Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Committee
Chapter 2: The Background to the Equality Act 2010
Statistics and demographic changes: the scale of the problem
Table 1: Number of disabled people in Great Britain (millions)
Figure 1: Number of disabled people in Great Britain (millions)
Figure 2: Male disability-free life expectancy at birth, 2005–07 and 2008–10
Figure 3: Female disability-free life expectancy at birth, 2005–07 and 2008–10
Figure 4: Disability-free life expectancy at birth for men in England by region, 2009–11 and 2012–14
Table 2: Life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy at age 65
Figure 8: Life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy at age 65, 2000–2011
Development of the substantive law
Disability: the poor relation?
The medical and social models of disability
Part 1: Socio-Economic Inequalities
Section 14: Combined discrimination: dual characteristics
Section 36(1)(d): Reasonable adjustments for common parts of premises
Part 12, Chapter 1: Transport of disabled persons by taxi
The Equalities Red Tape Challenge
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Incorporation of the Convention into UK law
European Union Law: the draft Directive on Accessibility
Chapter 3: Oversight and Advice
Box 2: Main government departments responsible for disability issues
Who is ‘policing’ the Act in Government?
Developing effective cross government policy and strategy
The Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Disability Rights Commission
Role, duties and powers of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Box 3: Powers of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Equality Advisory and Support Service
Box 4: The Disability Rights Commission helpline in action
Chapter 4: Communication and Language
Accessible communications and information
The need for communication in BSL
Promoting awareness and understanding of the Equality Act, rights and remedies
Regaining the independent living narrative
Public awareness and education
Chapter 5: Reasonable Adjustment
Box 5: The Reasonable Adjustment Duty
Awareness and understanding of the duty to make reasonable adjustments
Awareness of the anticipatory duty
Understanding the ‘reasonable adjustment’ concept
Clarity versus flexibility and the cost factor
The position of carers under the Equality Act
Protection under the Equality Act 2010
The duty to make reasonable adjustments
Carers and indirect discrimination
The rights of carers outside the Equality Act
Flexible working in employment
Box 7: What is the right to request flexible working?
Existing rights to support: the Care Act
Box 8: Travel by train for a wheelchair user
Trains: infrastructure and accessibility
Training for bus and train staff
The failure to commence section 165
Chapter 8: The Public Sector Equality Duty
Box 10: Due regard in the case law
Box 11: The English Specific Duties
Box 12: What is cumulative impact assessment?
Is cumulative impact assessment possible?
Box 13: Feasibility of cumulative impact assessment
Chapter 9: Enforcement through the judicial process
Figure 9: Disability discrimination claims received by employment tribunals
Qualified one-way costs shifting (QOCS)
Box 14: The statutory questionnaire procedure
Tribunals’ powers to make wider recommendations
Box 15: Draft EU Accessibility Directive, Article 25
The fact or degree of disability
Chapter 10: Other remedies for discrimination
The Powers of Local Authorities
Box 16: Licensing Act 2003, section 4
Enforcement of the taxi provisions by licensing authorities
Box 17: Building Regulations, Approved Document M, 2013
Chapter 11: Disabled children and children with special
educational needs
Accessing rights under the Equality Act: Definition of disability
Box 18: Example changes that a school can make to support
positive behaviour in the classroom
Proactive inspection and enforcement: the role of Ofsted
Chapter 12: Participation in politics
Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and Declarations of Interest
Appendix 4: Note of visit to Real
Appendix 5: Recommendations requiring legislative changes
Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7129 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.