Examination of Witnesses (Questions 235-257)
21 APRIL 2009
Q235 Vice-Chairman: Thank you very
much. Those of you who have been here all morning will have heard
that obviously the political parties are very, very important
in this whole process, and that has certainly been the trend of
the evidence that we have taken so far. If we are to look at the
candidates who will be put before the electorate for them to vote
on, it is very much dependent on the candidates that the political
parties select and, therefore, we are very pleased this morning
that the representatives of the three main parties are here because
we know the importance of the role that you play. Could I ask,
starting with Mr Maples, whether you could introduce yourselves
for the record?
Mr Maples: John Maples. I am Deputy
Chairman of the Conservative Party, and my responsibility is the
whole selection process of putting candidates in place for the
European elections and the next general election.
Mrs May: Theresa May. I was Chairman
of the Conservative Party when some of the changes to the party
selection process were introduced; I am a member of the Conservative
Party's Candidates Committee, I am a member of the Priority List
Panel that the party has and I am also co-founder and co-chairman
of Women to Win.
Lord Rennard: Chris Rennard. I
am Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats.
Mr Collins: Ray Collins, General
Secretary of the Labour Party.
Ms Speight: Catherine Speight.
I am Chair of the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party.
Vice-Chairman: Angela Browning.
Q236 Angela Browning: I am going
to take it for granted that all of you agree that a House which
more closely reflects the proportions of women, disabled people,
black and minority ethnic people in the population would be a
better House, but could you briefly update us as far as the different
parties are concerned with any significant changes that have been
introduced since 2005?
Mr Maples: In pursuit of that
objective we have done several things. We started by introducing
a priority list of candidates, which was roughly half men and
half women, and target seats had to select their candidates from
that. Then, about two years later, we introduced an alternative
for them, which was that they could have a look at our whole approved
list. You have presumably all read the memo that we submitted
which talks about these things.
Q237 Angela Browning: Yes.
Mr Maples: There are a thousand
people on the whole list. They could have a look at the whole
of that if they agreed to have 50 per cent women at each stage
of the process, and we have recently piloted once, and hope to
do it again soon, a selection process in which the candidates
are assessed against pre-agreed criteria with the constituency.
So, if it is very important to have a knowledge of education because
it is a university town or something, that is something against
which they will try to assess and score them and to make them
give those scores after they have seen each candidate, not wait
until the end of the weekend and decide who they like the best,
which I think is what happens a lot of the time. We piloted that
once, it went down quite well with both the candidates and the
constituency and we hope to try it again. So in our actual selection
processes, those are the ones that we have done. I am sorry, in
the European elections, and this came up apropos Mr Blunkett's
comment on regional lists, we insisted that the first vacant place
in reach region behind the sitting MEPs went to a woman.
Lord Rennard: May I start a little
bit before 2005 to put it into context? We have obviously tried
to accelerate our targeting policy to promote more women candidates
and more BME candidates to be successful. I would say we have
accelerated since 2005. Just to go back for a moment, in 1997
the Liberal Democrats elected 43 men and three women and, of course,
we did find that completely unacceptable. Since then, however,
I would say that we have increased our number of MPs by one-third
but our number of women MPs three-fold. In other words, the number
of Lib Dem MPs has gone up from 46 to 62 in those general elections,
but the number of women MPs between 1997 and 2005 increased from
three to ten. We did elect one BME MP in the Leicester South by-election
2004, Parmjit Singh Gill, who failed to retain his seat in 2005.
I think our priority and our efforts since 2005 have, firstly,
been increasing that accelerated effort, giving significant additional
support to women candidates and BME candidates in winnable seats
and, at the same time, a longer-term strategy based on recruiting
more women candidates, providing a lot more mentoring and a lot
more training as well as cash support to enhance their chances
of selection and election. On the European elections, I would
say that having started in 1999 a process with a PR system where,
in common with most PR systems, you do get much better diversity
with PR, the party adopted a zipping mechanism in 1999 so that
half our top candidates were women, half our top candidates were
men. We have not maintained that system since then because we
have reached a point where we did not need to. We now have 11
MEPs, seven of whom are women and four of whom are men.
