Introduction and Background
141. The use of personal service companies is
often associated with high-skilled, higher paid professions. Much
of the analysis presented elsewhere in this report considers the
use of personal service companies by freelance professionals such
as senior executives, IT software development specialists and
oil industry engineers.
142. Our evidence suggested that the use of personal
service companies was not limited to these relatively well-remunerated
professions. We were told that receptionists, office workers,
credit controllers, healthcare workers, telephonists and cleaners
had been asked to provide their services through personal service
companies.[135] ACCA
stated that HMRC enquiry work had established that there was a
"significant problem" with abuse of corporate forms
in the lowest paid sectors with engagers in the hospitality sector,
for example, looking to establish chamber maids in their own personal
service companies.[136]
HMRC stated that personal service company use extended across
all income ranges and across all sectors.[137]
143. The use of personal service companies across
a diverse range of sectors and income levels can, in some part,
be considered a consequence of the growth of the flexible workforce
in the UK. The FCSA told us that the flexible workforce totals
between 1.5 million and 2 million workers;[138]
the Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates[139]
that 4.37 million people in the UK are self-employed, and that
there are just over 1.6 million temporary workers in the UK.[140]
The flexible workforce extends from low paid, low skilled people
at the one end, to highly paid, highly skilled individuals trying
to run a business on their own account at the other end.[141]
The CBI gave the following explanation for this growing phenomenon:
"As we saw in the debate about zero hours
contracts, which is another form of labour flexibility, part of
that growth is about companies being unable to predict demand.
A second potential structural point is that companies are increasingly
feeling competitive pressure across a large number of sectors.
One of the ways in which companies have looked to allow for that
competitive pressure is to align more closely labour input to
demand, and clearly more flexible forms of employment allow that.
I do not think it is a surprise that we have seen a growth in
flexible forms of employment generally".[142]
144. There has been little analysis of the different
forms of flexible employment. Whilst we received evidence that
some lower paid individuals are engaged through personal service
companies, we were told that the number of such people engaged
through limited companies had fallen since the implementation
of the managed service companies (MSC) legislation in the Finance
Act 2007.[143]
145. Martin Hesketh of the FCSA told us that
the managed service companies legislation had changed the working
structures of "tens of thousands" of people, by ensuring
that those working through limited companies have to take on directly
the responsibilities of ownership, directorship and management.
The net result of this had been to push low paid individualswho
did not want or were not able to manage these responsibilitiesout
of the limited company arena.[144]
The ICAEW and Contractor Calculator echoed this view.[145]
146. Lower paid people are, of course, prominent
amongst the flexible workforce. Umbrella companies figured significantly
in the evidence that we heard. They provide a vehicle through
which members of the flexible workforce can offer their services
without having to incorporate individually. The umbrella manages
invoicing, payroll and contract matters, and pays the worker via
PAYE. The individual is employed by the umbrella, rather than
the end-client. Individuals are given an over-arching contract
of employment, which allows them to work in different positions,
with different end-clients.
147. Frances Corrie, of TaxAid, a charity that
helps people on low incomes with their tax affairs, told us that
she dealt with significant numbers of lower paid individuals who
were engaged through umbrella companies. Example occupations included
security guards, couriers, drivers, cleaners and chefs.[146]
148. Agencies also figured prominently here;
we heard that agencies provided workers through a variety of engagement
methods, including personal service companies. Often, agencies
worked alongside umbrella companies to deliver flexible workers,
with the agency liaising with and sourcing end-clients and the
umbrella paying wages, PAYE and managing invoices. The Institute
of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) told us that there
was "widespread referral of low paid workers to umbrella
companies by agencies".[147]
149. The evidence we received identified issues
surrounding the circumstances in which lower paid individuals
are engagedwhether through personal service companies,
umbrellas or by agencies. The remainder of this Chapter considers
the extent of these complex problems.
Issues for the lower paid
150. It is clear to us that where lower skilled
workers within the flexible workforce are employed through the
use of corporate forms, including both personal service companies
and umbrella companies, they generally have lower entitlements
compared with those in permanent employment.
