European Union Committee - Eighth Report
A new EU Alcohol Strategy?

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 24 February 2015.


Terms of Reference


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Alcohol abuse: the factual background

Chapter 3: The EU Alcohol Strategy 2006-12

Chapter 4: The case for continued EU action

Chapter 5: Possible policy approaches

Chapter 6: Pricing

Chapter 7: Marketing

Chapter 8: Bodies to support action at EU level

Chapter 9: Research

Chapter 10: A new EU Alcohol Strategy?

List of Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix 1: List of Members and Declarations of Interest

Appendix 2: List of Witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for evidence

Appendix 4: EU Competence

Appendix 5: Acronyms and abbreviations

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7129 3074).

Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.

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