Keeping the flame alive: the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy - Select Committee on Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Contents


APSActive People Survey. An annual survey of sports participation amongst over-16s, conducted by Sport England.
BISDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills
BOABritish Olympic Association
BPABritish Paralympic Association
CEOChief Executive Officer
CSPsCounty Sports Partnerships. Networks which bring together governing bodies, local authorities, schools, providers of leisure facilities and other partners at the local level.
DCLGDepartment for Communities and Local Government
DCMSDepartment for Culture, Media and Sport
DfEDepartment for Education
DHDepartment of Health
FCOForeign and Commonwealth Office
FDIForeign Direct Investment. Direct investment into the UK by an individual or company in another country.
GLAGreater London Authority
GLLGet Living London. A partnership between Qatari Diar and Delancey, formed to own and manage the privately rented element of the Athletes Village.
GOEGovernment Olympic Executive. An office, based within DCMS, which was responsible for coordinating public sector activity to deliver the Games.
HS1High Speed One Ltd. The company which manages the High Speed One rail link between St Pancras and the Channel Tunnel.
IOCInternational Olympic Committee
LVRPALee Valley Regional Park Authority. Statutory body responsible for managing the Lee Valley Regional Park, which extends from East London into Essex and Hertfordshire.
LCCILondon Chamber of Commerce and Industry
LLDCLondon Legacy Development Corporation. A Mayoral Development Corporation, created by the Localism Act 2011, to manage and develop the post-Games Olympic Park and surrounding area.
LOCOGLondon Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The organisation responsible for overseeing the planning and delivery of the 2012 Games.
NCVONational Council for Voluntary Organisations. A representative body for the voluntary and community sector in England.
NGBNational Governing Body. A governing body for an individual sport or group of sports.
OfstedOffice for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
ODAOlympic Delivery Authority. Non-departmental body responsible for delivering the venues and supporting infrastructure for the 2012 Games.
SSPsSchool Sports Partnerships. A partnership responsible for the coordination of school sport, often across a number of schools within a local area.
SMEsSmall and Medium-sized Enterprises
SRASport and Recreation Alliance
SRSSupplier Recognition Scheme. A scheme, introduced in January 2013 by DCMS, which allows companies that supplied services to London 2012 to use this experience for marketing purposes.
TPSTaking Part Survey. A DCMS survey of participation in sport and leisure activities.
TASSTalented Athlete Scholarship Scheme. A performance pathway, intended to support the development of talented athletes.
TfLTransport for London
UKTIUK Trade and Investment

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