The House of Lords has established a Select Committee
to consider "the strategic issues for regeneration and sporting
legacy from the Olympic and Paralympic Games."
The Committee will explore the following key issues
in detail and would welcome your views on any of the following
questions. You are not required to address all of the questions
listed here; answers to questions may be submitted separately
and answers may also cut across several different questions. Please
note that questions are not listed here in any particular order
of importance.
A. Sporting Legacy
General public participation
(1) Is it likely that London 2012 will lead to
increased levels of sports participation amongst the general public?
(2) Are some demographic groups (age, disability,
ethnicity, gender) participating more than others? How has the
level of sporting engagement with, or participation by, previously
under-represented groups or those subject to social exclusion
been affected by the Games?
(3) Is any increase in participation likely to
be sustained in the long-term?
(4) Are current initiatives and policies seeking
to increase sporting participation being delivered in an appropriate
and effective way? Can they be improved?
(5) Is the funding allocated to delivering a
sporting legacy being distributed and targeted in a way which
is likely to maximise long-term positive impacts?
(6) How effective are the relationships between
the different organisations involved in delivering a sports participation
legacy? Are those charged with delivering increased sporting participation
working well together?
(7) How do the sports policy objectives and spending
plans from before the 2012 Games compare to those in place following
the hosting of the Games?
Paralympic sports participation
(8) What is the likely long-term legacy of Paralympic
hosting, and Team GB success, on levels of sports participation
by disabled people?
(9) Are appropriate resources and plans in place
to maximize the legacy of London 2012 for Paralympic sport?
(10) To what extent did London 2012 change attitudes
to the Paralympics and to disability sport? What are the long-term
benefits of any such change in attitudes and approach?
(11) Is London 2012 likely to result in increased
sponsorship and media profile for disability sport in the long
(12) Has there been any acceptance that the provision
of spectator accommodation at major sporting venues should be
more accessible for disabled people?
Education and school sport
(13) Is there a legacy from London 2012 for school
sport? What has been the impact of 2012 Games on the School Games
initiative? How will this programme deliver long-term benefits
to school sport?
(14) Will the Youth Sport Strategy encourage
a greater number of young people to take up sport? What arrangements
are in place to implement the strategy and are they appropriate?
(15) Is the current proportionate division of
financial resources between primary and secondary schools for
school sports appropriate or should it be modified?
(16) Which measures have proven most effective
in improving access to sport across the school system in general,
and with regard to high performance sport in particular?
(17) Is the infrastructure to promote competitive
sports between schools adequate?
High Performance Sports: both Olympic and non-Olympic
(18) To what extent will London 2012 help to
improve the long-term level of high performance UK sport?
(19) What were the reasons for the successful
UK performances of Beijing 2008 and London 2012 and how can they
be sustained in the long-term?
(20) How important is financial support in delivering
improved performance? Are the current mechanisms for delivering
financial support appropriate and effective? Are current levels
of support affordable in the long-term?
(21) Did London 2012 result in 'winners and losers'
amongst different UK sports? Are any sports likely to see a negative
impact, at the elite level, from London 2012? Do some of the UK
sports which underperformed at London 2012 need strategic investment?
(22) What lessons have been learned in relation
to Paralympic sporting success, for example in terms of talent
identification and the management of elite teams?
(23) Will there continue to be Team GB association
football teams at future Games?
Sports facilities legacy / future UK hosting
(24) To what extent are the legacy uses anticipated
for the Olympic sports venues sustainable? Will the legacy uses
deliver a positive return on investment?
(25) Are the legacy uses for Olympic sports venues
likely to have an impact (positive or negative) on other London
or UK sports venues?
(26) What is your assessment of the proposed
future use of the Olympic Stadium as the home ground of West Ham
United FC?
(27) Will London 2012 lead to UK success in securing
further international sporting competitions?
B. Regeneration Legacy
Olympic Park Legacy
(28) Are current plans for the ongoing development
of the Olympic Park area likely to deliver a positive regeneration
legacy? Is the potential legacy impact of hosting the Olympics
being fully maximised, or have some opportunities been missed?
(29) How much additional long-term employment
will be generated by the regeneration of the Olympic Park area?
How successful have schemes intended to secure additional employment
opportunities for local residents been?
(30) How is the Olympic Park being marketed to
investors? What efforts are being made to secure further private
investment into development of the site and surrounding area?
(31) Are the new housing neighbourhoods anticipated
for the Olympic Park deliverable in the current financial climate?
