Post-legislative evaluation and scrutiny
Figure 1: Number of post-legislative scrutiny memoranda produced
Box 1: A summary of our response to the SEND Green Paper
Figure 2: Number of children looked after during the year who were adopted
Box 2: Early permanence placements: Fostering to adopt and concurrent planning
Box 4: Public and private family law
Figure 5: The average number of weeks taken to complete proceedings
Figure 6: The percentage of cases completed within the 26 week timeframe
Box 5: Types of experts in the family court
Data use in the family justice system
Mediation and early legal advice
Box 6: Non-court-based dispute resolution methods
Children and the family court system
The presumption of parental involvement
Box 7: Considerations of the court when making decisions about children
Box 8: Shared parental leave and pay
Figure 7: Views of paternity leave, % of respondents (n=126)
Table 1: Take-up of statutory shared parental pay
Box 10: Kinship care—key concepts
Box 11: The most common types of flexible working arrangements
Chapter 5: Building a better future for children and families
Box 12: Responses to our survey
Avoiding ‘one size fits all’ approaches
Coherence and innovation in government
The need to embrace technology and better use of data
Communication with children and families
The voice of the child and the Children’s Commissioner
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
Appendix 4: Chair’s correspondence on SEND
Appendix 5: Summary of private written evidence
Appendix 6: Online survey results
Appendix 7: Summary of the Barnet SEND visit
Appendix 8: Summary of the birth parents engagement event
Appendix 9: Summary of the Oxford visit
Appendix 10: Summary of the engagement session with One Adoption South Yorkshire
Appendix 11: Summary of the engagement session on mental health
Appendix 12: Summary of the engagement session with the Family Justice Young People’s Board
Appendix 13: Summary of the visit to a CAMHS clinic
Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).
Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.