Chapter 1: The inception of Operation Sophia
A common security and defence policy mission.
The mandate of Operation Sophia
Chapter 2: The challenge of mass migration
Figure 1: Migrant routes into Europe in 2014 and 2015
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 3: Assessment of Operation Sophia
Modus operandi of human smuggling
The smuggling operation out of Libya
Military strategic objectives in Phase 1
Military strategic objectives in Phase 2A (high seas)
Tackling the smuggling networks
Conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 4: Considerations for the next phases
Judicial process in Libyan territorial waters
Co-ordination with other actors: Frontex and NATO
Figure 2: Naval operations to combat irregular migration on the EU’s borders
Box 2: NATO mission in the Aegean
A further step: supporting the Libyan coastguard?
Conclusions and recommendations
Tackling the root causes of migration
Supporting transit and host countries
Processing claims outside the EU
Tackling illicit financial flows
Devising a new migration policy: political leadership and public debate
Conclusions and recommendations
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
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Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence