Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Aviation and RPAS
RPAS (small and large), drones, and UAVs
Commercial, hobbyist and leisure use
Civilian Applications for RPAS
Table 1: Breakdown of RPAS use in the UK
Growth in the civilian RPAS industry
Current RPAS Regulations
Principles of aviation regulation
RPAS Regulation at the International level
Table 2: Aviation Regulators
RPAS Regulation at the EU level
RPAS Regulation at the UK level
Box 1: RPAS and the Air Navigation Order
The Commission's Communication
Chapter 3: Reviewing the Regulatory Framework
Extending EASA's competence
Figure 1: RPAS Regulators
Coherent Safety Regulations
Internal Market for RPAS
The role of the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking
on Unmanned Systems (JARUS)
Other non-EU regulatory frameworks
Chapter 4: Proportionate Safety Regulations
for RPAS
Safety equivalence between manned aircraft
and RPAS
Reconciling regulations for large and small
Pilot training and licensing for small RPAS
Chapter 5: Enabling technologies
Box 2: Single European Sky Air Traffic Management
Research Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU)
Developing new technologies and regulatory
The technologies needed
Detect and avoid
Air traffic management
Command and control (C2) link
Issues with SESAR JU
Access to R&D funding for RPAS
Chapter 6: Data protection and privacy
The Data Protection Directive and commercial
RPAS use
Privacy Impact Assessments
Personal RPAS use and privacy
State and journalistic use of RPAS
Chapter 7: Third party liability
Exemption for model aircraft users
Cost of third party liability insurance
Compliance with EU insurance requirements
Minimum liability limit under EU Regulation
Chapter 8: Leisure users and public consultation
Concerns regarding leisure use
Figure 2: Leisure and commercial small RPAS
use in the UK
Solutions in the short term
Raising awareness
Product Information
Public consultation
Solutions in the long term
Improving enforcement
Registering RPAS owners
Regulating for the future
Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and Declaration
of Interests
Appendix 2: List of Witnesses
Appendix 3: Call for Evidence
Appendix 4: Site Visit
Appendix 5: Glossary
Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7129 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.