CHAPTER 5: changing corporate culture
88. The discussion does not end with the case
for quotas and the monitoring mechanisms needed to further the
argument on both sides. As we made clear at the start, there are
a number of possible measures that seek to improve gender diversity
on boards. Here, we look at measures to change cultures and practices
in the corporate sphere, to gauge whether there are opportunities
to build upon existing efforts to deliver change across the EU.
Corporate governance rules
89. Robust corporate governance rules allow effective
scrutiny of companies and are therefore an important means of
influencing their behaviour. At EU level, reporting requirements
are set out in the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives,
which require companies to produce an annual corporate governance
statement.[161] Both
Directives are in the process of being revised and consolidated.[162]
90. Governance in the United Kingdom is market-based,
as set out in the Corporate Governance Code. The Code, instituted
in 1992, lays out good governance practices and companies are
required either to comply with the provisions of the Code, or
to explain in their annual report why they have not done so. We
heard that provisions in the Code, such as the recommendation
that companies ensure that the posts of Chairman and CEO are not
invested in the same person, have proven effective at changing
behaviour over time.[163]
NAPF in fact considered the United Kingdom's governance approach
to be one of the strongest and most effective in the world.[164]
91. Part of what constitutes good governance
in the Code concerns gender diversity, an element enhanced following
the Davies review. The Code sets out the importance of diversity
in the search for board candidates.[165]
In October 2012, it was amended to require the work of a nomination
committee to include a description of the board's policy on diversity,
including gender, as well as any measurable objectives that have
been set and progress against them.[166]
Additionally, when evaluating the board, an annual report must
now consider the balance of the board, including its diversity.[167]
Both of these changes go beyond requirements at EU level and were
welcomed by witnesses.[168]
This approach to improving gender diversity on boards is by no
means unique to the United KingdomDenmark, Finland, Germany,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden all use the "comply
or explain" system of corporate governance codes to seek
to improve gender diversity on their boards (see Box 2 in Chapter
92. This approach to governance is a welcome
one, providing a strong mechanism with which shareholders and
the media can see how well companies are engaging with gender
diversity. As the 30% Club stated, the October 2012 changes will
"provide a further impetus" in this sphere.[170]
Research by the ABI noted that, even before the formal introduction
of the changes, 78 per cent of FTSE 100 companies were providing
material statements on diversity.[171]
Though some witnesses were less positivethe Austrian Federal
Chancellery highlighted issues of compliance and effectiveness
for similar measures there,[172]
and Professor Sylvia Walby noted that the impact of such
measures was "widely regarded as very slow"[173]many
witnesses supported the "comply or explain" regime as
the best way forward.[174]
93. One possible role for the EU, therefore,
is to embed these concepts in parts of the Union that have not
embraced the agenda. Appetite for this course varied. Some called
for any EU involvement to be non-legislative in nature. The 30%
Club thought that the EU could publish a standard template for
disclosure,[175] whilst
the ABI thought that action could be taken via non-binding Recommendations.[176]
Others opposed EU involvement altogether.[177]
For some, though, it was appropriate for the EU to take firm action
to ensure consistent corporate governance across the EU.[178]
94. We see this as a positive area for the EU
to take legislative action, especially given the opportunity provided
by the revision of the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives.
We accept, as some witnesses made clear, that changes here cannot
guarantee progress on their own. Yet we are confident that the
"comply or explain" approach to gender diversity policy,
already applied widely in the EU, could play an important part
in fostering culture change in corporate life. "Comply or
explain" offers, as Spencer Stuart, an executive search firm,
suggested, a "balance between the stick and the carrot".[179]
It allows for self-regulatory efforts to be properly scrutinised,
but does not interfere unnecessarily in the arrangement of governance
structures. Member States, of course, would be free to apply more
stringent penalties for non-compliance.
95. Such a regime could include, as Aviva, the
insurance group, GC100 and NAPF suggested, provisions for companies
to set voluntary targets.[180]
PWC cautioned that setting such targets was a complex undertaking,
citing the fact that only 38 FTSE 100 companies have done so thus
far.[181] We consider
the current regime of voluntary target-setting to be appropriate.
