171. In this chapter, we turn to
the process by which a prospective Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership would need to be approved on each side of the Atlantic,
and present our witnesses' views on the timetable envisaged for
that process; on how political leaders and the European Commission
should engage with interested parties and the public during the
negotiation and ratification process; and on the political impetus
likely to be required to keep the initiative on track.
Concluding a Trade Agreement
in the EU
172. When negotiations are technically
concluded, finalised texts of the proposed agreement are sent
for so-called "legal scrubbing" by lawyers. The Chief
Negotiators on both sides "initial" the negotiated text
of the proposed agreement when that process is complete. The Council
of Ministers and the European Parliament are then provided with
the initialled text, and the agreement is sent for translation
into all the official languages of the European Union. Legal scrubbing
and translation can take months or even years. Once finalised,
the European Commission presents a draft Council Decision on signing
of the agreement to the Council of Ministers, which authorises
signature. After signature by both sides, the European Parliament
is asked to agree to the conclusion (that is, ratification) of
the agreement. The European Parliament may not amend the agreement,
it can only accept or reject it under the so-called "consent"
procedure, which includes a vote in the Committee for International
Trade, and then a vote in the plenary. Thereafter the Council
authorises conclusion of the agreement.
173. Where a trade agreement contains
provisions that fall under Member State (rather than EU) competence,
individual Member States also have to sign and ratify the agreement
according to their national ratification procedures. It is anticipated
that this is likely to be the case for the TTIP.
Concluding a Trade Agreement
in the US
174. Since 1974, the US Congress
has enacted Trade Promotion Authority (previously known as fast-track
authority) legislation that gives the President guidance on trade
policy priorities and negotiating objectives; establishes requirements
for the Administration to notify and consult with Congress and
other parties during the negotiation of trade agreements; and
defines the terms, conditions and procedures under which the Administration
may enter into trade agreements, including the procedures by which
Congress will consider bills to implement such agreements. Critically,
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) traditionally includes provisions
whereby Congress agrees to consider legislation to implement trade
agreements under a procedure that includes mandatory deadlines,
no amendment, and limited debate.
175. The US President was granted
this authority almost continuously from 1974 to 1994, but it then
lapsed. It was restored in 2002 by the Trade Act of 2002, but
lapsed again for new agreements (as opposed to those already under
negotiation) in 2007.
176. The current US administration
has yet to secure Trade Promotion Authority and this creates a
critical difference with the EU, which in effect awards permanent
"fast-track" authority to the European Commission.[246]
Securing TPA is therefore expected to be the first hurdle for
the US administration on the path to concluding TTIP.
177. Claude Barfield of the American
Enterprise Institute suggested to us that the "pattern"
of TPA is that support in the House of Representatives is key.
Even a Democratic President could count on support from two-thirds
or even three-quarters of House Republicans, but beginning with
NAFTA, a Democratic President could not count on getting a majority
of House Democrats to support TPA. The President would therefore
have to persuade enough Democrats to go along with the Republicans
to make sure that it carried.[247]
Republican Congressman Fred Upton, Chairman of the Energy and
Commerce Committee in the House of Representatives, also judged
that the President had "a real issue in his own party",
and suggested that the President would need to win support from
around 50 House Democrats to offset the 30 or 40 House Republicans
who would not support TPA.[248]
178. Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow,
Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, confirmed that the
question of TPA was controversial, and that there was a split
among Democrats over whether trade agreements should be seen one
by one, rather than Congress granting overall authority. She nonetheless
suggested that the agreement with the EU was probably "the
one that people are most comfortable with."[249]
179. Kent Hughes of the Woodrow
Wilson Center told us that, in his view, the bottom line was that
the President could get TPA, but it would depend on "what
he is willing to offer in response", for example Trade Adjustment
Assistance.[250] He
also warned that the President had other priorities on which he
would need to spend political capital, such as immigration reform
and ongoing problems with the Affordable Healthcare Act.[251]
180. Congressman Upton suggested
that in the November 2014 congressional mid-term elections, the
Senate might well flip (passing from Democrat to Republican control)
and that primaries would start again as early as March 2015, meaning
there would be much-shortened legislative time. He warned that
it was not clear whether TPA could be passed in a lame-duck session
(before a Presidential election) or not, and that TPA was "a
pretty heavy lift" which would not happen without "real
Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, ranking member of the Senate Finance
