Submission from FATIMA Women's Network
FATIMA Women's Network formal response to
Speaker's Conference on the underrepresentation of women in the
House of Commons, including ethnic minority, disabled, and other
minority women.
FATIMA Women's Network is the leading women's
infrastructure organisation supporting diverse women's groups.
As an independent, strategic and diverse organisation, using dynamic
interventions to support women and their families, particularly
from minority communities, to achieve gender equity, social, economic
and environmental justice we are active in several fora:
FATIMA's application for NGO Consultative
Status to the UN is currently under consideration by the Committee.
FATIMA is a member of the consultative
platform for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.
FATIMA is the UK lead for the UN initiative
for Women's Organisations Working on Empowerment and achieving
the Millennium Development Goals.
FATIMA is the UK partner and a founder
member of the European Network of Migrant Women, formally launched
in Brussels in December 2008 and started in January 2007.
FATIMA's report Global Issues-Local
Voices: Use of International Instruments & Agencies was
launched at the 52nd UN Commission on the Status of Women 2008.
FATIMA is a founder partner of the national
BME infrastructure partnership Voice4Change.
FATIMA works to raise awareness of social
enterprise amongst Black, Asian, Ethnic Minority and Refugee communities.
This Response is based on our extensive experience
of engaging with women and families from diverse communities since
October 2002 and on a number of projects related to leadership
development, civic participation, intercultural dialogue, interfaith,
entrepreneurship, use of international instruments and agencies
and preventing violent extremism.
Prepared by Parvin Ali CEO & Founder and:
Business Board Member of the East Midlands
Regional Development Agency with lead for Business Support &
Member of the East Midlands Regional
Member of the National Muslim Women Advisory
Group, chaired by Hazel Blears.
Founder Member and Board lead for women
on the Cedar Networkthe European Network of Muslim Professionals,
launched in January 2009.
Founder Member of the World Islamic Businesswomen
Network, part of the World Islamic Economic Forum.
Founder Member on Board of the Regional
VCS Infrastructure Single Platform.
This Response is based on our extensive experience
of engaging with women and families from diverse communities since
October 2002 and on a number of projects related to leadership
development, civic participation, intercultural dialogue, interfaith,
entrepreneurship, use of international instruments and agencies
and preventing violent extremism.
1. Are Problems Caused by the Unbalanced Representation
in the House of Commons of Different Groups in Society?
If the views of those groups are important in
the decision making process then it is EXTREMELY problematic if
they are not represented and irresponsible. Even government has
recognised this in 2005 DCLG Strong and Prosperous Communities
and 2008 DCLG Communities in Control: Real
People, Real Power
Devolved power must be extended to ALL citizens
not just the lucky few and the decision making bodies need to
better reflect the diversity of those citizens. This is clearly
not the case at present. Gender Budgeting has never been properly
implemented and yet this would be a key way to ensure parity in
2. If So What Are Those Problems?
1. Perception: The view held by a
significant percentage of diverse communities- particularly women-
that barriers are insurmountable, and change has been very, very
slow and erratic. Tokenistic appointments are also more likely
to be men.
2. Expectations: Election of Barack
Obama as President of USA and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of
State expectations raised exponentially. Discussions ensued on
why the UK has not supported development of Black leadership or
produced women leaders. The visible lack of diverse representation
reinforces apathy of political parties to significantly change.
3. UK Model: Ironically the UK democratic
model of a multi-cultural and pluralistic society has been slow
to accommodate women, Ethnic Minorities, and disabled people and
is now viewed as mechanistic and intransigent and incapable of
accommodating diversity at this level.
4. Lack of Voice: Greater need for
political representation amongst marginalised groups than amongst
other sections of society, to counter-balance their multiple disadvantages
and their lack of voice in society.
5. Elitist: White, middle-class,
able bodied men are disproportionately represented in Parliament
and men still outnumber women in all local councils. Those elected
from ethnic minorities are more likely to be professional and
middle class. Therefore socio-economic factors play a significant
6. Lip Service: Government gives
primacy to white, professional males and does not actively encourage
other sections of society.
7. Ageism: Young women, Ethnic Minorities,
and disabled people are even less represented in the House of
Commons and this sends a clear message that political representation
and engagement is for people of a "certain age".
3. Is There a Relationship Between These Levels
of Representation and Voter Attitudes to Parliament?
There is a clear correlation between levels
of representation and voter attitudes.
1. Parliament is seen as "elitist"
and inaccessible. For marginalised groups its representatives
are therefore a reflection of this resulting in disengagement
and voter apathy amongst citizens.