Where such targets are made, however, companies should be required
to update on progress against them. This would build upon voluntary
work done by the European Roundtable of Industrialists, which
publishes an annual declaration of targets and progress by participating
96. Making these changes would put gender diversity
at the heart of holding a company to account, effecting change
along the way. It would also ensure that the media could report
effectively on those performers, both good and bad, who are deserving
of the spotlight.[183]
Sapphire Partners compared these steps to those used to stimulate
cultural change on carbon emissions.[184]
The issue of gender diversity is just as important in value terms
to the EU, and the Commission should be bold in taking action.
97. To do so would send a strong signal to companies
that opening up to rigorous scrutiny is the minimum obligation
expected, as well as minimising compliance costs from Member State
regimes which could otherwise diverge significantly over time.
By using a Directive, it would also respect subsidiarity by offering
Member States freedom as to how to implement its requirements.
In both senses, action here would be more appropriate than quotas
at this juncture and would avoid the perception of a "dictatorial
view from Europe" that the Minister was concerned about.[185]
98. Measures should not extend, though, to limiting
the number of board memberships that can be held, as the European
Women's Lobby argued.[186]
The nature of board membership reflects the conception and commitments
of a board role in the Member State concerned. Those conceptions
differ widely, so a numerical limit would be too crude. We would
prefer the market to make that judgment at a national level, as
it does at present.
99. The Commission should be bold in taking
action to promote gender diversity through changes to corporate
governance rules. Action would demonstrate leadership, foster
EU-wide engagement, and ensure that accountability on improving
gender diversity is at the heart of corporate scrutiny across
the EU. It would also enable companies to understand better what
was expected of them, minimising variation in reporting standards
and compliance costs.
100. We recommend that the "comply or
explain" approach to gender diversity policy, as used in
a number of Member States and bolstered in the United Kingdom
Corporate Governance Code in October 2012, be seen as a good practice
example for reference. The Commission should consider including
an analogous system by amendment into the draft consolidated Directive
on accounting standards currently making its way through the ordinary
legislative procedure. If this is not possible, separate legislation
should be introduced.
101. This should require that each listed
company disclose, in its annual report, the measures that it has
taken on diversity, as well as to report on the balance of its
board, taking into account gender diversity in both instances.
Furthermore, companies should be encouraged to set non-binding
targets for female representation and to report on progress against
these objectives where they have been set. This would establish
a strong governance regime with the means to allow effective scrutiny
by shareholders, the media and policymakers alike, without interfering
unnecessarily in national governance structures.
Shareholder engagement
102. Market change cannot happen without the
active engagement of shareholders.[187]
In July 2010 the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom
recognised this by launching its Stewardship Code, which calls
on institutional investors to monitor investee companies, have
clear guidelines on their activities, and to report on their stewardship
and voting activities. An institutional investor's responsibilities
include detailing its policy towards the explanations given by
companies under the Corporate Governance Code. The 30% Club has
also launched an accompanying set of best practice guidelines.
The Code is a clear and sensible guideline for wider cultural
change in the industry. It is another welcome development in corporate
103. Witnesses were divided, though, as to how
effectively shareholders are engaging with companies. Lord Davies
of Abersoch was most critical: "the stakeholder group that
has been slow on thisas they were on pay, as they were
on the bankshas been the shareholders themselves. They
own these companies. Where were they in the last decade?"[188]
He wanted to see a far stronger role taken in the future.[189]
Sir Michael Rake, Chairman of the BT Group and easyJet, and
Vice-Chairman of Barclays Bank, was also circumspect. He said
that historically there was "very little" demand from
investors for greater diversity but that engagement was increasing
and that "it is beginning to come".[190]
104. Others felt that shareholders were already
working effectively with companies to foster improved gender diversity
policies.[191] The
ABI said that "
the issue of diversity comes up very
quickly in any discussion with a chairman of a board of a quoted
company", a reflection of "significant" engagement
on the issue in the past three to five years.[192]
The most obvious example, he noted, was the adoption of voting
policies relating to gender diversity for directors and nomination
committees.[193] Similar
policies were in place at Co-Op Asset Management and Aviva.[194]
Shareholders did not envisage the sanctions envisaged in those
policies being used routinely, but rather saw them serving as
a backstop to ensure meaningful engagement on the issue.[195]
In the same vein, the ABI pointed to its Board Effectiveness Report,
which highlighted good and bad practice, as well as its inclusion
of board diversity as a metric on its Institutional Voting Information
105. Overall, we see welcome signs of a recognition
of past failures and an intent to institute better practice amongst
shareholders. There is an increasing grasp by shareholders of
the importance of their role, and the establishment of voting
and engagement policies in line with the Code is to be encouraged.