Committee and one of the sponsors of a TPA bill introduced in
January 2014, emphasised that the Administration needed to ask
the Committee to "get it [TPA] done", but that so far
the President had not really weighed in.[253]
181. Gary Hufbauer of the Peterson
Institute for International Economics and Claude Barfield of the
American Enterprise Institute suggested that, because negotiations
on a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) were more advanced, the battles
in Congress would be fought over TPA and TPP. Gary Hufbauer predicted
that the TPP would "take all the heat", and that so
far as TPA went through, if it went through, TTIP would get "a
free ride".[254]
182. Senator Hatch emphasised that
without TPA, the EU would not take the US seriously in TTIP negotiations.[255]
This point was corroborated in our private discussions, where
the point was also made that the President was biding his time
for reasons of domestic politics, including Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid's warning in January "not to push this right now",
but that there was no doubt that he could deliver TPA once he
decided to go ahead. [256]
183. We canvassed our witnesses'
views on what might be a feasible timetable for reaching political
agreement on the TTIP. Lord Mandelson told us that he would hesitate
to use the word "unimaginable" in respect of the original
ambition of striking a deal in two years, but that it would be
"pushing it".[257]
The UK Government accepted that "the ambition of having it
completed by the end of next year [2014] is probably exactly that:
ambitious." Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, then UK Minister
for Trade and Investment, nonetheless suggested that "if
this turned out to be a deal that was largely identified by some
time in the spring or summer of 2015, I do not think that would
be in any way a failure; on the contrary, it would be a remarkable
184. Kent Hughes of the Woodrow
Wilson Center suggested that 2015 was the limit of what might
be realistic in the US context, because even then one would be
in the middle of a Presidential election, and in 2016 [a Presidential
election year] that would only intensify.[259]
Gary Hufbauer of the Peterson Institute suggested that although
the agreement might be set up under the Obama Administration,
ratification would be an issue for the next US administration,
because President Obama's ability to push things through was in
his view a "rapidly wasting asset."[260]
Claude Barfield of the American Enterprise Institute thought it
would take even longer, suggesting that the timeline for concluding
TTIP would be "sometime after 2017 and before 2020".[261]
185. Lord Brittan warned us that
there were capacity constraints on the US side, as the Office
of the US Trade Representative was "curiously small."[262]
Professor Baldwin predicted that the US would be interested
in TPP first, which would take at least until the end of 2015,
and that until they nailed that down, we would not see the energy
in TTIP. He consequently did not anticipate that it would be done
by the end of this year [2014] and probably not even by the end
of next year [2015]. "On the other hand, who cares?",
he suggested, arguing that "people are discussing the hard
issues and making progress, and a lot of this stuff can be done
without signing a free trade agreement."[263]
186. Other witnesses drew our attention
to the timetable on the EU side. Dr Daniel Hamilton suggested
that the timetable would be "problematic" on the European
side, because there would not be any clarity until November or
December 2014 on the new political configuration in the European
Commission and the European Parliament. The UK Government acknowledged
that a strong nationalistic vote in the European Parliament elections
"would be challenging" but noted that while some parties
might be nationalistic in every sense of the word, others might
be anti-EU but pro-free trade.[264]
Conclusions and Recommendations
187. Without Trade Promotion
Authority (TPA), the United States cannot make serious offers
as part of the TTIP negotiations, lest they should put off the
very people whose support they need to secure TPA. Although important
technical progress can still be made, we anticipate that there
will come a point when negotiations enter a holding pattern, and
contentious issues are deferred until the US administration has
secured TPA. The timetable for the latter is likely to be driven
by the progress of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. The
TTIP initiative is therefore in danger of drifting.
188. The political context in
the US with mid-term elections and in the EU with elections to
the European Parliament and the appointment of a new Commission
can also be expected to limit progress on politically difficult
issues until late in 2014, or early 2015. In 2015, we anticipate
that there will be a relatively narrow window of opportunity to
make progress on the issues that require political capital to
be spent before the US Presidential election cycle takes over
ahead of 2016. Due to the hold-up over TPA, it is not yet clear
that the EU and US will be in a position to seize that opportunity.
Living Agreement
189. We also canvassed our witnesses'
views on what a "living agreement" might mean in practice.
Commissioner De Gucht told us in November 2013 that there was
"a basic understanding that you have a regulatory council
made up of the most important people on both sides of the Atlantic,
with respect to regulations. That would be a kind of steering
committee and would also have a forward-looking view on regulation."
