Adjudication | A procedure for resolving disputes without resorting to lengthy and expensive court procedure
Arbitration | A procedure that requires a neutral third party to hear a dispute between parties
ICO | Information Commissioner's Office
IMPRESS | Independent Monitor for the Press
IPSO | Independent Press Standards Organisationa body for the self-regulation of the press.
Ofcom | Office of Communications
Ombudsman | Appointed to investigate complaints against maladministration by a particular category of organization or in a particular area of public life, such as local authorities, hospitals, or pensions. A person who handles complaints, a mediator; a spokesperson for the rights of a particular individual or group.
Operation Elveden | Investigation into allegations of inappropriate payments to police
Operation Weeting | Police investigation into allegations of phone hacking
PCC | Press Complaints Commissionclosed in September 2014
PNC | Police National Computer
PressBof | Press Board of Finance
Press Recognition Panel | The Press Recognition Panel came into existence on 3 November 2014. The Royal Charter provided that its function was to carry out activities relating to the recognition of press regulators.
RFC | Regulatory Funding Company
Royal Charter | The Royal Charter on self-regulation of the press is a UK Royal Charter approved in 2013.
Watchdog | A group or organisation which monitors (and often regulates) the practices of companies, agencies, etc., operating in the specified field.
Whistle-blowing hotline | The Leveson Report recommended the setting up of a confidential whistle-blowing hotline for journalists who feel they are being asked to do things which are contrary to the Code.