However, whilst we hope that these signs are indicative of a broader
cultural shift, we know that it will take time. We urge shareholders
to match the efforts of the business community following the Davies
106. We would also urge the Commission to examine
the case for developing a Stewardship Code across Europe on a
voluntary basis. As Liz Murrall, Director of Corporate Governance
at the IMA, noted in her evidence, "engagement is not as
easy when it is not on your native shores
A Europe-wide code, based on similar underlying principles to
the one in operation in the United Kingdom, could facilitate engagement
considerably. Those principles of transparency, engagement and
accountability are broad and of common applicability, and we do
not think that cultural factors would limit its role.
107. Though we foresee the capacity of the Stewardship
Code to help in effecting broader cultural change, we suggest
that, given its relative novelty, expansion is an option to be
explored rather than taken forward at this stage. The Commission's
scheduled Communication on EU company law and corporate governance,
due by the end of 2012, offers an ideal opportunity do so in its
Action Plan.[198] We
recommend taking any such expansion forward on the same "comply
or explain" basis as we have recommended elsewhere in the
corporate governance context.
108. More fundamental questions of shareholder
engagement have been prompted by the publication of the Kay Review
of UK Equity Markets and Long-Term Decision Making.[199]
Debate has focused on fostering longer-term shareholdings by investors,
with a greater interest in the companies in which they invest.
Lord Davies of Abersoch referenced this in his evidence.[200]
This is an interesting thread of discussion, but one that is beyond
our remit given the breadth and complexity of the issues concerned.
We would simply encourage the Government to consider whether there
are elements of that work that can feed across to their efforts
to improve gender diversity on boards.
109. A more accountable corporate governance
regime for companies must be allied to a more engaged approach
by shareholders than we see at present. In this respect, we welcome
the establishment of a Stewardship Code in the United Kingdom.
We also welcome the efforts made thus far in the institutional
investor community, such as the establishment of clear voting
policies based upon gender diversity. The Government should foster
these developments alongside their work with the companies themselves.
110. Institutional investors often have portfolios
that extend well beyond a single country, indicating a possible
role for the EU in encouraging best practice. We recommend that
the Commission explores, in its forthcoming Communication on company
law and corporate governance, how to improve the engagement of
shareholders across the EU. Such efforts should be on a voluntary
footing, based on the principles of transparency, engagement and
accountability that also underpin the Stewardship Code in the
United Kingdom. This should be taken forward in conjunction with
the Institutional Investor Committee and other European investor
associations. We urge the Government to support such efforts.
Fair recruitment: executive search
111. Another important element of changing corporate
culture for the better is ensuring that board recruitment policies
are fair for both sexes. In the United Kingdom, executive search
firms play a prominent role in the appointment of board members.
The Davies review thus proposed the establishment of a voluntary
code of conduct: the code, drawn up by search firms representing
80 per cent of the sector in the United Kingdom, was launched
in July 2011 and, as of the time of the Minister's evidence in
October 2012, had 36 signatories.[201]
At its core is the idea that searches should be based on skill
sets and knowledge rather than experience alone. It establishes
seven key principles, ranging from fostering effective succession
planning to developing clear skills criteria for candidates. Most
prominently, it sets out that search firms should ensure at least
30 per cent of candidates on longlists for board appointments
are women, on a "comply or explain" basis.