He suggested that it was "more or less agreed" that
this would be provided for, but that he would prefer to go further
and "give that council the possibility that, if something
has to be regulated, they could assign it to a common body, a
common group of regulators, so that from the start we have common
regulations. That is the best way to avoid disparities: to agree
them together."[265]
190. General Electric approved of
the idea of creating "a Council of some sort" including
regulators from both sides of the Atlantic, but suggested it should
also include "central, high authorities, e.g. the Vice-President
of the US and a suitable EU counterpart" who would be charged
with overseeing cooperation into the future and providing sustained
political accountability. They predicted that it would only be
possible to tackle a limited number of sectors as part of the
initial negotiations and that it would therefore be important
to set up a horizontal mechanism of this nature to allow regulators
to engage with each other as new proposals emerged.[266]
191. Corporate Europe Observatory
raised with us two concerns about the institutions and processes
that might be set up to provide for a "living" agreement.
First, that the European Commission was in their view proposing
to set up a "very complicated" system for future legislation
that would open up the policy process much earlier than is currently
the case to US interestsincluding US stakeholders as well
as the US administrationwho would be able to input at a
very early stage and "long before any Parliament in Europe".
They suggested that this would have the practical effect of shifting
policy-making into "the pre-democratic sphere, the pre-public
sphere, to bureaucracies", and to that extent disempower
Parliaments. Second, they were concerned that provisions making
it compulsory to provide information to stakeholders at an early
stage would provide "very early opportunities for industry
to water down, to delay or even to kill legislationproviding
strong consumer protection, for examplethat they dislike."[267]
192. The UK Government contested
this, noting that there were already sectorssuch as telecoms
and the internetthat were in large part regulated at a
global level, and that this did not appear to pose such a big
challenge. They also emphasised that the Americans "cannot
have a seat at the EU table", nor was that envisaged: instead,
the aim might be to encourage regulators to consider the transatlantic
impact of future regulation in their impact assessmentsan
obligation that would be reciprocal.[268]
193. We support the establishment
of a structured arrangement for future dialogue between EU and
US regulators, and consider it a critical part of the long-term
legacy of a TTIP agreement. We see no inherent reason why such
an arrangement need be complex or why taking account of the transatlantic
impact of regulationas one factor among manyshould
disempower democratic institutions.
194. A number of witnesses drew
our attention to their concerns that the TTIP negotiations were
insufficiently transparent. Maria Eleni Koppa MEP told us that
"the fact that we are totally in the dark about what happens
and about the details of the negotiations is not helpful, at least
for those of us who want to be supportive."[269]
Corporate Europe Observatory expressed their concern that the
agreement was being negotiated "in secrecy and under undue
influence from corporate lobby groups".[270]
On the other side of the Atlantic, the AFL-CIO suggested that
transparency around TTIP negotiations was "very low",
and that the idea that it could not be discussed publicly was
"a real red flag". In their view, secrecy was a holdover
from the days when agreements were about tariffs, and "you
didn't want the potato farmers to know that their protectionist
tariffs were being cut until you could show them that the tariffs
on automobiles were going to be cut too. But now that we're talking
about food safety policy and financial services regulation and
all of these additional things, those are the kinds of things
that, in a democracy, need to be discussed in the open, and not
behind closed doors." They questioned what was being done
that was "so horrible that it needs to remain in secret until
you're ready to pull it all out?" [271]
195. Commissioner De Gucht told
us that his response to those calling for the European Commission's
negotiating mandate to be made public was that he could not supply
the mandate because it was not his mandate: the Council of Ministers
had refused to render it public.[272]
The European Commission's Chief Negotiator for the TTIP added
that "you cannot negotiate without maintaining confidence
between the negotiators, which means that normally the negotiating
text and negotiating proposals are in confidence. They are not
public documents." They had nonetheless attempted to respond
to the level of public interest in the negotiation by making as
many documents public as possible, and publishing initial position
papers. Mr Garcia-Bercero went on to point out that every
document that the European Commission had given the United States
in the context of the negotiation was a document that had first
been consulted with the member states. The member states therefore
had "all of those documents", as did selected members
of the European Parliament's INTA committee, the committee responsible
for monitoring trade policy. He acknowledged, however, that the
United States was concerned about access to offers that the US
gave to the Commission, and wary of leaks. [273]
196. The UK Government noted that
there had been "a bit of disagreement" between the US
and the EU about transparency. They suggested that while "clearly
you cannot go into a negotiation with your bottom-line position
being made available for everyone to see", where there was
no need for secrecy there should be none.[274]
Conclusions and Recommendations
197. The European Commission
is in our view going to considerable lengths to improve transparency
around TTIP negotiations. Both Commissioner De Gucht and Chief
Negotiator Ignacio Garcia-Bercero have readily assisted us with
our inquiry. In respect of the confidentiality of the negotiating
mandate, we believe the Commissioner is right to point to the
Council of Ministers: it is the Member Stateswhose decision
it was to keep the negotiating mandate out of the public domainwho
need to defend that decision, which we judge to be correct.
