Previous work on civil nuclear policy
Recommendations in 2011 report
Working methods and acknowledgements
Chapter 2: UK civil nuclear research and development
Figure 1: Public funding of nuclear R&D for OECD countries 2011 and 2013
Box 1: NIRAB final recommendations for the Government
Future funding and coordination of Nuclear R&D
Figure 2: Public funding on nuclear R&D in the UK broken down by source
Figure 3: Public funding of nuclear R&D by Country 1980–2013
Chapter 3: UK civil nuclear strategy
Figure 4: Public support for new nuclear in the UK
International Co-operation and Generation IV
Box 2: Generation IV Reactor Concepts
The Nuclear Industry Council and a Nuclear Sector Deal
Chapter 4: Small Modular Reactors
Box 3: Summary of potential benefits and disadvantages of SMRs
Chapter 5: National Nuclear Laboratory
Assessment of the work of the NNL
Comparison with the national laboratories of other countries
Possible improvements to the NNL’s model
Government provision of core funding to the NNL
Benefits of Euratom membership
Disadvantages of leaving Euratom
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
Appendix 4: Abbreviations and acronyms
Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7129 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.