Mr Collins: Again, you need to
set it in context in the terms of pre 2005. The party in 1987
had 9.1 per cent women MPs. In 1997, under all-women shortlists,
which is a specific measure, that doubled to 24.2 per cent, and
after the 2005 election, which was when all-women shortlists were
able to come back in, that rose to 28 per cent. So I would say
the important tool in the Labour Party's armoury in terms of tackling
this issue is all-women shortlists, but I would not say that that
is the be all and end all. As you quite rightly say, our primary
objective is to better reflect the people we seek to represent,
but it is also about how we overcome discrimination, and all-women
shortlists are a tool in that, but there are other mechanisms
that we need to use. One of the things that we have done is very
effective mentoring. There are a lot of women out there, in my
opinion, who are more than capable of being MPs but for some reason
think they are not and we need to overcome that culture, and one
way is certainly in terms of mentoring, support groups. We have
got Dorothy's List in terms of providing support. No doubt we
will come back if you ask questions about how you do provide support
and the previous evidence. Cath, I do not know if you want to
add some of the other measures that we are taking.
Ms Speight: As well as the mentoring
and training we do ensure that, even in our open selections, 50
per cent of the people shortlisted are women. We also ensure that
one or more BME candidate is shortlisted to ensure that we do
provide the constituency with a range of people from which to
select, but, as Ray said, overwhelmingly the all-women shortlist
has delivered a better representation within the Labour Party
in this House.
Mrs May: Vice-Chairman, I wonder
if I may set a little context prior to 2005, because John answered
the question specifically post 2005. Prior to that we had done
a significant amount to professionalise our selection process
in two ways: firstly, predominantly by changing our Parliamentary
Assessment Boards where people come forward for it to be agreed
that they can actually go on the list to be a candidate for the
party, and we worked with an occupational psychologist to actually
bring in the concept of identifiable skills for being a Member
of Parliament. So this was not about who you knew and what your
background was, or anything like that, it was about actually did
you have the skills and competences to be a Member of Parliament,
and that is what the initial decision as to whether somebody can
be a candidate is based on. The other key thing that we have done
is the introduction of Women to Win, the setting up of Women to
Win, a networking organisation, which provides mentoring, it provides
support for candidates, but, crucially, has also, in the early
days, encouraged women to come into the party to get interested
in being a Member of Parliament and to overcome the barriers for
getting more women actually thinking being a Member of Parliament
is a career for them.
Vice-Chairman: John Bercow.
Q238 John Bercow: Thank you, Vice-Chairman.
Certainly I can testify, Theresa, to the veracity of what you
have just said about the changes in the process, making it that
much more professional. That has been happening over some period
of time and there is a discernable difference as a result in those
Parliamentary Assessment Boards' operations. I wonder if I could
ask you, with respect to your written submission and more widely,
how you strike a balance between national policy imperatives on
the one hand and the autonomy of local parties on the other?
Mr Maples: This is in many ways
the crux of the problem. Each individual constituency, at least
within our constitution, has to pick a candidate from our list
and has to use our rules in going through their selection process,
but at end of the day they can choose the candidate and, I think,
in the final analysis that is right. Constituencies are different
and the members there probably know better than we do, essentially,
for each individual constituency, what is right for them. So what
we do, firstly, is alter the rules in the way that I have described
but, secondly, we do have a persuasion process. After this meeting
I am going to a meeting of a constituency which is about to start
selecting a candidate to explain to them. The way I put it to
them is that, while you will obviously want to select a candidate
who is right for you and, in the case of a seat that we hold,
is going to probably be the Member of Parliament for that seat
and the right person to be a Member of Parliament, at the same
time you are sending a Conservative Member of Parliament to Westminster
and they have got to play a part in that, and one of the Party's
objectives is to have more women and more candidates from ethnic
minorities here and to try and persuade them to perhaps broaden
their horizons slightly, and I think it has worked reasonably
well. A third of the candidates who have been selected, 30 per
cent to be fair, are women and six per cent, 20 of them, are from
ethnic minorities, so we are not running into as much resistance
as one might imagine.