198. The European Commission
cannot be expected to make the case for the TTIP initiative across
28 member states. In our view, EU member states are not bearing
their fair share of responsibility for transparency and communication
around the project. This may be exacerbated by the fact that although
EU trade ministers lead on the initiative, the breadth of the
negotiations means that many other national ministries are involved,
andin our experience of the UKnot necessarily seized
of the importance of promoting TTIP to the public and other interested
199. Our witnesses also put forward
competing messages about what the public should think of the TTIP
project. Corporate Europe Observatory described the TTIP as "a
power grab from corporations on our societies", and highlighted
their impression that the Commission was "negotiating on
behalf of a certain group in society, which is export-oriented
The AFL-CIO also suggested that the strategic purpose of the TTIP
was "to diminish the power of democratic institutions vis-a-vis
the power of large corporations."[276]
200. The companies we heard from
rejected this analysis. General Electric, for example, insisted
that they had "zero expectation that regulators on either
side are somehow going to capitulate their missions and their
authority to serve up all kinds of pro-business weakening of regulation".
They suggested that the business community needed to be clear
on their objectives and be vigilant in pushing back on those who
might try to mischaracterise what was being negotiated.[277]
The Dow Chemical Company told us that they too were trying to
put the message out that the negotiations were "not about
getting rid of anybody's regulatory system. We are a heavily regulated
industry, we expect to be."[278]
201. The UK Government emphasised
the need to "get the message out that TTIP is not about a
big corporate deal. Just because big corporates want it, that
does not mean that it is only for big corporates or is wrong."[279]
They acknowledged that there was a need to make the TTIP initiative
"less dry and more real", which would include finding
"real examples of real things" that might matter to
202. Dr Hamilton suggested
that free-trade member states in the EU had thus far not done
a very good job of engaging publicly on the agreement, and at
the moment were losing the public debate. In his view, governments
on both sides of the Atlantic had not yet been able to boil the
case down to the types of arguments to which people could relate.[281]
He went on to suggest a number of ways in which the TTIP initiative
could be better explained.
203. In Dr Hamilton's view,
the lifeblood of the transatlantic economy was investment, not
trade. US commerce with Asia was trade-driven, while US commerce
across the Atlantic was investment-driventhis simple distinction
made all the difference. He suggested that leaders should be talking
about spurring on investment flows, which would mean more investment,
translating into real jobs. "When you do trade, you send
stuff across the ocean. Investment is going to be in your community."[282]
204. He also suggested there was
a need to explain that "what the US and EU are trying to
do with the TTIP agreement is to keep standards high, and set
a benchmark for global standards, and that if they do not do it
then the result will be to end up with Chinese standards, and
that is the simple choice."[283]
Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow also framed the agreement in
those terms, suggesting that the EU and US shared the problem
of competition from other lower-wage countries and so the TTIP
was about how to raise standards in other countries instead of
lowering their own.[284]
205. Dr Hamilton warned that
talking about transatlantic barriers had led some to think that
the agreement was about and for big companies. It would be important
to counter that by pointing out that part of the reason why small
companies did not engage in trade is because it involved too much
paperwork, and was too complicated. "If those barriers could
be cleared away with two-thirds of the world's richest economies,
then the artisan cheese maker in Wisconsin would have a market
in Europe that he might not want to engage in right now because
it's too complicated."[285]
206. In the end, when it came down
to the US Senate or members of Congress, Dr Hamilton predicted
they would first ask what it would mean for their constituents.
Studies about what the TTIP would mean for states would therefore
be quite important. Senator Cochran made a similar point, noting
that although trade and trade policy was not an issue raised with
him by his constituents, they did recognise that agriculture,
especially cotton and soya beans that are grown in Mississippi,
provide export revenues to the state and that the European Union
was the biggest market for those products.[286]
207. Dr Hamilton predicted
there would also be a lot of other questions unrelated to the
agreement raised, about the US-EU geopolitical relationship in
general, meaning that the geopolitical argument would have to
be in place as well as the economic.[287]
Conclusions and Recommendations
208. We recommend that the UK
Government should formulate a cross-government communications
strategy in respect of the TTIP, involving ministers with sectoral
responsibilities and building on cross-party support for the initiative.
