The current special inquiry committees are due to complete their work by the end of November. On behalf of the Liaison Committee, I am now writing to invite members to suggest proposals for four new special inquiry committees to start in early 2022. Due to the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic, during 2020–2021 we were unable to follow our usual practice of one of the four special inquiry committees being devoted to post-legislative scrutiny. It is the Liaison Committee’s intention that we should resume this important branch of committee scrutiny at the start of next year.
In order to provide greater consistency, this year the Committee is again inviting all members submitting proposals to use the headings suggested in the form accompanying this invitation. Proposals should be sent to the Clerk of the Liaison Committee, Philippa Tudor, by email: no later than 10 September 2021.
All ideas submitted by then will be considered by the Liaison Committee using the following criteria for selection:
Members whose proposals are shortlisted by the Liaison Committee will be invited to present their proposal briefly to a meeting of the Committee later this year.
In reviewing proposals, the Liaison Committee takes into account the criteria listed above. In addition, the Committee may also take into account wider factors such as the balance of topics across the special inquiry committees (including in previous years), the work being undertaken by other Committees and within Government, and the possibility of early legislation on the subject matter.
July 2021
Note: Following feedback, the Liaison Committee has agreed this template for use by members wishing to propose an inquiry. Members are invited to use it as a guide, and to address each of the questions below. Members are asked to describe the proposal in 100- 500 words.
Name of member(s) of the House making the proposal: [Type here]
Description of the proposal (in 100-500 words). If you are proposing a post-legislative scrutiny committee, please explain the aspects of the Act that you think particularly warrant scrutiny:
What would the inquiry be trying to achieve?
How does the proposal make best use of the knowledge and experience of Members of the House?
How does the proposal address areas of policy that cross departmental boundaries?
Is the proposed special inquiry committee capable of being completed by the end of November 2022? (For reference, most special inquiry committees hold approximately 20 x 1-hour evidence sessions throughout the inquiry, but proposals for shorter inquiries are also welcome.)
Do you have any additional comments in relation to your proposal which you wish
If you have any relevant interests that relate to your proposal please can you list them below.
Please send this form, if possible by email, to the Clerk to the Liaison Committee, to arrive no later than 10 September 2021.