Chapter 2: The ‘Great Repeal Bill’
The European Communities Act 1972
Non-legislative elements of the EU body of law
The process of converting EU law into UK law
Mechanisms for amending EU law
The status of domesticated EU law
Secondary legislation laid under the European Communities Act
The status of domesticated directly effective EU law
Chapter 3: Parliamentary scrutiny of delegated legislation laid under the ‘Great Repeal Bill’
Parliamentary scrutiny of secondary legislation
Box 1: Secondary legislation—an explanation
The role of the House of Commons
Amending and rejecting secondary legislation
Scrutinising secondary legislation laid under the ‘Great Repeal Bill’
Box 2: Enhanced scrutiny procedures
EU law and the Devolved Institutions
Amending EU law within devolved competence
The Sewel Convention in the context of the ‘Great Repeal Bill’
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
The report refers to oral and written evidence gathered as part of the Committee’s inquiry into the Legislative Process, which is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).