It should not be left to each Department to decide whether and
how to engage with interested parties and the public. Although
the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is best placed
to co-ordinate this task, it should be a shared responsibility
across Departments.
209. Insofar as a public debate
on TTIP exists, EU member states are losing it. In part this is
because they are engaging in it fitfully and invariably on the
back foot. The UK business communitywith notable exceptions,
such as the motor industryhas not been vocal in support
thus far.
210. Proponents have yet to articulate
the purpose or possible gains from TTIP in a compelling way, or
to offer convincing responses to legitimate concerns. In too many
cases, we have had to coax out of our witnesses what TTIP might
deliver for the ordinary citizen. There is indeed a risk that
transatlantic trade is perceived as "sending stuff across
the ocean", and therefore not relevant to an ordinary household
or small business.
211. We recommend that the UK
Government and the European Commission should review their account
of what TTIP is about. We see scope to put more emphasis on investment
and the jobs it may lead toparticularly in the UK which
is a major recipient of US Foreign Direct Investment. We also
see scope to emphasise the likelihood that small and medium-sized
businesses stand to benefit disproportionately, not only from
specific provisions under negotiation, such as protection for
Geographical Indications, but also from any reduction in red tape
associated with transatlantic trade, given that the vast majority
of gains from TTIP are expected to result from reductions in non-tariff
barriers. That case ought in our view to be made directly to small
and medium-sized businesses who might otherwise consider that
the initiative has no direct relevance to them.
212. We recommend also that the
Government should make clear the very considerable costs to the
UK and the EU of potential failure in the TTIP negotiations (drawing
on evidence set out in paragraphs 71 and 72 of our report).
213. We recommend that, as more
detail on potential provisions in each chapter becomes available,
the UK Government should commission work on the potential impact
of a TTIP agreement on specific regions and nations of the UKin
some respects like the 50 States study prepared for US audiencesin
order to identify tangible benefits and risks for specific geographical
constituencies. We believe that this would aid transparency and
help to identify not only where gains may lie but also which concerns
are warranted and need addressing.
Political Engagement
214. In November 2013, Commissioner
De Gucht told us that, in his view, the biggest hurdle for the
TTIP project was political resolve: "What is the biggest
hurdle? You will need a lot of political resolve to do it. I believe
even more in the United States than in Europe."[288]
215. Our witnesses highlighted four
areas in particular that would require political resolve. First,
leaders would need to take on special interests. The EU's Chief
Negotiator for the TTIP, Ignacio Garcia-Bercero, emphasised that
"it is never going to be possible to conclude this negotiation
unless it is done at a rather high level of ambition. It is part
of the political reality of the negotiations."[289]
Lord Brittan suggested that there should be a focus on identifying
those things that would be most attractive for each side, in order
to reach an initial tentative agreement building on those things,
and then use those attractions to assist in overcoming the obstacles.[290]
Professor Baldwin warned us that the precedents were not
necessarily encouraging: "with the Swiss-US free trade agreement
we found that everybody was interested, but it was killed by peanuts,
chocolate and beef." He went on to suggest that there might
be a huge business interest, but there were also "these very
hard special-interest nuts. To overcome them we need Angela Merkel
to say, 'This is a systems competition between the Atlantic economies
and China', and then they will overcome the peanut guys."[291]
216. Political resolve would also
be required to engage regulators on both sides, but particularly
in the USthe stumbling block identified by Lord Brittan.
Mr Garcia-Bercero warned us that "the regulators on
the US side have a strong tradition of independence and strong
constituencies in the Congress. That means that, although most
of themnot allare part of the Executive, it is still
a very tricky issue to get them fully engaged in the exercise."[292]
Gary Hufbauer of the Peterson Institute suggested that, if the
regulatory agenda that the EU has espoused were to be serious,
it "would require trimming the authority of the US independent
regulatory agencies by some oversight as they write their regulations
going forward. This would produce push back from the constituencies
and the regulators themselves."[293]
Professor Evenett told us that "changing the status
quo would require very senior political leaders to signal that
they would be prepared to change the law and in some cases to
change personnel at these key regulators if they were not to co-operate."
