Baroness Brinton
Baroness Browning
Baroness Campbell of Surbiton
Baroness Deech (Chairman)
Lord Faulkner of Worcester
Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland (from 9 July 2015)
Lord Harrison
Baroness Jenkin of Kennington
Lord McColl of Dulwich
Lord Northbrook
Baroness Pitkeathley
Baroness Thomas of Winchester
Baroness Wilkins (resigned 9 July 2015)
Baroness Brinton
In receipt of adaptations and tools for everyday living from Hertfordshire County Council
Blue Badge holder
Baroness Browning
Vice President, National Autistic Society
Patron, Research Autism
Patron, Action on Elder Abuse
Vice President, Alzheimer’s Society
Patron, Autism Diagnostic Research Centre
Friend of the Royal College of Social Workers
Former Government Co-chair, Women’s National Commission
Former Chairman, Women into Business
Has relatives with disabilities
Baroness Campbell of Surbiton
Patron, Just Fair
Patron, National Disability Archive
Founder and Member, Not Dead Yet UK
Recipient of a Social Care Personal budget, Disability Living Allowance and Access to Work
Disability rights commissioner throughout the life of the Disability Rights Commission
Commissioner of Equality and Human Rights Commission for three years
Baroness Deech (Chairman)
No relevant interests declared
Lord Faulkner of Worcester
President, Heritage Railway Association
Chair, Great Western Railway Advisory Board
Member, Board of Trustees of the National Football Museum
Deputy Chair, Board of Trustees of Science Museum Group
Vice President, The National League
Vice President, Level Playing Field (formerly National Association for Disabled Supporters)
Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
No relevant interests declared
Lord Harrison
No relevant interests declared
Baroness Jenkin of Kennington
No relevant interests declared
Lord McColl of Dulwich
No relevant interests declared
Lord Northbrook
No relevant interests declared
Baroness Pitkeathley
Vice President, Carers UK
Patron, Herefordshire Carers Support
Baroness Thomas of Winchester
In receipt of Disability Living Allowance
Liberal Democrat Spokesman for Disability
Trustee of Muscular Dystrophy UK and Chairman of their Services Development Committee
Patron, Thrive
Member, MCC Disability Access Group
Blue Badge Holder
Baroness Wilkins
Recipient of Disability Living Allowance
A full list of Members’ interests can be found in the Register of Lords’ Interests:
Catherine Casserley, Specialist Adviser
Barrister, Cloisters Chambers
Senior Legislation Adviser to the Disability Rights Commission, 2001–07
Member of the external panel of Counsel of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Member of the Discrimination Law Association
Member of the Employment Lawyers Association
Counsel acting in a number of cases to which reference is made in this report