation,WilliamHughes,DrMariaO'Neill,CPS,TimothyKirkhopeMEPandAntheaMcIntyreMEP,Q231,Q59,Q68,Q116,Q144,Q166,Q183,Q205,Q212,Q233,Q238,Q265.JUSTICEwasbynomeansuncriticaloftheEAW'soperation,however. Back
UKGovernment,MikeKennedy,Justice Across Borders, ACPO,PSNI,
Q 68, Q 77, Q180, Q 183. Hussain Osman, a naturalised
British citizen, was identified as a suspect for the failed London
bombings on 21 July 2005. He was extradited to the UK in September
2005 and was found guilty of conspiracy to murder on 9 July 2007. Back
JusticeAcrossBorders, ACPO, PSNI, Q 68, Q180.
Abu Hamza, an Egyptian national, was eventually extradited to
the US in 2012, to face terrorism charges, eight years after his
arrest in the UK. In 1995 Rachid Ramda, an Algerian national,
was arrested in the UK in connection with a terrorist attack on
the Paris transport system. He was not extradited to France until
2005. Back
DrMariaO'Neill, Q82,Q103,Q111,Q130.Also
see Justice Across Borders, Q68(Jeremy Hill)andQ236(WilliamHughes)fordiscussion
of theCrimestoppersandOperationCapturainitiatives. Back
CPS Back
UKGovernment Back
OpenEurope,AnUnavoidableChoice(byStephenBooth,ChristopherHowarthandVincenzoScarpetta) Back
OpenEurope,CooperationNotControl(byDominicRaabMP);Q92,Q101 Back
Q233.TheHomeSecretarystatedthatanaverageEAWrequestcosttheUK£20,000-Q304 Back
Andrew Symeou, a UK national, was extradited to Greece in July
2009 in connection with the death of a young man at a nightclub
on a Greek Island, which had occurred in July 2007. He spent over
10 months in poor prison conditions before being released on bail
but was not permitted to leave Greece. The trial commenced in
March 2011 and he was acquitted on 17 June 2011. Back
Q226,Q233,Q239,Q240 Back
BarCouncil,PoliceFoundation Back
CELS,OptingoutofEUCriminallaw(byProfessorJohnSpencer,ProfessorStevePeersandDrAliciaHinarejos);COPFS,BarCouncil,FacultyofAdvocates,LSEW,LSS,ACPO,PSNI,PoliceFoundation Back
Q104 Back
TimothyKirkhopeMEPandAntheaMcIntyreMEP;OpenEurope,CooperationNotControl(byDominicRaabMP);QQ87-88.DominicRaabMPsuggestedthatsomeembassieshehadconsultedweresympathetictothisapproach. Back
FTI,Q111,Q115 Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'(byHugoBrady);Q122 Back
FreshStartProject,ManifestoforChange;UKIP Back
ETSno.024,EuropeanConventiononExtradition,Paris,13.XII.1957 Back
UKGovernment,Q8 Back
OpenEurope,CooperationNotControl(byDominicRaab);UKIP Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'(byHugoBrady);LSEW,LSS,JUSTICE,BarCouncil,WilliamHughes,PoliceFoundation,Jean-ClaudePiris,Q67,Q82,Q121,Q207,Q265 Back
BarCouncil,Q61 Back
JeanClaudePiris,LSEW,PSNI,FTI,ACPO,MikeKennedy,JUSTICE,ACPOS,Q211,QQ213-214,Q215,Q219,Q226,Q233 Back
ScottishParliamentOfficialReport25October2012col12604 Back
Litvinenko, the former FSB officer who had been granted
asylum in the UK, in 2006-thisismentionedbytheDPPatQ213 Back
QQ59-60.SeealsoQ67,Q191,Q233 Back
Q213 Back
Q60,Q207,Director-GeneralLeBailalsopromisedtomakeacopyoftheiradviceavailabletotheCommitteeinduecourse. Back
QQ264-265 Back
APCO,ACPOS,Q84,Q211,Q267 Back
ACPO,MikeKennedy,Q233 Back
ACPO,Q233 Back
Q191 Back
Q121,Q123,Q255 Back
DrMariaO'Neill,JUSTICE,JusticeAcrossBorders,Q68,Q70,Q82 Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'(byHugoBrady);FacultyofAdvocates,LSS,APCO,JusticeAcrossBorders,JUSTICE,LibDemUKMEPs,Q66 Back
Q301 Back
SirScottBaker,AReviewoftheUK'sExtraditionArrangements,30September2011 Back
TheGovernmentResponsetoSirScottBaker'sReviewoftheUK'sExtraditionArrangements,17October2012(Cm8458) Back
