European Affairs Committee
Report from the Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland: Follow-up report

2nd Report of Session 2022-23 - published 27 July 2022 - HL Paper 57



Chapter 1: The political context

The Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland

The Sub-Committee’s July 2021 introductory report

Subsequent political developments

The Government’s July 2021 Command Paper

The EU’s October 2021 ‘non-papers’

Developments in December 2021 and February 2022

The May 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly elections

The Northern Ireland Protocol Bill and the EU’s response

The work of the Sub-Committee

This inquiry

Chapter 2: The economic impact of the Protocol


Distinguishing the economic impact of the Protocol from other factors

Conflicting, unclear or incomplete data

Trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Table 1: Northern Ireland trade in goods (2020)

The sectoral impact

The impact of derogations and grace periods

The Trader Support Service and Movement Assistance Scheme

Willingness of GB-based companies to supply Northern Ireland

The impact of regulatory divergence


North-South trade and trade with the EU


Mitigations and solutions

The Government’s position

Flexibility and proportionality

Goods ‘at risk’

Simplifying checks, processes and regulatory requirements

Red and green lanes/ express lane

Audited supply chains, trusted traders and facilitated movements

A dual regulatory regime

Continuation of the grace periods

An SPS agreement


Tariff Rate Quotas

Technological developments

VAT and State aid


Business support and engagement

Joint engagement with the UK and EU

Trader Support Service and Movement Assistant Scheme

Tariff reimbursement scheme


Economic impact of political uncertainty


Chapter 3: The provision of medicines to Northern Ireland under the Protocol

Previous scrutiny

Further evidence received


Chapter 4: The political impact of the Protocol

Political perspectives on the Protocol

Public attitudes towards the Protocol

Attitudes towards community concerns

The impact on the power-sharing institutions

Consent and the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement

Attitudes regarding the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill and the UK and EU’s responsibilities

Chapter 5: Conclusion—the need for a reset

The need for a reset

Prioritising Northern Ireland’s interests

Constructive engagement




Summary of conclusions and recommendations

Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for evidence

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).

Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.

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