Interim Report - Speaker's Conference (on Parliamentary Representation) Contents


Tuesday 20 January 2009  
Simon Woolley, Operation Black Vote
Liz Sayce, RADAR
Fay Mansell, National Federation of Women's Institutes

Tuesday 3 March 2009
Peter Facey and Alexandra Runswick, Unlock Democracy
Sarah Veale and Narmada Thiranagama, Trades Union Congress
Trevor Philips, Equality and Human Rights Commission

Tuesday 10 March 2009
Andy Hamflett, UK Youth Parliament
Louise Pulford and Omar Salem, The Young Foundation
Tony Bresling and Ade Sofola, Citizenship Foundation
Chris Waller, Association of Citizenship Teaching
Tom O'Leary and Aileen Walker, House of Commons

Tuesday 31 March 2009
Baroness Uddin of Bethnal Green, Black and Minority Ethnic Women Councillors Taskforce
Helene Reardon-Bond, Government Equalities Office
Dame Jane Roberts, Councillors Commission
Councillor Anjana Patel, London Councils

Tuesday 21 April 2009
Janet Gaymer CBE QC, Commissioner for Public Appointments
Lewis Baston, Electoral Reform Society
Peter Riddell and Dr Ruth Fox, Hansard Society
Ray Collins and Catherine Speight, Labour Party
Rt Hon Theresa May MP and John Maples MP, Conservative Party
Lord Rennard MBE, Liberal Democrats

Monday 8 June 2009
Lorraine Barrett AM, Bethan Jenkins AM and Claire Clancy National Assembly for Wales
Martin Eaglestone, Sîan Davies, Sara Pickard, Mencap Cymru
Liz Morgan, Stonewall Wales
Lyn Richards, Eunice Chipachni and Anita Davies, National Federation of Women's Institutes

Tuesday 16 June 2009
Alastair Campbell
Paul Corry, Rethink
Dr Anthony Zigmond, Royal College of Psychiatrists

Tuesday 23 June 2009
John Knight, Leonard Cheshire Disability
Abigail Lock, Scope
Chris Holmes MBE
Agnes Hoctor, RNID
Leys Geddes, British Stammering Association
Baroness Campbell of Surbiton
Janet Kirk and Nick Russell, Labour Party Disabled Members Group

Tuesday 30 June 2009
Nan Sloane and Laura Wigan, Centre for Women and Democracy
Derek Munn, Stonewall

Tuesday 7 July 2009
Paul Martin and Sian Payne, Lesbian and Gay Foundation
Simon Fanshawe
Vicky Booth, Campaign for Gender Balance

Tuesday 14 July 2009
Sunder Katwala, Fabian Society
Peter Wardle, Electoral Commission
Professor Justin Fisher

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Prepared 15 July 2009