112. The introduction of the code was cited by
witnesses as one of the key planks of the business world's engagement
with boardroom gender diversity.[202]
Sapphire Partners stressed that take-up had been "strong",[203]
and this positive view was shared by MWM Consulting.[204]
Lord Davies of Abersoch asserted that, in the light of efforts
following his review, the recruitment sector "is not a problem
any more".[205]
In doing so, he highlighted the work being done by firms in terms
of training, mentoring and development.[206]
Dr Karen Jochelson, Director of Employment Policy at the
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), also made reference
to these efforts, as well as to the "self-critical"
engagement of many firms.[207]
Professor Susan Vinnicombe felt that there was "evidence
of much better practice emerging for example, much better
interviewing and better specifications for directorships".[208]
113. Others tempered this enthusiasm. The EHRC
pointed to research it commissioned, published in spring 2012,
which found that the board appointment process remained opaque
and subjective, with a disproportionate focus on the subjective
"fit" of a candidate for a board position.[209]
This view was shared elsewhere.[210]
Mary Honeyball MEP called for "a shift in organisational
culture away from the traditional 'jobs for the boys' mindset
towards a more open and transparent system of appointments".[211]
There were concerns too that searches did not encompass a sufficiently
broad base of candidates. Though supportive of their broad engagement
with the gender diversity agenda, Lord Davies of Abersoch wanted
headhunters to go further; he called for them to be "more
creative in their searching".[212]
He stressed that firms should extend their searches into the not-for-profit,
voluntary and public sectors.[213]
Sir Michael Rake felt that firms did not "fish in a
sufficiently deep gene pool",[214]
which the EHRC felt resulted in search parameters that were "far
too narrow".[215]
114. The establishment of the voluntary search
code is nevertheless an undoubtedly positive development. It begins
the process of increasing transparency in what is often seen as
an opaque world and should be welcomed as a result. Moreover,
the spirit of the rules is right: the process of appointment should
be transparent, fair and based on intrinsic characteristics. Where
companies do not adhere, the best approach at this stage is, as
the code sets out, a "comply or explain" basis. This
allows a strong voluntary response to a novel framework.
115. Efforts are being made to expand the reach
of the code beyond the United Kingdom. The Government highlighted
that the Association of Executive Search Consultants, the global
body for the industry, was "looking to push [the code] out
through its associated organisations in Europe" with their
Will Dawkins, head of United Kingdom board practice at Spencer
Stuart, made the same point and said that the "answer from
the industry would probably be that it is quite a good idea".[217]
MWM Consulting agreed; and, in light of the fact that some search
markets were newer and less "sophisticated" than those
in the United Kingdom, it said that there could be "
even more benefit in enshrining best practices that may be newer
in those markets than they are here".[218]
116. We would welcome this expansion. Both the
Government[219] and
Dr Ruth Sealy[220]
made the point that some countries used search firms less extensively
than the United Kingdom. However, search firms often work internationally,
placing people across borders.[221]
Having clear and co-ordinated criteria for conduct to guide this
work can only support efforts to improve gender diversity on boards
across Europe, entrenching good practice in emerging markets in
the process. The European Commission should place itself at the
forefront of efforts to broaden the coverage of a code for search
firms, working with the Association of Executive Search Consultants
in doing so.
117. In seeking to expand the code's reach, the
opportunity should be taken to strengthen it. A number of the
firms interviewed as part of the EHRC's research into the impact
of the code felt it was too lenient and we agree.[222]
There is scope for a more robust, more detailed code, even on
a voluntary basis. There are two main ways in which to develop
118. First, the definition of "intrinsic"
characteristics could be improved, as recommended by the EHRC.
Spencer Stuart noted that it had its own proprietary system of
five "I's" that are sought in candidatesintellectual
curiosity, inclination to engage, integrity, interpersonal skills
and independent-mindedness.[223]
In a similar vein, the code should define more clearly what constitute
intrinsic characteristics and how they will be taken into account,
rather than leaving them as an abstract concept.
