Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties Contents

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).

Evidence received by the Committee is listed below in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical order. Those witnesses marked with * gave both oral evidence and written evidence. Those witnesses marked ** gave oral evidence and did not submit any written evidence. All other witnesses submitted written evidence only.

Oral evidence in chronological order


Professor Elaine Fahey, Professor of Law & Associate Dean (International), City Law School, University of London

QQ 1–9


Professor David Howarth, Professor of Law and Public Policy, University of Cambridge


Dr Mario Mendez, Reader in Law, Queen Mary University of London


Jude Kirton-Darling MEP

QQ 10–20


Dr Sylvia de Mars, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Newcastle


Mick Antoniw AM, Chair, Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, National Assembly of Wales

QQ 21–32


Sir Franklin Berman QC, Barrister with Essex Court Chambers and former Legal Adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

QQ 33–41


Alexander Downer, Former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs and High Commissioner to the UK

QQ 42–50


Dr Brigid Fowler, Senior Researcher, Hansard Society

QQ 51–61


Michael Clancy OBE, Director of Law Reform, Law Society of Scotland


Nick Dearden, Director, Global Justice Now

QQ 62–68


David Lawrence, Senior Political Adviser, Trade Justice Movement


Rt Hon Jack Straw, former Foreign Secretary and former Lord Chancellor

QQ 69–78


Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former Foreign Secretary

QQ 79–87


Rt Hon Sir Alan Duncan, Minister of State for Europe and the Americas

QQ 88–97


Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster


Julia Crouch, Deputy Director for International Agreements, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Alphabetical list of all witnesses


Mick Antoniw AW, Chairman, Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, National Assembly of Wales (QQ 21–32)

Jill Barrett, Queen Mary University of London

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Sir Franklin Berman QC, Barrister with Essex Court Chambers and former Legal Adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.(QQ 33–41)


Eirik Bjorge, Bristol University



Michael Clancy OBE, Director of Law Reform, Law Society of Scotland (QQ 51–61)


Christian Concern


Bruce Crawford MSP, Convenor, Finance and Constitution Committee, Scottish Parliament



Julia Crouch, Deputy Director for International Agreements, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (QQ 88–97)


Nick Dearden, Director, Global Justice Now
(QQ 62–68)


Rt Hon Sir Alan Duncan MP, Minister of State for Europe and the Americas (QQ 88–97)

Equality and Human Rights Commission



Jude Kirton-Darling MEP (QQ 10–20)


Alexander Downer, Former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs and High Commissioner to the UK (QQ 42–50)


Professor Elaine Fahey, Professor of Law & Associate Dean (International), City Law School, University of London



Dr Brigid Fowler, Senior Researcher, Hansard Society (QQ 51–61)

Dr Sam Fowles


Friends of the Earth England, Wales & Northern Ireland


Foreign and Commonwealth Office


Global Justice Now


Professor Joanna Harrington, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta


Dr Jacques Hartmann, Reader in Law and Director of the LLM in International Law & Security, University of Dundee


Susan Hedley


David Henig, Director of the UK Trade Policy Project, European Centre for International Political Economy


HM Government of Gibraltar


Dr Dermot Hodson, Reader in Political Economy, Birkbeck, University of London



David Lawrence, Senior Political Adviser, Trade Justice Movement (QQ 62–68)

Lord Boswell of Aynho, Chairman of the European Union Select Committee


Professor Imelda Maher, Dean of Law and Sutherland Professor of European Law, University College Dublin


Arabella Lang, House of Commons Library



Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (QQ 88–97)


Dr Sylvia de Mars, Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Newcastle (QQ 10–20)


Dr Mario Mendez, Reader in Law, Queen Mary University of London (QQ 1–9)


National Assembly of Zambia



Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former Foreign Secretary (QQ 79–87)

Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee


The Scottish Government


Ewan Smith, Shaw Foundation Junior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford



Rt Hon Jack Straw, former Foreign Secretary and former Lord Chancellor (QQ 69–78)

Trade Justice Movement


University of Nottingham Treaty Centre


War on Want


Sir Michael Wood, member of the International Law Commission and former legal adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office


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