ACEA | European Automobile Manufacturers' Association
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
BIS | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
CEPR | Centre for Economic Policy Research
CETA | Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (between the EU and Canada)
CRD IV package
| Capital Requirements Regulation and the Capital Requirements Directive
Dodd-Frank Act
| Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010
Doha Round
| Current round of trade negotiations among the WTO membership
EFSA | European Food Safety Authority
EU | European Union
FMRD | Financial Markets Regulatory Dialogue
G8 | Group of Eight leading industrialised countries
G20 | Group of twenty major economies
GDP | Gross Domestic Product
GE | General Electric
GI | Geographical Indications
GM | Genetically Modified
GMB | UK trade union
GMO | Genetically Modified Organisms
GPA | Government Procurement Agreement
GSP | Generalised Scheme of Preferences
GTRs | Global Technical Regulations
ILO | International Labour Organisation
ISDS | Investor-State Dispute Settlement
INTA Committee
| European Parliament Committee on International Trade
MEP | Member of the European Parliament
North American Free Trade Agreement
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NFU | National Farmers' Union
PGI | Protected Geographical Indication
QC | Queen's Counsel
SAIS | Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies
SMMT | Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
Solvency II
| The capital adequacy regime for the European insurance industry
SPS | Sanitary and phytosanitary standards
Transatlantic Free Trade Area
TPA | Trade Promotion Authority
TPP | Trans-Pacific Partnership
TTIP | Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
TUC | Trades Union Congress
UK | United Kingdom
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
US | United States of America
USDA | US Department of Agriculture
USTR | US Trade Representative
WTO | World Trade Organisation