Mrs May: Can I add this though.
I think as a party we have been bolder than any of the other parties
in actually changing the balance between national and local in
a different way, which is not about taking more power up to the
centre but is about the introduction of the primary selection
process, because the primary selection process actually enables
the decision on the selection of candidates to be opened up, not
just to all members of an association, as has traditionally been
the case, and not just, indeed, to anybody within a constituency
who counts themselves to be a Conservative supporter, but potentially
the primary selection process opens up the decision as to who
a Conservative candidate would be to anybody who wishes to take
part in that process. I was actually responsible for introducing
the primary process. I am surprised, in a sense, that it has not
been adopted by others. I think it is a very good way of ensuring
that you are getting that wider interest in the selection of a
Q239 John Bercow: I understand the
natural tendency to say, not least in the name of respect for
local volunteers who are doing what they think to be right, they
probably know better than we do what is right for them, but that,
of course, is not an absolute principle, as I think we all now
accept. There is quite a lot of evidence at local constituency
level of associations thinking that their make-up is also the
make-up of the local area, and there have been some very significant
cases over the years in which a difference between the make-up
of the local association selection committee and the population
as a whole has been highlighted to them and they have been encouraged
to think a little bit outside the box as to the type of person
they might choose, but on the priority list, Theresa, can I press
you on this. Although the priority list was the subject of much
controversy within the party, there were some of us who were great
enthusiasts for it. We thought it was a thoroughly good idea and
were not keen to see any backtracking on it. I just wonder if
you could give us a flavour of what difference there has been
in the rate of selection of female candidates since the alternative
was given to constituencies of choosing from the general list
instead. Have you done that fairly basic statistical analysis?
Mr Maples: I have not got the
analysis. I do not think it has made a hugely appreciable difference.
The priority list continues to be used in some cases and the full
list in others. I am not aware of any big change in trend, are
Mrs May: No, I have not got the
statistical analysis to hand, John, but may I come back on an
earlier point you were mentioning about the issue of associations
and thinking that their make-up is a true reflection of the electorate,
which very often it is not, across any of the parties. That is
where the primary selection process, of course, can be an advantage,
because it can enable you to open up to a wider group of people
to make that selection who are more likely to be representative
of the electorate rather than the self-selecting activists who
are those who would normally perhaps be part of the process.
Q240 Vice-Chairman: The primaries
that have taken place: how many have selected women?
Mr Maples: I am sorry.
Q241 Vice-Chairman: The primary system
you talked about, using primaries as an alternative model: how
many have actually selected women?
Mr Maples: I would have to let
you know. Can we get you that information?
Vice-Chairman: Yes. Did you want to bring
in the other parties, John, with your question?
Q242 John Bercow: I am certainly
interested to hear from the other parties, yes, very much so.
Lord Rennard: Could you remind
me what the question is?
Vice-Chairman: I think it was the conflict
between national priorities and local choice.
Q243 John Bercow: Between national
priority and local autonomy, yes, and how you strike the balance.
Obviously I do not expect you to answer questions about the priority
list which we have now.
Lord Rennard: I understand. I
think all parties jealously guard their local democratic rights
to choose their candidate, but in terms of what you can do at
a national level to guide or steer, we do insist on training all
the members of our selection committees. They are trained objectively,
and they are given objective criteria to follow, and they are
then monitored to try and eliminate any potential discriminatory
practices. That is, I think, as far as we generally go in terms
of any steering. We provide the objective criteria, a fairly similar
format, of the competencies required for a good candidate. We
have, we think, a very fair and very professional system, but
then the choice is still down to local members. What we will do
in addition, though, which is not necessarily provided by the
party nationally, through other organisations such as the Campaign
For Gender Balance, which Jo Swinson is very prominently a member
of, is make sure that women seeking to go through the process
perhaps have additional support and help in explaining the process
of selection, shortlisting and the selection campaign, and we
are starting to provide more of that support now for black and
minority ethnic candidates seeking to go through to make sure,
again, that they have additional support, positive action, if
you like, rather than any measures of positive discrimination.