119. Secondly, monitoring of the impact of the
code should be improved, most importantly in terms of the transition
of female candidates from longlists to shortlists.[224]
In recommending this, we stop short of calling for female quotas
for shortlists. This was an idea proposed by Dr Barnali Choudhury,
inspired by work within the National Football League in the United
States to improve the representation of black coaches. It was
opposed by some in the search community: MWM Consulting said that
a shortlist quota would lead to "a woman being added just
to put a tick in the box, which effectively would be a waste of
everyone's time and disrespectful to the female candidates".[225]
It felt that longlist provisions were sufficient and were resulting
in more female candidates on shortlists.[226]
120. Though we are sympathetic to the motivations
of those who seek a quota for women on shortlists, we consider
its introduction premature. We agree that the code should be updated
to ask for more from firms and companies, but share the concern
that a shortlist requirement, even on a "comply or explain"
basis, could undercut work so far because of its perceived proximity
to legislative quotas. However, an improved reporting regime should
be used as the basis for reviewing the case for further action
should existing longlist provisions not lead to progress. This
is where the Government must keep pressure up in particular, to
show that they are serious about this issue.
121. Finally, though this process would be particularly
valuable, we must not ignore the fact that search firms are ultimately
in the service of those who commission them. Lord Davies of Abersoch
and the 30% Club acknowledged, despite being positive overall,
that the engagement levels of Chairmen have been variable.[227]
The EHRC also commented on conservatism in making board appointments,
though it noted that the voluntary code had facilitated dialogue
between search firms and clients on the importance of diversity,
and had improved engagement.[228]
A more robust, more widespread code could accelerate and intensify
this progress, led by a more energised search community. We urge
firmsencouraged by the Government and the EU institutionsto
take on that responsibility in the coming years.
122. Executive search firms play an important
role in the process of board appointments in the United Kingdom,
and markets for their services are emerging elsewhere in the EU.
We welcome the establishment of a voluntary code of conduct in
the United Kingdom. It strives for a greater degree of transparency
and rigour in a process that is too often narrow and opaque, and
sets out key principles of merit-based, open and fair recruitment.
It is right that this is being taken forward on a voluntary basis
at present. Search firms, and the boards who hire them, should
be given the opportunity to demonstrate their engagement with
gender diversity before any formal intervention is considered.
123. We consider, though, that there should
be a more widespread code. To start, the principles of the United
Kingdom code could be implemented on a voluntary basis across
the EU. Any code should encompass firms in emerging markets as
well as United Kingdom firms placing candidates on boards in other
Member States. We support the work of the Association of Executive
Search Consultants in rolling out a code across its partners in
Europe; the Government and the Commission should support this
work as a priority.
124. The Government and the Commission should
also work with the executive search community to seek to strengthen
the provisions of the existing code to ensure that it is a robust
guide to best practice. We recommend that the code be amended
to include a more detailed statement of what constitutes an intrinsic
characteristic, encouraging companies to look beyond the subjective
"fit" of a candidate for a board position. It should
also include a requirement for firms to report on the numbers
and percentages of female candidates making the transition from
longlists to shortlists. If the results of such reporting are
not satisfactory over the course of the next three years, the
Government and the Commission should work with the search community
to amend the code to introduce a requirement for there to be a
specified percentage of female candidates on shortlists, on a
"comply or explain" basis, to ensure that change is
161 Fourth Directive 78/660/EEC of 25 July 1978 based
on Article 54(3)(g) of the Treaty on the annual accounts of certain
types of companies; and Seventh Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June
1983 based on Article 54(3)(g) of the Treaty on consolidated accounts.