UKGovernment,QQ293-294,Q304 Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'(byHugoBrady);PoliceFoundation,LibDemUKMEPs,FacultyofAdvocates,JusticeAcrossBorders,BarCouncil,WilliamHughes,ACPO,LSS,JUSTICE,Q75,Q144,Q215,Q269 Back
WilliamHughes,LSEW,ACPO,JusticeAcrossBorders,Q111,Q239,Q271 Back
JUSTICE.SeealsoJUSTICE,Europeanarrestwarrants:ensuringaneffectivedefence,29August2012 Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'andBritain's2014justiceopt-out:WhyitbodesillforCameron'sEUstrategy(byHugoBrady);Q121 Back
Wedonotneedtochangeit.WhatIhavedoneisbuildanewsystemarounditwhichprotectstherightsofsuspects". Back
Q205 Back
CER,Cameron'sEuropean'owngoal'(byHugoBrady);FTI,Q121,Q293, Back
JCHR,TheHumanRightsImplicationsofUKExtraditionPolicy(15thReportofSession2010-12,HLPaper156/HC767) Back
MikeKennedy,Jean-ClaudePiris,FTI,JusticeAcrossBorders,TimothyKirkhopeMEPandAntheaMcIntyreMEP,Q60,Q123,Q216.AlsoseeCEPS,Europe'smostwanted?RecalibratingTrustintheEuropeanArrestWarrantSystem,No.55/March2013,section3.1 Back
PSNI,Q215 Back
Hill),Q158(Evanna Fruithof),Q239(Allan Gibson) Back
QQ205-206 Back
CPS Back
CaseC-396/11.SeeAppendix5forasummaryofthejudgment. Back
BarCouncil,LSEW,MikeKennedy,FTI,Q42,Q54,Q113,Q158,Q242 Back
Q95 Back
Q124,Q265.BHandKASvLordAdvocateandScottishMinisters[2012]UKSC24;GitaFridenbergavPublicProsecutor,ProsecutorGeneralOfficefortheRepublicofLatvia[2013]EWHC317(Admin);H(H)vDeputyProsecutoroftheItalianRepublicGenoa,H(P)vSame,F-KvPolishJudicialAuthority[2012]3WLR90;HvLordAdvocate[2012]3WLR151,2012SC(UKSC)308;andTheQueenontheapplicationofCazanvJudgeTrandafirBagriela,HuneadoraCourtofLaw,Romania[2012]EWHC3991(Admin) Back
PoliceFoundation,LibDemUKMEPs,Q54,Q75,Q166,Q206 Back
Q215.TheDPPalsoconfirmedthattheCPSapplieditsownproportionalitytestdomestically. Back
Q293,Q304 Back
JusticeAcrossBorders,COPFSsupplementaryevidence.AlsoseeQ266(DavidDickson) Back
Furtherinformationisavailableat: Back
LSEW,Q166 Back
Q265 Back
UKIPsupplementaryevidence(LettertotheCommitteedated19February2013) Back
SirScottBakerReview,transcriptoforalevidencebyLordJusticeThomas,7April2011 Back
FTI,Q115 Back
CEPS,Europe'smostwanted?RecalibratingTrustintheEuropeanArrestWarrantSystem,No.55/March2013 Back
TheCommitteesupportedtheGovernment'sinitial positionintheirreportonTheEuropeanUnion'sPolicyonCriminalProcedure(30thReportofSession2010-12,HLPaper288) Back
Q287 Back
CELS,OptingoutofEUCriminallaw(byProfessorJohnSpencer,ProfessorStevePeersandDrAliciaHinarejos);JusticeAcrossBorders(includingsupplementaryevidence),JUSTICE,LibDemUKMEPs,FTI,Q75,Q115,Q206 Back
SirScottBakerReview,transcriptoforalevidencebyLordJusticeThomas,7April2011 Back
CouncilFrameworkDecision2009/829/JHAof23October2009ontheapplication,betweenMemberStatesoftheEuropeanUnion,oftheprincipleofmutualrecognitiontodecisionsonsupervisionmeasuresasanalternativetoprovisionaldetention(OJL294,11November2009,p.20) Back
EUCommittee,EuropeanSupervisionOrder(31stReportofSession2006-07,HLPaper143) Back
CELS,OptingoutofEUCriminallaw(byProfessorJohnSpencer,ProfessorStevePeersandDrAliciaHinarejos);CER,Britain's2014justiceopt-out:WhyitbodesillforCameron'sEUstrategy(byHugoBrady);LSEW,LSS,LibDemUKMEPs,JUSTICE,ACPO,PoliceFoundation,FTI,TimothyKirkhopeMEPandAntheaMcIntyreMEP,JusticeAcrossBorderssupplementaryevidence,Q42,Q54,Q58,Q75,Q120,Q158,Q170,Q219,Q239,Q269 Back
Q292 Back
HLDeb4February2013colGC16 Back
LetterfromFTItoLordMcNallydated25February2013.Itisavailableat: Back
Q42,Q239.FortherelevantrecommendationbySirScottBakerseeBox9. Back