151. The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG)
suggested that the scope for potential exploitation was considerable,
noting that many migrant workers, who are often unclear about
their rights and responsibilities, find themselves providing their
labour through corporate forms.[148]
This work was often delivered through umbrella companies, working
with agencies, although the LITRG had also seen personal service
company use promoted on the internet, with some advertising of
personal service company use "clearly aimed at migrant workers",
offering to provide a UK registration address and mail forwarding
152. The National Association of Schoolmasters
Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) told us that the overwhelming
majority of supply teachers deliver their work through agencies
and umbrella companies. They were clear in their view that the
main beneficiaries from these arrangements were the agencies and
umbrellas themselves, rather than the individuals engaged through
them, concluding that "we feel there are groups of workers
here that are being quite seriously exploited".[150]
153. The issues at play differ slightly, depending
upon which intermediary vehicle is used. For any low-paid individuals
using a personal service company, the drawbacks would be much
the same as they would for a professional contractor; lack of
holiday pay, sick pay, paid training and the absence of various
rights and protections such as maternity leave and working time
protections. It is unlikely that these individuals would benefit
from workplace pension provision. Whilst these are features of
a non-permanent workforce, there would be an issue of exploitation
if the individual in question was unaware of these consequences
and had been pushed into the personal service company arrangement
without any proper alternative being made available.
154. Individuals engaged through an umbrella
company would benefit from many of the statutory rights and entitlements
mentioned above, as they would have a contract of employment with
the umbrella. These rights and entitlements would be more than
those available if a personal service company were used but would
typically be less than those available in a conventional employment
relationship. They would, however, be exposed to a slightly different
set of issues. One such problem is the potential over-inflation
of tax deductible travel expenses, which might be encouraged by
the umbrella and for which the individual might be liable if subjected
to a HMRC investigation. This is discussed in more detail in paragraph 174
155. Other issues cited included the charging
of fees for the work of the umbrella company, which were debited
from the salary of the individual,[151]
gaps in National Insurance contribution records[152]
and employers' National Insurance contributions being deducted
from gross amounts available to pay salaries.[153]
The documentation associated with engagements through umbrellas
and agencies did not always clearly set out gross pay rates, contributions
and fees, inhibiting awareness of these potential issues.[154]
156. The ICAEW told us that, whilst higher paid
individuals may choose to deliver their services through a corporate
form, there were many more lower paid individuals who had little
choice over the matter and who were compelled to operate through
a personal service company or an umbrella.[155]
HMRC acknowledged this, stating: "We are seeing a number
of cases where personal service companies are being used at low
income levels and, indeed, that people are beingfor want
of a better termpushed into these service companies".[156]
It is important to note that we saw limited evidence of this push
coming from the end-clients themselves; instead, it appeared that
any pressure to work in this way came mainly from employment agencies
through which the individuals sought work.[157]
157. We were told that some individuals were
being forced into delivering their labour through vehicles which
they didn't fully understand, with the reality of the situation
only becoming apparent when the worker seeks to access benefits
or exercise rights.[158]
John Whiting told us that "the unadvised, or the person who
is forced into a personal service company or umbrella route, is
another matter. They may be hazily aware of something lurking
but may not appreciate the full impact".[159]
158. These individuals can sometimes become confused
when it comes to determining by whom they are actually employed.
Neil Carberry, of the CBI, told us that there were issues in parts
of the labour market with employees and workers not understanding
the status on which they had been engaged.[160]
Frances Corrie explained that: "The confusion increases because
often, particularly at the perhaps less educated end of the labour
market that we see, if you ask people who they are working for
they would name their end user. That is where they work".[161]
159. The LITRG told us that the documentation
and payslips associated with flexible employment structures for
lower paid individuals were often complex, compounding the issues
caused by a general lack of information and clarity.[162]
160. We believe that these issues are a cause
for concern. It is apparent that some individuals are engaged
in or through corporate forms which they don't fully understand
and that, in some cases, to engage in this way may not entirely
have been the choice of the individual concerned. This lack of
awareness gives rise to the opportunity for potential exploitation
by end-clients and the operators of umbrella companies and other
intermediaries. In addition, it is possible that the individuals
concerned are unaware of their potential exposure to issues relating
to statutory entitlements, pensions and employment rights; for
many, the distinction between employment and engagement is unclear.
The fact that employment law does not always directly equate to
tax law makes the situation still more complex to the uninitiated.
