The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - European Union Committee Contents


ACEAEuropean Automobile Manufacturers' Association
AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
BISDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills
CEPRCentre for Economic Policy Research
CETAComprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (between the EU and Canada)
CRD IV package Capital Requirements Regulation and the Capital Requirements Directive
Dodd-Frank Act Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010
Doha Round Current round of trade negotiations among the WTO membership
EFSAEuropean Food Safety Authority
EUEuropean Union
FMRDFinancial Markets Regulatory Dialogue
G8Group of Eight leading industrialised countries
G20Group of twenty major economies
GDPGross Domestic Product
GEGeneral Electric
GIGeographical Indications
GMGenetically Modified
GMBUK trade union
GMOGenetically Modified Organisms
GPAGovernment Procurement Agreement
GSPGeneralised Scheme of Preferences
GTRsGlobal Technical Regulations
ILOInternational Labour Organisation
ISDSInvestor-State Dispute Settlement
INTA Committee European Parliament Committee on International Trade
MEPMember of the European Parliament
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NFUNational Farmers' Union
PGIProtected Geographical Indication
QCQueen's Counsel
SAISJohns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies
SMMTSociety of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
Solvency II The capital adequacy regime for the European insurance industry
SPSSanitary and phytosanitary standards
TAFTA Transatlantic Free Trade Area
TPATrade Promotion Authority
TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership
TTIPTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
TUCTrades Union Congress
UKUnited Kingdom
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
USUnited States of America
USDAUS Department of Agriculture
USTRUS Trade Representative
WTOWorld Trade Organisation

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