Evidence is published online at http://www.parliament.uk/mental-capacity-act-2005/
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314).
Evidence received by the Committee is listed below
in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical
order. Those witnesses marked with * gave both oral evidence and
written evidence. Those marked with ** gave oral evidence and
did not submit any written evidence. All other witnesses submitted
written evidence only.
NB In order to protect individuals, some witnesses
are referred to by their initials only.
* | QQ 1-24
| Ministry of Justice |
* | | Department of Health
* | QQ 25-44 | The Law Society
* | | Liberty
** | | Professor Richard Jones, Cardiff Law School
** | | Kirsty Keywood, University of Manchester
* | QQ 45-55 | Mental Health Foundation
* | | Sense
* | QQ 56-73 | Dr Pauline Heslop, University of Bristol
** | | Dr Margaret Flynn
* | QQ 74-89 | Down's Syndrome Association
* | | Mencap
** | | National Autistic Society
* | QQ 90-105 | Alzheimer's Society
* | | Headway
* | | Mind |
* | QQ 106-125 | Asist
* | | POhWER
* | | VoiceAbility
* | QQ 126-138 | Carers Trust
* | | Carers UK
* | | National Family Carer Network
* | QQ 139-152 | British Association of Social Workers
* | | The College of Social Work
* | QQ 153-171 | Royal College of General Practitioners
* | | Royal College of Psychiatrists
* | | College of Emergency Medicine
* | | Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
* | | British Medical Association
* | QQ 172-184 | Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
* | | Shropshire County Council
* | QQ 185-196 | Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
* | | British Institute of Human Rights
** | | Paul Gantley
* | QQ 197-209 | Care Quality Commission
* | QQ 210-220 | General Medical Council
* | | Health and Care Professions Council
* | QQ 221-235 | NHS England
** | | Healthwatch England
* | QQ 236-246 | National Care Association
* | QQ 247-259 | Alex Ruck Keene, 39 Essex Street Chambers
* | | Michael Mylonas, Serjeants' Inn Chambers
* | | Alex Rook and Julia Lomas, Irwin Mitchell LLP
* | QQ 260-269 | South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT)
* | | Mark Neary
* | QQ 270-280 | Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts
* | QQ 281-291 | Office of the Public Guardian
* | QQ 292-311 | Mr Justice Charles, Vice-President of the Court of Protection
* | | Senior Judge Denzil Lush, Senior Judge of the Court of Protection
** | | District Judge Margaret Glentworth
** | | District Judge Elizabeth Batten
* | QQ 312-333 | Lord McNally, Minister of State for Justice, Ministry of Justice
* | | Norman Lamb MP, Minister of State for Care and Support, Department of Health
| 3 Counties IMCA Service |
| Dr Julian Abel |
* | Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (QQ 153-171)
| Advanced Decision Evaluation (ADE) in Bipolar Disorder Study Team, Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham
| Advocacy in Action |
| Advocacy Matters IMCA Service
| Advocacy Support Cymru (ASC)
| Age UK |
| Age UK Cheshire Advocacy |
| Age UK Devon |
| Aire Centre |
| Neil Allen |
| Allied Professional Will Writers
| Allied Services Trust |
* | Alzheimer's Society (QQ 90-105)
| Dr Olufunso B. Aribisala
| Andy Armstrong |
| Articulate Advocacy CIC |
| AS |
* | Asist (QQ 106-125) |
* | Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
(QQ 172-184)
| Association of Public Authority Deputies
** | District Judge Elizabeth Batten (QQ 292-311)
| David Beckingham, University of Cumbria
| Kate Beynon PSW/ BIA/ AMHP
| Mr and Mrs Boff
| Professor John Bond |
| Derek Boothby AMHP/ BIA |
| Andrew Bowmer |
| Dr Geraldine Boyle, University of Bradford
| Bracknell Forest Council |
| Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust
