Chapter 2: The need for long-duration energy storage
The benefits of long-duration energy storage
Box 1: Units of energy and power, and scale of existing energy storage in the UK
Box 2: Energy storage technologies
Scale and nature of the need for long-duration energy storage
Box 3: Estimates for the scale of need and costs for long-duration energy storage
Chapter 3: Policy for long-duration energy storage
The economics of long-duration energy storage, support mechanisms and strategic reserves
Box 4: Economics and subsidy mechanisms for long-duration energy storage
Figure 3: Level of stored hydrogen across 37 years (Royal Society modelling)
No-regrets investments for hydrogen
Repurposing gas storage for hydrogen
Box 5: Green, blue and grey hydrogen
Demand and use cases for hydrogen
Figure 4: Daily average hydrogen demand over a year in 2035 (CCC modelling)
Availability of electrolysers for green hydrogen
Medium-duration energy storage technologies
Longer-duration battery chemistries
Incentivising the right mix of technologies for the grid
Chapter 4: Long-duration energy storage in context
Planning and regulatory systems
Connecting projects to the grid
Obtaining planning permission for energy storage
Minimising the need for long-duration energy storage
The roles of different actors in the energy system
Transmission networks and the Strategic Spatial Energy Plan
Summary of conclusions and recommendations
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest
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Q in footnotes refers to a question in oral evidence.