1.This report has been prepared by the European Union Select Committee, to inform the House of Lords’ consideration of the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill.
2.The European Union Committee is charged with scrutinising “matters relating to the UK’s relationship with the European Union, including the implementation of the UK/EU Withdrawal Agreement, and the Government’s conduct of negotiations on the United Kingdom’s future relationship with the European Union”.1 The United Kingdom Internal Market Bill, in particular Part 5, has a direct bearing on these matters. We have therefore prepared this report with a view to ensuring that the House, in debating the Bill, is appropriately informed of its implications for the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement (including the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland) and for the future relationship negotiations.
3.Chapter 2 of this report outlines the context for our consideration of the Bill, describing the relevant provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement and Protocol. It draws on our published reports analysing both documents. Chapter 3 provides a commentary on Part 5 of the Bill, Chapter 4 examines the debate over the compatibility of Part 5 with international law, and Chapter 5 sets out our conclusions.
4.We make this report to assist the House in its consideration of the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill.
1 House of Lords Procedure Committee, 1st Report of Session 2019–21 (1st Report, Session 2019–21, HL Paper 29), para 23