What proportion is likely to be accessible and affordable for
local residents? Does the planned housing development represent
the most effective approach to housing delivery on this site?
(32) To what extent is the combination of different
uses anticipated for the Olympic Park sustainable in the long-term?
Will the Olympic Park be a blueprint for sustainable living?
Supporting infrastructure legacy
(33) What is the likely long-term impact of the
major transport investment made in Stratford and the surrounding
area? Are economic development initiatives and legacy plans for
the area making best use of this investment?
(34) Are there (potential) legacy impacts from
other elements of the supporting infrastructure investment made
for the Games? What is the strength of other infrastructure legacies
such as security, telecommunications, public transport co-ordination
or water re-use? Are potential benefits from these, and similar,
investments being maximised?
Host Borough legacy
(35) Is the aim of 'convergence' for the Host
Boroughs appropriate and achievable? Are the necessary mechanisms
and resources in place; and to what extent are key partners working
towards meeting this aim?
(36) Will the Olympic Park and supporting infrastructure
legacies be a sufficient catalyst to achieve convergence for the
Host Boroughs?
(37) Will housing and employment development
on the Olympic Park be fully integrated with the wider surrounding
area? How well does the development planning work of the London
Legacy Development Corporation cohere with that of the Host Boroughs?
(38) What potential impact will development on
the Park have on local people and businesses?
UK legacy outside London
(39) Will the 2012 Games deliver any economic
or regeneration legacy for the rest of the UK, outside London?
(40) Are there likely to be positive impacts
for tourism, outside London, as a result of the Games? Are post-2012
efforts to promote tourism in the UK being delivered effectively
and appropriately?
(41) Will business opportunities or business
investment result from having hosted the games, and will this
be of benefit to the rest of the UK, beyond London?
(42) Do examples already exist of economic benefits,
investments or business successes, outside London, which result,
wholly or partly, from hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games?
Related regeneration issues
(43) What is the legacy of the cultural Olympiad?
How does this relate to economic development, tourism and regeneration?
(44) What has been the legacy of the 'Games Makers'
initiative? Have efforts been made to sustain the interest in
volunteering and, if so, are they proving successful? Could anything
further be done?
C. The International Legacy
Trade and industry
(45) How effectively are UKTI and others utilizing
the success of London 2012 to promote British business overseas?
(46) Has the largely successful delivery of the
games resulted in any recognised changes to the perception of
UK business capabilities or capacity for delivery?
International development and diplomacy
(47) How effectively are partners working to
deliver the International Inspiration programme? Can the initiative
be sustained beyond 2014?
(48) How effective was the public diplomacy work
of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in promoting the UK before
and during the Games?
(49) What is the legacy of the London 2012 United
Nations Olympic truce declaration 'Building a peaceful and better
world through sport and the Olympic ideal'?
(50) How are the specific pledges made at the
Downing Street 'Hunger Summit' going to be met by the 2016 Games
in Rio de Janeiro?
D. Further Strategic Issues
(51) How effective are the governance arrangements
for overall delivery of an Olympic and Paralympic Legacy?
(52) How effective are relationships between
the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Unit, DCMS, the London Legacy
Development Corporation, British Olympic Association, British
Paralympic Association and the Mayor of London?
(53) How are the views and needs of the Host
Boroughs, and of landowners in and around the Olympic Park, incorporated
into the decision making process?
Adaptability, finances and national impacts
(54) How resilient are current legacy plans to
further economic shocks, or to a changing political context? How
have changed economic circumstances since 2008 impacted upon legacy
(55) To what extent should public finances continue
to support the delivery of a legacy? Is further substantial public
investment still required? Where should future financial support
come from?
(56) What are the potential benefits beyond East
London? What is the return on investment for London and the UK
as a whole?
Future Olympic and Paralympic Games
(57) What messages should host cities for future
Olympic and Paralympic Games be taking away from London 2012,
particularly when looking to plan for legacy?
(58) To what extent should planning for, and
legacy outcomes from, the Olympic and Paralympic Games be considered
together? What were the principal factors behind the success of
the 2012 Paralympic Games?
(59) What were the costs and benefits of the
approach adopted to joint organization of the Olympic and Paralympic
Games in London; and what are the implications for the future
organisation of both Games?
(60) Should London 2012 affect the way the International
Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee operate
individually and work together in future?
The deadline for written evidence is 31 July 2013.