Public Services Committee
Fit for the future? Rethinking the public services workforce

1st Report of Session 2022-23 - published 19 July 2022 - HL Paper 48



Chapter 1: Introduction

Workforce shortages

Box 1: Staffing shortfalls

Increasing demand for public services

Ageing population

Figure 1: Population growth

Figure 2: Pensionable and working age population increase by 2045

Change in health profiles causing increased demand

Public services demand and young people

External pressures

Our inquiry

Our plan for action

Box 2: Action strategy

Chapter 2: A long-term approach

A strategic approach

The role of data in developing strategies

Drawing out the untapped potential of the workforce

Deploying staff

Delegating decision making

Involving service users in workforce and service planning

Barriers to co-designing services and plans

Embedding the use of technology in workforce planning

Challenges with increasing the use of innovative technology

Prioritising preventative services and early intervention

Improving engagement with the voluntary sector and social enterprises

Chapter 3: Experiences in the workforce

Impact of staffing shortfalls





Chapter 4: Recruiting people

Efforts to boost staff numbers


Enhancing “the offer”


Flexible working

Packaging the offer

Refining the message

Reaching candidates

Alternative routes into public service careers


Local initiatives

Making it easier to apply

Chapter 5: Train to retain

New requirements


Challenges to accessing training and development



Rethinking development

Broad training

Exploring other roles

Accreditation of prior learning

Developing effective leaders

Digital tools

Summary of conclusions and recommendations

Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for evidence

Appendix 4: Summary of visit to Anglia Ruskin University

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 3074).

Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.

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