Mr Collins: I think this is an
important question because we have operated on the basis of building
consensus. In terms of developing all-women shortlists, we went
to our conference. It was an overwhelming vote in support of that
decision. There is a political consensus for the need for specific
actions and I think it is really important that, despite the period
of time that we have been operating or using those tools, we never
missed the opportunity to make the case. What we are doing is
addressing specific issues of under representation, specific issues
of discrimination. So it is not just blandly walking in and saying,
"These are the rules, you accept them." We are actually
making the case constantly for these actions, and actually, as
to the process in terms of adopting all-women shortlists, again,
that is a process of building consensus. We work with our regions,
liaising with our constituency Labour Parties. We have a target
of 40 per cent of candidates being women and we take specific
measures, using those criteria, in consultation with the constituency.
We take into account other factors, not least where an all-women
shortlist may exclude other candidates, black and ethnic minority
candidates or other circumstances that need to be taken into account,
and, of course, the local political situation. We have taken on
board all the measures that the other parties have talked about,
and I think they are important. My wish is that we can build a
much stronger consensus across the parties about the need for
specific actions, and certainly I would hope that all-women shortlists
would be one action that would be accepted across the board because
it produces results.
Q244 John Bercow: Mr Collins, you
are, in a sense, a politician talking to other politicians, and
I note the use of the term "taken on board". You said
a moment ago that you had taken on board the ideas of the other
parties where you thought they had merit, and that does rather
prompt the obvious follow-up question in the light of what John
and Theresa were saying. In how many cases have you selected by
Mr Collins: All members in constituencies
participate in the selection of their candidate. The party involves
all members in that process. I think the other thing to point
out in terms of the structures of the party, we have taken specific
measures on quotas, we actually have 50 per cent representation
on committees, the executive of local constituencies right up
to the NEC. When I say "take on board", I am not a politician
actually, John, I am a person who actually wants to build consensus
on this issue because I believe in it fundamentally and I have
declared that I want to make it a priority. We need to change
the basis of representation, and if we can do it by learning lessons
from each other and building consensus, great. I do not want to
make scoring points; this is about changing the nature of representation.
I do not know, Cath, if you want to say a word.
Ms Speight: I think we did start
internally looking at how our structures in our committees were
set up, and introducing gender quotas for our internal party structures
has made things a lot easier and it has encouraged more women
to play a part, because the constituency Labour Party was told
that a certain percentage of your officers have to be women and
they have to then go out and encourage women to become more active
and to become involved in their constituency parties, which has
then led on to the successes that we have had when we have looked
at what areas need increased women's representation, and we have
gone to those constituencies, which we have broken down into regions,
and said, "This region has only 18 per cent women MPs. We
need to get that up to 40 per cent. So in the next round of selections
we will be looking at your constituency to take on board an all-women
shortlist." It is about talking to the party and reminding
them that is not the NEC and the General Secretary imposing that
on a constituency, it is actually a conference decision that all-women
shortlists would be used to increase women's representation within
the party.
Q245 John Bercow: Thank you. There
is absolutely no denying that you have made huge strides in getting
more women and ethnic minority candidates selected and elected.
I would not begrudge you that for a moment; the facts are if very
clear. I know you will not want to get drawn into a current controversy,
and I genuinely do not seek to inveigle you into a current controversy,
but I would like to ask one follow-up, and that is this. You mentioned,
Mr Collins, that it is a matter for all of the local members in
the end to choose who they want, subject to a range of policies
that you have got in place by way of positive action and so on.
Do you think that it is right or permissible that there should
be scope during a selection process for outside parties publicly
to comment on, and to campaign for, particular candidates as opposed
to others, or would that be better avoided?
Mr Collins: I think I will try
and turn that round. I was really interested in the discussion
from the previous witnesses about the cost of being a candidate
and what is it that a candidate needs to do, or a prospective
candidate. I mean, they are not even a candidate; they are members
who actually want to participate in the process and become a candidate.