| Brighton and Hove City Council
| Bristol Mind IMCA Service
| British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers
* | British Association of Social Workers (QQ 139-152)
* | British Institute of Human Rights (QQ 185-196)
| British Institute of Learning Disabilities
* | British Medical Association (QQ 153-171)
| British Psychological Society
| Browne Jacobson Solicitors LLP
| Joanna Burton |
| Victoria Butler-Cole |
| Cambridge House Advocacy Service
| Cambridge Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Group, University of Cambridge
| Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board
| Rosemary Cantwell |
* | Care Quality Commission (QQ 197-209)
* | Carers Trust (QQ 126-138)
** | Carers UK (QQ 126-138) |
| Professor John Carpenter, University of Bristol
| Dr Nick Cartmell |
| Challenging Behaviour Foundation
* | Mr Justice Charles, Vice-President of the Court of Protection (QQ 292-311)
| Chartered Institute of Linguists Working Group on Language Support in Health and Social Care
* | College of Emergency Medicine (QQ 153-171)
* | College of Social Work (QQ 139-152)
| Compassion in Dying |
| Julie Cornes |
* | Court of Protection (QQ 292-311)
| Simon Cramp |
| DBM |
| DCJ |
| Dementia UK |
* | Department of Health (QQ 1-24, QQ 312-333)
| Derbyshire DoLS Team |
| DGP |
| Dimensions (UK) Ltd |
| Dr Andreas Dimopoulos, Brunel University
| Disabilities Trust |
| Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board
| Dorset Advocacy |
* | Down's Syndrome Association (QQ 74-89)
| Michael du Feu |
| Mr and Mrs E |
| East Sussex County Council
| Peter Edwards |
| EE |
| Charlotte Emmett |
| Empowerment Matters CIC |
| Essex Autonomy Project |
| Executive Committee of the Eating Disorders Section of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (EDSECT)
| Professor Phil Fennell
** | Dr Margaret Flynn (QQ 56-73)
| Forget-Me-Nots |
** | Paul Gantley (QQ 185-196)
| Dr Martin Gee |
* | General Medical Council (QQ 210-220)
| Generate |
| Professor Robert George MA MD FRCP
** | District Judge Margaret Glentworth (QQ 292-311)
| Gloucestershire MCA Governance Group
| Piers Gooding |
| Dr Helen Greener |
| Hampshire County Council |
| Dr Andrew D. Hardie |
| Dr Rosie Harding, University of Birmingham
| Haven Lincoln Crisis House
| Charlotte Haworth Hird |
| Head First |
* | Headway (QQ 90-105) |
* | Health and Care Professions Council (QQ 210-220)
| Health Research Authority
** | Healthwatch England (QQ 221-235)
| John Hemming MP |
* | Dr Pauline Heslop, University of Bristol
| David Hewitt |
| Donna Hewitt |
| Hft |
| Laura Hobey-Hamsher |
| Housing and Social Care Services, London Borough of Camden
| Professor Julian Hughes
| Human Tissue Authority |
| IMCA Service in Rochdale and District Mind
| Institute of Professional Willwritters
* | Irwin Mitchell LLP (QQ 247-259)
| Dr Marcus Jepson, University of Bristol
| JF |
| JM |
| Laura Jolley |
** | Professor Richard Jones, Cardiff Law School (QQ 25-44)
| JT |
| The Judith Trust |
| KA |
| Kent and Medway MCA Local Implementation Network
** | Kirsty Keywood, University of Manchester (QQ 25-44)
| KG |
| Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London
| Professor Celia Kitzinger, University of York
| Professor Jenny Kitzinger, Cardiff University
| Liana Kotze |
* | Norman Lamb MP, Minister of State for Care and Support, Department of Health (QQ 312-333)
| Lancashire County Council DoLS Team
| Joan Langan, University of Bristol
* | The Law Society (QQ 25-44)
| The Law Society of Scotland
| Alix Lewer |
* | Liberty (QQ 25-44) |
| Dr Liz Lloyd, University of Bristol
| Michael Loftus |
** | Julia Lomas, Irwin Mitchell LLP (QQ 247-259)
| London Borough of Bromley
| London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
| London Borough of Newham Adults Social Care
