Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Alcohol abuse: the factual background
Box 1: UK measures of alcohol
European alcohol consumption
Figure 1: Litres of pure alcohol consumed
per person aged 15+ per year (recorded and unrecorded), time series
of 7 years
United Kingdom expenditure and revenue
Differences in consumption levels and patterns
Differences between men, women and children
Differences within the United Kingdom
Alcohol-related harm
Harm to the drinker
Box 2: Impact of Alcohol on Health
Box 3: Alcohol attributable and alcohol-specific
deaths in the UK, 2001-11
Box 4: Alcohol-related deaths in the UK,
Harm to others
Drink driving
Domestic violence
Other criminal offences
The effect of alcohol consumption on the
wider economy
Medical and social effects of moderate alcohol
Chapter 3: The EU Alcohol Strategy 2006-12
Box 5: Priorities of the EU Alcohol Strategy
Impact on the United Kingdom
Key achievements and shortcomings
EU action on alcohol-related harm since 2012
Box 6: Objectives of the Action Plan on Youth
and Heavy Episodic Drinking
The current status of the 2006-12 Strategy
Chapter 4: The case for continued EU action
Added value to national action on alcohol-related
Added value to international action on alcohol-related
Box 7: Ten action areas of the WHO European
Plan 2012-20
Future work at EU level
Chapter 5: Possible policy approaches
Targeted or overall population measures
Chapter 6: Pricing
Rates of excise duties
The Structure of Taxation
Box 8: Structure of EU taxation of alcoholic
Minimum Unit Pricing
The MUP debate
The position in Scotland
The position in England and Wales
The lack of evidence
The legality of MUP under EU law
Chapter 7: Marketing
Advertising regulation
The effects of advertising
Our conclusions
Alcohol advertising and sport
Box 9: The Loi Evin
EU Action
Box 10: AVMS Directive, Article 22
The Responsibility Deal
Box 11: Responsibility Deal annual update
of Miller Brands UK, April 2014
EU Legislation
Chapter 8: Bodies to support action at EU
The Committee on National Alcohol Policy
and Action (CNAPA)
The European Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF)
Industry involvement
Suggestions for improvement
The Science Group
The relationship between supporting bodies
The EAHF and the Science Group
CNAPA and the EAHF
CNAPA and the Commission
Chapter 9: Research
Research Commissioned by the EU
The perceived quality of research
Independence of researchers
Where research is needed
Behavioural change
The impact of advertising on consumption
by children and young people
Harm to others, and alcohol-related crime
Standardised terminology and measurement
Role of the Science Group
Chapter 10: A new EU Alcohol Strategy?
List of Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and Declarations
of Interest
Appendix 2: List of Witnesses
Appendix 3: Call for evidence
Appendix 4: EU Competence
Appendix 5: Acronyms and abbreviations
Evidence is published online at and
available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7129
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.