Chapter 2: The challenge of the net zero transformation
Missing policy implementation detail on the transition to net zero
Offshore wind and the planning system
Who pays: taxpayers vs. billpayers
Chapter 3: Institutional architecture and Co-ordination
Co-ordination in government and the public sector
Current levels of co-ordination
The role of the Future System Operator
Ofgem and its role in the net zero transition
Figure 1: Proposed institutional architecture
Giving Ofgem a statutory duty in relation to net zero
The need for a Strategy and Policy Statement
Chapter 4: Regulation, innovation and the consumer experience
Decentralisation and flexibility
Consumer readiness and engagement
Retail energy market regulation
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.