He judged that that would be "quite hard to pull off"
and predicted that in spite of "much talk of a need for very
senior political commitment to various aspects of this negotiation
when it comes down to the regulatory side I think you will
see that it is missing."[294]
He suggested that Congress would be "the key player"
as the congressional committees that oversee the regulators would
"determine whether or not cooperation happens."[295]
217. Our witnesses also predicted
that political heavy-lifting would be required in order to bring
the US states on board. Gary Hufbauer pointed out that, in the
US, most services are regulated at the state level, as is procurement,
"so there would be a lot of pushback from the states about
being subjected to or included in a TTIP agreement." He noted
that the USTR formula thus far had been "come along if you
wish", and in recent trade agreements, "none of the
states have wished, so they would have to be forced or some very
strong incentives would have to be provided."[296]
218. Lord Mandelson warned that
political resolve would also be required on this side of the Atlantic
to corral EU member states: "in the case of the EU you are
negotiating with yourselves in a sense almost as much as
you are negotiating with the people opposite you". He predicted
that there would be a need to make sure that, at member state
government and at head of government level, differences or conflicts
were reconciled, creating a clear, united position for the EU
to take.[297] Professor Evenett
predicted that German support in particular would be critical,
"because what is different now from in the past is that the
Germans are very much behind this initiative." He warned
that "if they lose interest in this, I do not think the UK
and Sweden can carry it."[298]
219. Lord Mandelson judged that
the UK Government had "done a great job
in getting
TTIP on the agenda and agreed." But he warned that "it
did not do it by itself; it did it with Berlin and other supporters.
London now has to realise that it cannot deliver TTIP on its own."
He predicted that "a considerable galvanising and sustaining
of effort among the member states as a whole" would be needed,
for which the UK would need allies. Lord Brittan emphasised that
the European Parliament should not be overlooked by regarding
it as "a body that you have to deal with when it is all over",
but should instead be engaged with at an early stage, treating
MEPs as partners in the process.[299]
220. Lord Mandelson also emphasised
the UK's role in engaging with the US, suggesting that the US
administration needed to feel "that they have people on the
European side who understand their point of view."[300]
The UK Government recognised this, noting that "we have a
greater chance as a bilateral influence point than any of the
other member states."[301]
221. Ultimately, however, most of
our witnesses concluded that the fate of the TTIP lay in the hands
of the White House. As Lord Mandelson put it, "If the White
House is really not joined in this thing, if it is really not
using up its political capital and really putting its shoulder
to the wheel in this negotiation, there is absolutely no chance
of it going anywhere beyond the day after tomorrow."[302]
Conclusions and Recommendations
222. The UK Government have a
particular role to play in spurring on other leaders and decision-makers,
on both sides of the Atlantic, if momentum behind the TTIP initiative
is to be sustained. We judge that the Government are according
priority to this in their work in the United States, but that
there is scope for them to do more in Brussels and in national
capitals to develop and sustain coalitions with other EU member
states, in particular Germany and France. This will be vital if
the Government and their allies are to take charge of the public
debate in the EU and help ensure that a new Commission is in a
position to seize the narrow window of opportunity available to
clinch a political agreement in the first half of 2015.
246 Q 105. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., para
92. Back
Ibid., para 68. Back
Ibid., para 114. Back
The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program is a US federal programme
that provides benefits and services to people deemed to have lost
their jobs as a result of foreign trade. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., paras
84-85. Back
Ibid., para 69. Back
Ibid., para 112. Back
Ibid., paras 89 and 92. Back
Ibid., para 112. Back
See, for example, 'Obama and G.O.P. Facing Opposition to Trade
Pacts', New York Times, 30 January 2014, available at Back
Q 24. Back
Q 113. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., para
86. Back
Ibid., para 90. Back
Ibid., para 92. Back
Q 4. Back
Q 199. Back
Q 253. Back
Q 11. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., paras
31-32. Back
Q 239 and Q 243. Back
Q 264. Back
Q 57. Back
Q 237. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., paras
12-13. Back
Q 108. Back
Q 114. Back
Q 265. Back
Q 237, Q 240. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., para
16. Back
Ibid., para 37. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., para
40. Back
Q 265. Back
Q 266. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., paras
87 and 107. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., paras
101 and 106. Back
Ibid., para 101. Back
Ibid., para 116. Back
Ibid., para 106. Back
Ibid., para 66. Back
Ibid., para 109. Back
Q 105. Back
Q 117. Back
Q 6. Back
Q 205. Back
Q 111. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., para
89. Back
Q 10. Back
Q 22. Back
Appendix 4: Evidence taken during visit to Washington, D.C., para
89. Back
QQ 27-28. Back
Q 22. Back
Q 5. Back
Q 29. Back
Q 126. Back
Q 33. Back