161. Solutions to these complex issues are not
immediately obvious. The LITRG told us that a small number of
well targeted investigations into the purveyors of schemes would
make a difference.[163]
It was also suggested to us that understandable, concise, information
about the differences between employment and self-employment should
be made available to all individuals working in industries where
intermediary vehicles were prevalent.[164]
162. The production of such information would
not be without difficulty, given the complex nature of the subject
matter and the reliance on case-law for drawing distinctions between
employment statuses. The IoD raised the issue of complexity noting
that, whilst engagers could have a responsibility for ensuring
that any such guidance was passed on to individuals, the onus
should be on HMRC to determine what the guidance should contain.[165]
163. We are concerned that, in some sectors,
individuals who are providing their services through personal
service companies or, more often, umbrella companies and agencies,
have a limited awareness of how they have been engaged to provide
their work and who it is that has engaged them. This may mean
that the individuals are not aware that they have foregone at
least some levels of employment protection and benefits to which
they would be entitled if they were in conventional employment.
We recognise the complexity of the subject matter, and of the
case law underpinning some of the distinctions made, but believe
that it ought to be possible to present these issues in a concise
and understandable manner.
164. We recommend that the Government should
develop and publish a short guide setting out the basic differences
between employment and self-employment. The guidance should be
published across multiple platforms, including both digital and
paper, and should be made available to individuals working in
all industries where intermediaries are prevalent. (Recommendation 11)
165. A major issue hindering any attempt to propose
solutions to the issues raised in this Chapter is the lack of
clear robust information and analysis about the scale of the problem.
Estimates for the flexible workforce in general are available
(see paragraph 143) but, as detailed previously, this is
not a homogenous group and will include individuals at the higher
end of the income spectrum, as well as those who are lower paid.
166. Major employers from whom we heard had little
detailed knowledge about the circumstances of flexible workers
at the lower end of the income scale. Almost all used agencies
to secure such labour, but were usually unclear about the methods
of engagement used between the agencies and the workers they provided.[166]
167. HMRC admitted that they were unclear on
the true extent of low paid individuals who might be engaged specifically
through personal service companies, stating that they "do
not have enough information on the numbers of people at the lower
salary level to come to a view as to our best strategy".[167]
HMRC acknowledged that there may be circumstances in which lower
paid individuals, engaging through personal service companies,
did not understand the implications for statutory entitlements
and, also, where the liabilities for tax and National Insurance
might fall.[168]
168. We asked HMRC what more they could be doing
to tackle any exploitation of lower paid individuals engaging
through personal service companies. They took the view that, in
some of these cases, the engagements might actually be through
managed service companies, rather than personal service companies
and, if that were the case, the managed service companies legislation
should apply. For those affected who were engaged through personal
service companies, HMRC suggested that they needed to develop
a communication strategy that raised awareness of the issues involved.
These approaches came, however, with a caveat that more information
was required before HMRC could determine the best route forward.
169. We believe that the Low Pay Commission (LPC)
could have a role to play here. The LPC is an independent, statutory,
Non-Departmental Public Body set up under the National Minimum
Wage Act 1998 to advise the Government on the national minimum
wage and related matters. The Commission's stated goal is to recommend
"levels of the various minimum wages which help as many low-paid
workers as possible without any significant adverse impact on
employment or the economy".[170]
170. The Commission produces an annual report,
the principal purpose of which is to make recommendations about
future minimum wage levels. This report takes its lead from an
annual remit for the Commission, issued by the Secretary of State
for Business, Innovation and Skills. The remit can request the
Commission to include, in its report, advice on particular areas
of concern or interest.
171. We believe the developing use of corporate
intermediaries to engage lower paid individuals in work is worthy
of examination by the LPC. The Commission has the capacity and
wider expertise to produce more detailed analysis of the effects
of the use of personal service companies, umbrella companies and
agencies on the circumstances of lower paid workers. This analysis
would help to inform HMRC's approach, which currently suffers
from a lack of detailed knowledge. Furthermore, the issues around
exploitation and lack of understanding around employment rights
that we have discussed in this Chapter are likely to have contextual
relevance for consideration of the national minimum wage.
172. We recommend that the Government includes
within the remit of the Low Pay Commission a consideration of
the use of personal service companies and umbrella companies by
lower-paid workers, and the implications for pay, employment rights
and statutory entitlements. (Recommendation 12)
Expenses and enforcement
173. We were told that umbrella companies play
a vital role in the supply chain for flexible labour[171]
and that, operated correctly, they provide an efficient form of
tax collection from this element of the workforce.[172]
174. We also heard, however, a significant amount
of evidence concerning the way in which umbrella companies managed
the expenses of those engaged through them. If an individual working
for an umbrella company is engaged on an over-arching contract
of employment they are able to claim tax deductible travel expenses
covering journeys from home to work. Umbrella companies are able
to apply for and operate an expenses dispensation, which allows
them to omit relevant expenses from their annual benefit in kind
(P11D) returns to HMRC.
