Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Box 1: Summary of recommendations by transport mode
Figure 1: Stuttgart-Vaihingen Railway Station Mobility Hub
Coordination of bus services and timetables
Figure 2: Coventry Railway Station combined bus and rail timetable screen
Box 5: Vienna Annual Season Ticket
Chapter 5: Local government and planning
Box 6: Public transport governance in London
Box 7: Public transport franchising in Manchester
Central government policy coordination
Chapter 6: Funding and appraisal
Light rail, very light rail and bus rapid transit
Figure 3: Very Light Rail prototype, Coventry
Figure 4: Belfast Rapid Transit Glider system
Figure 5: UK public expenditure on transport
Table 1: City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement funding allocations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
Appendix 4: Committee visit to Nottingham
Appendix 5: Committee visit to Coventry and Birmingham
Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.