The House of Lords Youth Unemployment Committee was appointed in January 2021 to consider youth unemployment, education and skills for those aged 16 to 24 in England. It is chaired by Lord Shipley.
Youth unemployment is a longstanding issue in the UK, with rates of unemployment typically higher amongst those aged 16 to 24 than amongst older adults. The youth labour market is characterised by an historic focus on academic study, technical and vocational skills gaps, and challenges facing young people who may be from disadvantaged backgrounds or have special educational needs and/or disabilities. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, youth unemployment rates were falling; however, COVID-19 has profoundly affected the labour market and economy. Research shows that young people are being disproportionately affected, which may have a scarring effect on their prospects.
This Committee will consider what measures should be taken to protect and create jobs for young people. It will also examine how the labour market for young people may change due to current events such as COVID-19, Brexit, and technological developments in the longer term. It intends to report before the end of November 2021.
This is a public call for written evidence to be submitted to the Committee. The deadline is 4.00pm on 10 May 2021. You can follow the progress of the inquiry on Twitter @LordsYouthUnemp.
The Committee is looking to hear from as diverse a range of views as possible. Diversity comes in many forms and hearing a range of different perspectives means that Committees are better informed and can more effectively scrutinise public policy and legislation. Committees can undertake their role most effectively when they hear from a wide range of individuals, sectors or groups in society. We encourage anyone with experience of or expertise in an issue we are investigating to share their views with the Committee, with the full knowledge that their views have value and are welcome. If you think someone you know would have views to contribute, please do pass this on to them.
The Committee is particularly keen to hear from young people over the course of its inquiry, especially those who have experienced or are experiencing unemployment. We want to ensure that their voices are central to this inquiry, and also welcome the sharing of views on youth unemployment in other forms.
If you would like to share your views in a different or shorter form on any issue relating to youth unemployment, you can send a direct message to our Twitter account @LordsYouthUnemp or contact the Committee’s WhatsApp account at [number now deactivated]. You can share your views in any form this way, including short videos of up to 2 minutes or text. If sharing your views in this way, you are welcome to focus on your own views, perspectives and experiences concerning youth unemployment; there is no obligation to answer the below questions directly unless you would prefer to do so. Please see the Guidance for Submissions section for further information on sharing your views in this format. Messages shared in this way will not be shared or published in any way without the permission of the sender, and no contact information will be shared or published.
If you or your organisation works closely with young people, we would also encourage you to promote this consultation to them for direct responses, and also to incorporate their views and insights into your own response as appropriate.
The Committee is happy to receive submissions on any issues related to the subject of the inquiry but would particularly welcome submissions on the questions listed below. You do not need to address every question. Respondents may interpret the questions broadly and are encouraged to provide as much information as possible. Instructions on how to submit evidence are set out at the end of this document.
(1)What are the main challenges facing young people seeking employment today? How do structural factors impact youth unemployment, and how might these be addressed?
(2)What are the main challenges facing employers in the labour market today? What barriers do they face in recruiting young workers and setting up apprenticeships and traineeships?
(3)What future social, economic and technological changes are likely to impact youth unemployment? What impact might these changes have, and how should this be planned for and addressed?
(4)Is funding for education, training and skills enough to meet the needs of young people and of the labour market? How can we ensure it continues to reach those who need it most?
(5)Does the national curriculum equip young people with the right knowledge and skills to find secure jobs and careers? What changes may be needed to ensure this is the case in future?
(6)Is careers education preparing young people with the knowledge to explore the range of opportunities available? What role does work experience play in this regard?
(7)What lessons can be learned from alternative models of education and assessment? What are the challenges with, and obstacles to, the adoption of such models?
(8)What more needs to be done to ensure parity of esteem between vocational and academic study in the jobs market and society? How can funding play a role in this?
(9)What is the role of business and universities in creating a thriving jobs market for young people? How should they be involved in developing skills and training programmes at further and higher education level?
(10) What can be done to ensure that enough apprenticeship and traineeship placements are available for young people? Is the apprenticeship levy the right way to achieve a continuing supply of opportunities?
(11) What lessons can be learned by current and previous youth labour market policy interventions and educational approaches, both in the UK and in other countries?
(12) What economic sectors present opportunities for sustainable, quality jobs for young people? How can we ensure these opportunities are capitalised on and that skills meet demand, particularly for green jobs?
(13) How might future youth labour market interventions best be targeted towards particular groups, sectors or regions? Which ones should be targeted?