The neglected pollutants: the effects of artificial light and noise on human health Contents

Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest


Lord Borwick (Member since 31 January 2023)

Baroness Brown of Cambridge (Chair)

Viscount Hanworth

Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE

Lord Krebs

Lord Mitchell (Member until 25 April 2023)

Baroness Neuberger (Member since 31 January 2023)

Baroness Neville-Jones (Member since 31 January 2023)

Baroness Northover (Member since 31 January 2023)

Lord Rees of Ludlow

Lord Sharkey (Member since 31 January 2023)

Viscount Stansgate (Member since 27 April 2023)

Baroness Warwick (Member until 27 April 2023)

Lord Wei

Lord Winston

Declaration of interest

Lord Borwick (Member since 31 January 2023)

Trustee of The Ewing Foundation for Deaf Children (a registered charity)

Baroness Brown of Cambridge

Shares in Rolls-Royce plc, maker of aeroengines

Viscount Hanworth

No relevant interests declared

Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE

No relevant interests declared

Lord Krebs

Fellow of Royal Society

Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences

Chair of World Cancer Research Fund CUP-global review panel

Lord Mitchell (Member until 25 April 2023)

No relevant interests declared

Baroness Neuberger (Member since 31 January 2023)

Chair, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Chair, Whittington Health NHS Trust

Baroness Neville-Jones (Member since 31 January 2023)

No relevant interests declared

Baroness Northover (Member since 31 January 2023)

No relevant interests declared

Lord Rees of Ludlow

Co-Chair and founder of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Dark Skies

Lord Sharkey (Member since 31 January 2023)

No relevant interests declared

Viscount Stansgate (Member since 27 April 2023)

President, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee

Fellow, Royal Society of Biology

Trustee, Foundation for Science and Technology

Trustee, Parliamentary Science and Technology Information Foundation

Baroness Warwick (Member until 27 April 2023)

No relevant interests declared

Lord Wei

No relevant interests declared

Lord Winston

Salaried employee of Imperial College London

Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians

Hon Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering

Fellow, Royal College of Music

A full list of Members’ interests can be found in the Register of Lords Interests:

Specialist Adviser

Professor Russell G. Foster CBE, Director of Sir Jules Thorn Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi) and Head of Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology (NLO), Fellow, Brasenose College, University of Oxford

Fellow, Royal Society

Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences

Fellow, Royal Society of Biology

Recipient of research funding from the Wellcome Trust, UKRI, Leducq Foundation and The Novo Nordisk Foundation

Co-Founder of the University of Oxford biomedical spin-out Circadian Therapeutics

Editor, Interface Focus. Publication by The Royal Society

Scientific Advisory Board, The Eden Project

Trustee, ATOM Festival of Science and Technology, Abingdon-on-Thames

Jury member for The Daylight Award

Board Member, Feldberg Foundation for Anglo-German Scientific Exchange

Vice Patron, Blind Veterans UK

Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)

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