| London MCA/ DoLS Network |
| Dr Stephen J. Louw |
| Aisha Lowry |
* | Senior Judge Denzil Lush, Senior Judge of the Court of Protection (QQ 292-311)
| Luton Borough Council |
* | Nicola Mackintosh (QQ 25-44)
| Mira Makar MA FCA |
| MCA and MCA DoLs' Team of Cambridgeshire County Council
| John McKendrick |
* | Lord McNally, Minister of State for Justice, Ministry of Justice (QQ 312-333)
| Dr Julie McVey, University of Liverpool
| Susie Meehan |
* | Mencap (QQ 74-89) |
| Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC)
| Mental Health Alliance |
* | Mental Health Foundation (QQ 45-55)
| MHA & MCA Law |
| Sophy Miles |
* | Mind (QQ 90-105) |
* | Ministry of Justice (QQ 1-24)
| MM |
| Tussie Myerson |
* | Michael Mylonas QC, Serjeants' Inn Chambers QC (QQ 247-259)
** | National Autistic Society (QQ 74-89)
* | National Care Association (QQ 236-246)
** | National Family Carer Network (QQ 126-138)
| National University of Ireland, Galway
* | Mark Neary (QQ 260-269) |
* | NHS England (QQ 221-235)
| NHS Health Education England
| Niamh (Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health)
| Cher Nicholson, Monash University
| North East London NHS Trust
| North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
| North Yorkshire County Council
| Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
| Nuffield Council on Bioethics
| Mary O'Toole |
* | Office of the Public Guardian (QQ 281-291)
* | Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts (QQ 270-280)
| Faculty of Health and Social Care, Open University
| Sophia Palmer |
| Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
| Dr Demi Patsios, University of Bristol
| PD |
| Professor Elizabeth Peel, University of Worcester
| Pembrokeshire People First
| PJ Care |
* | POhWER (QQ 106-125) |
| Marie Poole |
| David Rees |
| REF |
| Dr Claud Regnard FRCP
| Rehabilitation Education and Community Homes Limited
| Rescare (The Society for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and their Families)
| Steven Richards |
| Professor Louise Robinson
** | Alex Rook, Irwin Mitchell LLP (QQ 247-259)
| Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
| Royal Borough of Greenwich, Best Interests Assessors Forum
* | Royal College of General Practitioners (QQ 153-171)
| Royal College of Nursing |
* | Royal College of Psychiatrists (QQ 153-171)
| Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
* | Alex Ruck Keene, 39 Essex Street Chambers (QQ 247-259)
| Safeguarding Essex |
| Jo Samanta, De Montfort University, Leicester
| Paula Scully |
| SEAP |
* | Sense (QQ 45-55) |
* | Serjeants' Inn Chambers (QQ 247-259)
| Sheffield Safeguarding Adults Board
* | Shropshire Council evidence (QQ 172-184)
| Sam Smith |
* | Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) (QQ 185-196)
| Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
| Solicitors for the Elderly
| Dr Oluwatoyin Sorinmade MSc (Psychiatry) MRCPsych LLM
* | South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) (QQ 260-269)
| South West IMCA Group |
| St Helen's Council |
| St Mary's House |
| Standing Commission of Carers
| Michael Stanley |
| John Stockley |
| Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
| Polly Sweeney |
| Dr Paul Swift |
| Together for Mental Wellbeing
| Richard Tucker |
| Rachel Turner |
| VPM |
| Elizabeth Verdonkschot |
* | VoiceAbility (QQ 106-125)
| Linda Ward, University of Bristol
| Stephen Ward |
| Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
| Adrian Watts |
| West Midlands Regional DoLs Leads Group
| West Sussex County Council
| John White |
| Wigan Family Welfare |
| Professor John Williams, Aberystwyth University
| Dr Val Williams, University of Bristol
| Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust integrated Learning Disability Teams
| Dr Roger Worthington