2. Muslim voters for many years felt little
affiliation with the democratic process as they had interpreted
the government's controversial foreign policy to be directly linked
to the lack of Members of Muslim origin. Consequently they were
more likely to vote in a local election than a general election,
as they felt less able to influence at the national level.
3. Voting patterns at local and national
level vary and often provide an insight into issues that citizens
feel they are able to influence due to closer engagement and identification
with local candidates.
4. What Are The Reasons Why More Women, People
From Ethnic Minorities, and Disabled People Do Not Become Members
of Parliament?
The primary reason that these marginalised groups
do not become Members of Parliament is that they DO NOT COME FORWARD
to stand for election or selection. The highly competitive nature
of party politics means that no party wants to risk seats with
candidates from marginalised groups, as this does not always equate
with securing votes from that self-same group in an election.
Hence need for selection not election.
Why Don't More From These Groups Consider Standing
For Election
1. The system that elects or selects candidates
is not equally disposed to ALL sections of the community. Therefore
they are less likely to be selected or elected and therefore very
little chance of being successful.
2. The burden of public scrutiny and public
interest intensifies when representatives from minority groups
are elected/selected. This level of pressure and scrutiny is difficult
to bear and even less so for those who may have issues about confidence
particularly women and those from Ethnic Minority communities;
for some disabled people even being photographed too frequently
may be intrusive.
3. Need to perform well above the average
to justify their being selected in the first place. Minor gaffes
become PR disasters for the marginalised groups which they are
purported to represent and they may feel inadequate to the task
of meeting the high expectations once they have "broken through"
the glass ceiling.
4. Representation role is too narrow and
they do not always wish to be seen as representatives of a minority
groups but rather individuals representing a geographical constituency
or a wider community of interest.
5. Lack of a transparent process as for
example access to the House of Lords is not a very transparent
process and seen as somewhat arbitrary and whimsical, often based
on the political relations of the individuals rather than their
contribution to society.
6. Tarnished predecessors who have been
representatives from Women, Ethnic Minority or disabled groups
have sometimes been embroiled in activities that undermined the
integrity of future representatives from these constituencies.
Therefore acting as a deterrent to others particularly women who
worry about what the children will think of them.
7. Little hope of succeeding as the pervading
view is that white, able-bodied, middle class and/or professional
males are preferred and others need not bother to apply.
8. Low confidence due to discrimination
and so women, particularly from Ethnic Minority communities, who
have experienced multiple disadvantages and discrimination requires
a very high level of courage almost bordering on the masochistic
to put themselves forward.
9. Organisational culture of Parliament
is such that it is London-centric, Christian, White male dominated,
and family-unfriendly all of which conspires to preclude the full
participation of women who have families (generally women up to
55 years of age) as increasingly women are leaving it until late
to have children.
10. Poor work-life balance as there is an
expectation that one must be available at all hours and bonded
to the State and one's constituency.
Or If They Do Why Aren't More of Them Selected?
11. Risk-Narrow representation: They are
perceived to primarily represent their own constituency and this
is too narrow a platform for success.
12. Risk-Single issue: May have "political
baggage" related to the individual standing for office because
of a particular issue which may reduce their chance of being elected
by a majority of the electorate, as even on single issues there
are multiple perceptions and loyalties.
13. System for selection: Far fewer Ethnic
Minorities, women and disabled people participate in local politics
to ensure they have any influence in selection, therefore the
critical mass that is needed to select a candidate of their choice
is lacking.
14. Presentation skills: Those that do participate
are often professional, middle class, able-bodied White males
who are able to provide a well articulated proposal for their
candidate to an audience very similar to themselves.
15. Time, care and financial constraints:
Timecampaign, network and build
Care issuesrelated to children
and elderly relatives;
Financial-often seeking public office
requires some disposable income and /or flexible employment and
whilst those from professional classes can piggy back their work
related networking with their political one this may not be the
case for those from non-professional backgrounds, and it is the
professional class that tends to be represented at branches where
the selection is often done.
These factors prohibit many women who are often the
primary carers but particularly affect those from diverse communities
where women are not expected to relinquish their domestic responsibilities
despite working outside the home.
Or If They Are Why Aren't More of Them Elected?
16. Risk-Narrow representation: They are
perceived to primarily represent their own constituency and this
is too narrow a platform for political parties to risk a seat.
17. Risk-Single issue: Often "political
baggage" such as their group responding to a particular issue
such as Muslims countering the epithet that they are "all
terrorists" can mean that whilst this spurs them to seek
public office the voters only see them capable of responding to
this issue.
