The Legislative Process: Preparing Legislation for Parliament Contents

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).

Evidence received by the Committee is listed below in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical order. Those witnesses marked with ** gave both oral evidence and written evidence. Those marked with * gave oral evidence and did not submit any written evidence. All other witnesses submitted written evidence only.

Oral evidence in chronological order


Dr Ruth Fox, Hansard Society

QQ 1–15


Sir Richard Mottram, Better Government Initiative


Jill Rutter, Institute for Government

QQ 16–28


Jonathan Breckon; Alliance for Useful Evidence


Dr David Halpern, Behavioural Insights Team, Cabinet Office


Emran Mian, Social Market Foundation

QQ 29–35


Chris Walker, Independent Housing Consultant


Alison Harvey, Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association

QQ 36–41


Peter Jorro, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers


Sir Ernest Ryder, Senior President of Tribunals

QQ 42–48


Judge Michael Clements, President of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber


Julian Phillips, Resident Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber


Daniel Greenberg, former Parliamentary Counsel

QQ 49–56


Michael Clancy OBE, Law Society of Scotland

QQ 57–62


Robert Khan, Director of Public Affairs, Law Society of England and Wales


Andrew Walker QC, Vice Chairman-Elect of the Bar Council and the Vice Chairman of the Bar Council Law Reform Committee


Sir Stephen Laws, former First Parliamentary Counsel

QQ 63–75


The Rt Hon Steve Webb, former MP and Minister of State for Pensions

QQ 76–88


The Rt Hon Professor Paul Burstow, former MP and Minister of State for Health, and Chair of the Joint Committee on the Draft Care and Support Bill


Martin Hoskins, former Specialist Adviser to the Joint Committees on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill and the Draft Communications Data Bill


Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Leader of the House of Commons

QQ 89–101


Elizabeth Gardiner, First Parliamentary Counsel


David Cook, Second Parliamentary Counsel


Sir David Bean, Chairman, the Law Commission

QQ 102–112


Professor David Ormerod, Law Commissioner for Criminal Law and Evidence


Professor Richard Susskind OBE

QQ 113–121

Alphabetical list of all witnesses


Alliance for Useful Evidence (QQ 16–28)


Bar Council of England and Wales


Dr Stephen Bates, University of Birmingham



Better Government Initiative (QQ 1–15)


Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

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British Academy



Rt Hon. Professor Paul Burstow, former MP and Minister of State for Health, and Chair of the Joint Committee on the Draft Care and Support Bill (QQ 76–88)

Chartered Institute of Taxation



Judge Michael Clements, President of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber (QQ 42–48)


David Cook, Second Parliamentary Counsel (QQ 89–101)

Dr Conor Farrington, University of Cambridge



Dr Ruth Fox, Hansard Society (QQ 1–15)


Elizabeth Gardiner, First Parliamentary Counsel (QQ 89–101)

Dr Mark Goodwin, Lecturer in Politics, University of Birmingham



Daniel Greenberg, former Parliamentary Counsel (QQ 49–56)


Dr David Halpern, Behavioural Insights Team (QQ 16–28)



Martin Hoskins, former Specialist Adviser to the Joint Committees on the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill and the Draft Communications Data Bill (QQ 76–88)


Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (QQ 36–41)


Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)



Institute for Government (QQ 16–28)



Law Commission of England and Wales (QQ 102–112)

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Law Society of England and Wales (QQ 57–62)


The Law Society of Scotland (QQ 57–62)



Sir Stephen Laws, former First Parliamentary Counsel (QQ 63–75)

Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Leeds


Liberal Democrat Constitutional Affairs Team



Rt Hon. David Lidington MP, Leader of the House of Commons (QQ 89–101)



Emran Mian, Social Market Foundation (QQ 29–35)






Professor David Ormerod, Law Commissioner for Criminal Law and Evidence (QQ 102–112)


Judge Julian Phillips, Resident Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber (QQ 42–48)

Mark Ryan, Coventry University



Sir Ernest Ryder, Senior President of Tribunals (QQ 42–48)


Professor Richard Susskind (QQ 113–121)


Dr Louise Thompson, University of Surrey


Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association


Rt Hon. Valerie Vaz MP, Shadow Leader of the House



Andrew Walker QC, Vice Chairman-Elect of the Bar Council and the Vice Chairman of the Bar Council Law Reform Committee (QQ 57–62)


Chris Walker, Independent Housing Consultant (QQ 29–35)


Rt Hon. Steve Webb, former MP and Minister of State for Pensions (QQ 76–88)

Dr Edgar A. Whitley, London School of Economics and Political Science

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