175. The LITRG suggested that individuals are
often encouraged into the use of umbrella companies by the promise
of greater levels of take home pay. They contend that these levels
are, in fact, generated by understating taxable pay and overstating
tax deductible expenses. Any understatement of pay could lead
to a reduction in the value of National Insurance contributions,
to the potential detriment of an individual's long term pension
176. A number of respondents to our call for
evidence raised issues with the manner in which umbrella companies
managed expenses dispensations. These included Professional Passport,
Sue Christensen (a Partner at Sue Owen Accountants), the AAT and
the CIPP, ICAEW, the PCG and the LITRG. The NASUWT told us that
they were aware of these issues.[173]
177. HMRC acknowledged that abuse of expenses
dispensations by umbrella companies was taking place. They stated
that the taxing obligation in these cases would rest with the
umbrella company and that, as such, HMRC would seek any tax or
National Insurance from the umbrella, rather than the individual
worker.[174] Provisions
exist, where appropriate, for recovering money personally from
the officers of a company, or for transferring liabilities for
National Insurance owed to a director of the company concerned.
178. This approach is not reflected in some of
the wider evidence that we heard. The LITRG suggested that any
investigation into expense abuses by HMRC is likely to result
in penalties or problems for the worker, rather than the umbrella
company.[175] Professional
Passport suggested that when umbrella companies had, in the past,
been found to be non-compliant, there had been "numerous
examples where the umbrella shuts its doors and walks away leaving
HMRC holding all the losses". They also stated that they
were not aware of any action taken against directors personally
to recover any of these losses.[176]
179. The NASUWT had little faith in HMRC's description
of their approach, stating:
"We have had some quite astonishing advice
from HMRC
where HMRC said that if that were done it would
not be the responsibility of the individual, it would be the responsibility
of the umbrella company. I cannot see a circumstance in which
somebody who is claiming expenses they have not had does not have
some personal liability for this".[177]
180. It is widely acknowledged that some umbrella
companies are abusing the expenses dispensations that HMRC allow
them to operate. HMRC are aware of this issue and have set out
clearly their approach to tackling it, although it is apparent
that some confusion as to where liability for any under-payment
of tax or National Insurance lies continues to exist. It is possible
that this liability might vary, according to the circumstances
of individual cases. Notwithstanding this, HMRC must act to ensure
that these abuses are uncovered, addressed and deterred through
181. As it is clear from the evidence that
abuse of the expenses dispensations operated by umbrella companies
is taking place, we recommend that Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
ensure that enforcement action is taken to end these abuses and
to ensure that expenses dispensations are managed correctly. (Recommendation 13)
182. We also recommend that Her Majesty's
Revenue and Customs should review its processes for granting and
renewing expenses dispensations, in order to ensure that potentially
high risk organisations are granted dispensations only when appropriate.
(Recommendation 14)
183. The operation of a personal service company
allows for expenses to be set against taxable income. This could,
potentially, be another source of abuse. We asked HMRC about this
issue, and were told that there was no evidence of widespread
abuse of expenses rules by personal service companies.[178]
We received no substantial evidence that challenged this position.
135 Angela Williams, written evidence and Frances Corrie
(Q82). Back
Q 123 Back
Q 48 Back
Figures for October to December 2013 (published in February 2014).
See: Back
Ibid. Back
Q 94 Back
See Chapter two for more detail on the managed service companies
legislation. Back
Q 48 Back
ICAEW and ContractorCalculator Back
Q 82 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 82 and NASUWT Back
Cited by LITRG, AAT, CIPP and Sue Christensen, all in written
evidence. Back
Q 84 Back
Q 123 Back
This is in part due to the Agency Regulations, discussed in Chapter
two of this report. Back
Angela Williams Back
John Whiting Back
Q 96 Back
Q 83 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 96 Back
Amey plc, LGA, NHS Trust Development Authority, GSK and Crossrail. Back
Q 123 Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. Back
LPC Business Plan, 2013-14. Back
G4S plc Back
Professional Passport Back
Q 85 Back
Q125 Back
Professional Passport Back
Q 85 Back
Q 125 Back