18. System for selection: Current system
for selection means that only a few people make the decision and
the majority are not engaged at all. The party political system
also requires people to sign up to a particular position in advance
of understanding what the implications may be to their communities
such as Foreign Policy etc and many may find this hard to do.
Invariably those who have succeeded and bypassed the system have
been well-connected, professional, middle class White males, who
are parachuted into safe seats and have no demonstrable record
of political participation before that time..
19. Time, care and financial constraints:
These are often in short supply for women who are often still
the primary carers and amongst diverse communities where children
are expected to be supported until they leave home.
5. What Are The Problems and Practical Difficulties
Encountered-At Any Point In The Process of Selection and Election-By
Members of These Under-Represented Groups Who Are Looking To Become
Finance, time, lack of mobility including use
of car, and care issues impact on ability to campaign and lobby.
6. What Actions Could Be Taken By The Government
To Address Disparities In Representation?
FATIMA Women's Network strongly believes that
our members are disempowered by the lack of strategic voice for
women from diverse communities in key policy areas. As often Black,
Asian, Ethnic Minority and refugee women's issues are subsumed
under either race or gender and the critical inter-sectionality
is neither properly understood nor addressed.
The separating of several policy strands such
as migration and development, preventing violent extremism, faith
and inter-faith between several generic organisations or speacilaist
ones who only focus on one of these issues, means there will always
be an adverse impact on women and families from diverse communities.
This has been particularly exacerbated by the creation of the
single commissionthe new Equalities and Human Rights Commission.
The necessity of a voice to champion their issues
and provide a much needed national, visible platform through effective
engagement with grass roots communities cannot be emphasized enough.
The need for 50:50 representation within
all political parties and representative bodies is vital for parity
and a very good base for further diversity.
1. Affirmative Action: It is imperative to have
cross party agreement on short term affirmative action to improve
representation such as quotas.
2. 50: 50: It should be mandatory to have 50:50 political
representation of women and men at all levels even in political
3. Truly diverse not just prescriptive: Our members
do not feel it necessary to be too prescriptive as the point made
potential candidates like to feel they are able to represent their
political constituency as well as their community of interest.
Members also pointed out that often focus too narrow and only
focussed on representatives of African, Caribbean, Indian or Pakistani
origin rather than simply looking to diversify representation
overall and including women originating from South East Asia like
Malaysia or Middle East who are also significantly present in
the UK but more importantly truly reflective of a pluralistic
and multi-cultural society.
4. Different election models: Research into different
models to consider how best long term to improve representation
such as in Europe where proportional representation has been reasonably
successful and even the quota system.
5. Capacity building: The opportunities for placements,
internships, shadowing and mentoring schemes should be increased
and made more widely available.
6. Accessible government: Government needs to
be seen to be more accessible and familiar to ALL groups and sections
of society, not just the privileged few.
7. Closed lists and all-women lists : In certain
areas where significant concentration of Ethnic Minorities worth
considering closed lists of candidates who are non-White and increasing
number of women.
8. Welsh Assembly: The model for the Welsh Assembly
where there one man and one women in each constituency area should
be explored.
9. Actively recruit: Many women lack confidence
to come forward so "head hunting" should be widespread
and inclusive, rather than only high flyers; and potential candidates
could attend intense week-end to identify those wanting to go
10. Unelected cross-bench MPs and Councillors:
A few places reserved for People's MPs who are not elected but
selected because they have a good track record of working with
the community. They need not be bound by any Whip.
11. Subsidising campaign finance: Limits on funding
for campaigns and bursaries if their manifesto does not exclude
certain sections of the community, as in case of far right parties.
7. What Actions Have Been, Or Could Be, Taken
By Political Parties, Campaigning Groups And Others To Address
Disparities In Representation?
7.1 Whilst FATIMA work with the Electoral
Reform Society and various government initiatives we have no resources
to actively work on this agenda.Very little has been done because
no one accepts responsibility.
8. What Actions Have Been Taken Elsewhere
In The UK and Overseas, And By Whom, To Address Similar Concerns?
European countries have used affirmative action
such as quotas, proportional representation, all-women's lists,
and the 50:50 rule
And How Can The Success Of Such Actions Be Measured?
Diverse representation at all levels and 50:50 gender
balance as well as gender sensitive policies including Gender
Budgeting. Once this has been achieved closed or all-women lists
should no longer be required. However it would be well worth keeping
a few spaces for selected candidates to ensure the inclusive model
is maintained as other marginalised groups can come up eg travellers,
refugees etc.