APS | Active People Survey. An annual survey of sports participation amongst over-16s, conducted by Sport England.
BIS | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
BOA | British Olympic Association
BPA | British Paralympic Association
CEO | Chief Executive Officer
CSPs | County Sports Partnerships. Networks which bring together governing bodies, local authorities, schools, providers of leisure facilities and other partners at the local level.
DCLG | Department for Communities and Local Government
DCMS | Department for Culture, Media and Sport
DfE | Department for Education
DH | Department of Health
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment. Direct investment into the UK by an individual or company in another country.
GLA | Greater London Authority
GLL | Get Living London. A partnership between Qatari Diar and Delancey, formed to own and manage the privately rented element of the Athletes Village.
GOE | Government Olympic Executive. An office, based within DCMS, which was responsible for coordinating public sector activity to deliver the Games.
HS1 | High Speed One Ltd. The company which manages the High Speed One rail link between St Pancras and the Channel Tunnel.
IOC | International Olympic Committee
LVRPA | Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. Statutory body responsible for managing the Lee Valley Regional Park, which extends from East London into Essex and Hertfordshire.
LCCI | London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
LLDC | London Legacy Development Corporation. A Mayoral Development Corporation, created by the Localism Act 2011, to manage and develop the post-Games Olympic Park and surrounding area.
LOCOG | London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The organisation responsible for overseeing the planning and delivery of the 2012 Games.
NCVO | National Council for Voluntary Organisations. A representative body for the voluntary and community sector in England.
NGB | National Governing Body. A governing body for an individual sport or group of sports.
Ofsted | Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
ODA | Olympic Delivery Authority. Non-departmental body responsible for delivering the venues and supporting infrastructure for the 2012 Games.
SSPs | School Sports Partnerships. A partnership responsible for the coordination of school sport, often across a number of schools within a local area.
SMEs | Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SRA | Sport and Recreation Alliance
SRS | Supplier Recognition Scheme. A scheme, introduced in January 2013 by DCMS, which allows companies that supplied services to London 2012 to use this experience for marketing purposes.
TPS | Taking Part Survey. A DCMS survey of participation in sport and leisure activities.
TASS | Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme. A performance pathway, intended to support the development of talented athletes.
TfL | Transport for London
UKTI | UK Trade and Investment