Both amended by Directive 2006/46/EC of 14 June 2006 amending
Council Directives 78/660/EEC on the annual accounts of certain
types of companies, 83/349/EEC on consolidated accounts, 86/635/EEC
on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and
other financial institutions and 91/674/EEC on the annual accounts
and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings Back
Council number 16250/11: Proposal for a Directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council on the annual financial statements,
consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain
types of undertakings Back
Spencer Stuart Back
Corporate Governance Code, provision B.2 Back
ibid. Back
ibid. Back
IMA, Brook Graham, PWC, IDDAS, CBI, EHRC, Q162 (Simon Walker,
IoD) Back
As Box 2, found on page 12, also indicates, many countries that
have pursued legislative quotas, such as Austria and France, also
use the "comply or explain" system as an additional
facet of their approach in this area. Back
Q271 (Helena Morrissey) Back
ABI Back
Austrian Federal Chancellery Back
Professor Sylvia Walby. See also TUC Back
IMA, Brook Graham, PWC, IDDAS, GC100 Back
30% Club Back
ABI. See also Aberdeen Asset Management Back
IDDAS, The Mentoring Foundation Back
Aviva, QCA Back
Spencer Stuart Back
GC100, Aviva, NAPF Back
PWC Back
European Roundtable of Industrialists, Declaration of voluntary
targets: Back
NAPF, The Mentoring Foundation, Q188 (Kate Grussing, Sapphire
Partners) Back
Q188 (Kate Grussing) Back
Q296 Back
European Women's Lobby, Q282 (Sonja Lokar, EWL) Back
NAPF, QCA, NEST, CBI, Spencer Stuart, Aberdeen Asset Management,
Aviva, GC100, IMA, 30% Club, Q31 (Caroline Normand, BIS), Q90
(Dr Karen Jochelson, EHRC), Q119 (Joanne Segars, NAPF), Q256 (Helena
Morrissey, 30% Club) Back
Q58 Back
Q77 Back
Q147 Back
CBI, NAPF, Q119 (Liz Murrall, IMA), Q122 (Otto Thoresen, ABI) Back
Q122 (Otto Thoresen) Back
Q135 (ABI). See also NAPF, Aberdeen Asset Management, 30%
Club Back
NEST, Aviva Back
Q135 (Joanne Segars, NAPF; Liz Murrall, IMA; Otto Thoresen, ABI) Back
ABI Back
Q123 Back
European Commission, Feedback statement: Summary of responses
to the public consultation on the future of European company law,
July 2012: Back
The Kay Review of UK Equity Markets and Long-Term Decision
Making, reported to the Department for Business, Innovation
and Skills: Back
Q60 Back
The Code is found at Voluntary Code of Conduct for Executive
Search Firms, MWM Consulting:
The Minister's reference to signatories is at Q299 (Jo Swinson
MP) Back
Q179 (Kate Grussing, Sapphire Partners; Michael Reyner, MWM Consulting;
Will Dawkins, Spencer Stuart). See also IMA, 30% Club, Aviva,
ABI, The Mentoring Foundation Back
Q179 (Kate Grussing) Back
Q179 (Michael Reyner) Back
Q77 Back
Q53. See also Q191 (Michael Reyner, MWM Consulting) Back
Q98, Q100 Back
Q214 Back
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Gender diversity on boards:
the appointment process and the role of executive search firms: Back
Q90 (Scarlet Harris, TUC), Q198 (Dr Ruth Sealy) Back
Mary Honeyball MEP Back
Q74 Back
ibid. See also Q156
(Simon Walker, IoD) Back
Q144. See also Q145 (Neil Carberry, CBI) Back
Q98 (Dr Karen Jochelson) Back
Q28 (Caroline Normand, BIS) Back
Q179 Back
Q183 (Michael Reyner) Back
Q27 (Caroline Normand, BIS) Back
Q214 Back
Q262 (Helena Morrissey, 30% Club) Back
Q98 (Dr Karen Jochelson, EHRC) Back
Q192 (Will Dawkins) Back
Q98 (Dr Karen Jochelson, EHRC) Back
Q181 (Michael Reyner) Back
Q182 (Michael Reyner) Back
Q68 (Lord Davies), Q271 (Helena Morrissey) Back
Q98 and Q101 (Dr Karen Jochelson) Back