What are the barriers that people have to overcome? I think that
there is a debate to be had, and it is not concluded, and maybe
one issue that needs to be addressed is a level playing field.
Actually the playing field is not pretty level, because there
are all kinds of networks that operate, there are costs involved
that many people may not be able to afford. Personally what I
have tried to do, and I will continue to do, is to encourage organisations
like Emily's List, Dorothy's List, Bernie's List, which is about
producing networks and giving support and financial support. You
could describe that as an external influence, and some people
might even say this is not a good form of influence. I have also
encouraged affiliated unions to actually promote their own policies
of diversity by ensuring that they also, instead of constantly
putting up white men, give support and mentoring to groups that
are under represented. So it is all of these actions. I would
see the debate of a level playing field more in the context of
the need for all these other actions. I am quite happy to have
the debate, but I just think that the barriers to those people
who are seeking to increase in Parliament are still there and
we must overcome them.
Q246 Mr Dhanda: Theresa, can I follow
up your point about boldness. I do not think 30 per cent of women
being selected and six per cent of BME candidates being selected,
I do not know, perhaps largely in non winnable seats, is actually
bold or anything like bold enough. On those kinds of statistics,
I think we are probably looking at another 150 years or so before
we get a more representative Parliament. Can I suggest, listening
to what you have all had to say, it sounds like of all the measures
that have made a measurable difference all-female shortlists is
certainly amongst them. I am interested to hear both Lord Rennard
and yourselves as to whether you still have the door open to that,
and I would be interested to hear from Cath and from Ray Collins,
if this has worked for women, should we not be, perhaps as part
of the Equality Bill or elsewhere, looking at black and minority
shortlists as well? I hear you in terms of your priorities and
making this a priority. Being controversial for just a moment,
perhaps Erith and Thamesmead may be one area where you may want
to consider such a shortlist.
Mrs May: Can I kick off on that.
First of all, it is not the case that all BME candidates selected
for the Conservative Party have been selected in seats that they
are not going to win. I can give you two examples off the top
of my head, Priti Patel in Witham and Helen Grant in Maidstone,
which are both seats which would be expected to be Conservative
seats. Indeed, Maidstone is already a Conservative seat. On the
issue of boldness, I said we have been bolder in relation to the
relationship between the national party at the centre and the
party locally, and that is where the primaries have been, I think,
a very bold step because what they say to the local association
is actually they go through a primary selection, if it is an open
primary selection process. Although because of the constitution
the final decision has to be agreed by a meeting of the party
membership, that selection process, that meeting where the candidate
is selected, is actually open to people who are not even members
of the Conservative Party. That is the crucial thing. I think
that is a pretty bold change in relationship.
Q247 Mr Dhanda: I think it would
be bolder to actually say to your constituency associations, "We
are going to have all-female shortlists."
Mrs May: Let me come on to the
all-female shortlists. As a party, constituencies are permitted
under our rules to choose to have an all-female shortlist if they
wish to do so, and a number of our constituency associations,
a small number albeit but a number of our constituency associations
have chosen to do that. There is absolutely no doubt, and the
facts show this, that if you introduce all-women shortlists you
get a step-change in the number of women that you have in Parliament.
What I am yet to be convinced about is whether you get a change
in the culture that lies behind that. One of the reasons why I
have always supported it, and I was one of the two people (I and
Andrew Lansley) who first suggested the priority list route back
in 2001, is because I think the real prize is to get to a situation
where, frankly, the people doing the selecting are blind to whether
it is a woman or a man, whether it is somebody who has a disability,
their background, whether they are from a black or minority ethnic
background, whatever. If you impose decisions from the top as
to how they select in order to get the numbers up, I question
whether you can change the culture so easily. It may be over time
that it changes, but I think the fact that the Labour Party has
had to continue to use all-women shortlists shows that it did
not have that impact on culture, which I think is what we all
need to do, and that is why I support the priority list approach
rather than the all-women shortlist approach.
Lord Rennard: First of all, it
seems to me to be an important principle that there needs to be
respect within and across parties about getting different methodologies
to try and achieve equality and diverse outcomes. Obviously, within
the parties and across the parties we will all be talking about
different things. My own party in particular will talk about proportional
representation and say that international comparisons show that
it tends to produce more diverse, better outcomes if you are able
to do that. In particular, as Lewis Baston was arguing earlier,
where single transferable vote puts power in the hands of the
voters, it would mean, for example, in a constituency, Erith or
wherever it happens to be, perhaps more than one candidate could
be put forward by the party that would be, indeed, in a wider
area and voters could choose which of the candidates they wanted
to have and, indeed, many women might say, "My party is putting
forward a man and a woman but I want to address the lack of female
representation in Parliament, so the woman gets my number one
vote and the man gets my number two vote", and you do not
feel you are voting against your party; you are voting for more
a diverse Parliament and in support of someone in your party.
Other parties will argue all-women shortlists, and, again, international
comparisons show that they bring progress in addressing gender
imbalance in Parliaments through all-women shortlists, but I must
come back again to our own experience. My view is that, first
and foremost, parties trying to address this imbalance will to
look to seats which they are gaining before they look perhaps
to the ones that they hold. If you look at the seats Liberal Democrats
gained in 2001 and 2005 through what I would call a selective
targeting policy, half of our net gains in both 2001 and in 2005
were with women candidates. So we have already made some progress
in terms of the extra candidates getting elected because half
of our gains in 2001 and in 2005 were with women. Where previously
we were not doing so well was with men standing down being replaced
by men, but in this Parliament, of the men who are standing down
as Liberal Democrats at least half the candidates chosen to go
for them are female. Therefore, I would suggest that even without
all-women shortlists the Liberal Democrats are making progress
at least on gender balance by electing half of our new candidates
as females and half the candidates in seats where men will be
standing down as females.
Mr Maples: Can I come back on
a point Mr Dhanda made about the rate of progress in both of these
categories? I do not think that six per cent or 20 BME candidates
is not making considerable progress. Obviously you increase your
representation here as a party if you win a lot of seats at an
election. Labour did it in 1997. That was their step-change. If
we were to win the next election by anything like the number of
seats that Labour won in 1997, there would be probably 75 Conservative
women MPs and 15 BMEs. If we were to win the election, say we
won 350 seats, there would be about 12 BME MPs and about 60 women.
This is a considerable step-change, but, obviously, if we were
not to win any seats at all, that increase would be very small.
You are starting with what you have got. Twenty or 30 members
in most parties retire at each election, but if that is all you
have got to work with, you cannot make the big step. Labour made
it in 1997 and, I think, if we were to win an election and win
a lot of seats, you would see a very big change indeed, but under
almost any scenario you will see both categories' representation
among Conservative Members of Parliament increase quite substantially,
and they are pretty evenly spread, both categories, across the
winnability range.
Q248 Mr Dhanda: The point I was making
is you are starting from a very, very low base indeed and in terms
of actually making Parliament more representative, it is going
to take a long, long time.
Mr Maples: It is not going to
take 150 years.
Mr Collins: It may take 100 years.
That is the point. For me it is the results of the evidence. I
think we all share the same objectives. Therefore, what do we
need to do to reach them? In 1997 when we had all-women shortlists,
we made huge strides. In 2001 when all-women shortlists were illegal,
we felt that. In 2005 when we were able to reinstitute all-women
shortlists, we made rapid progress. All of that is in our written
submission. I do not want to keep labouring that point, but it
does work. I also want to stress that it is not the only action
we have taken. We do run a national mentoring scheme supported
by Labour women MPs, and some of them are in this room today,
and they do a very effective job. We are instituting training
on a regular basis, having proper support for people, and that
goes across a wide range of groups, as I have already said, but
turning to your point about ethnic minorities as well, I think
it is a valid point. Four per cent of our MPs are self-defined
as ethnic minorities. It is not enough in my opinion. We need
to do more. We have done 201 selections and of those 7.4 per cent
are defined as black or ethnic minorities. Personally I think
we need to do more in terms of the party mechanism, the party
organisation, but I also believe that, because the evidence has
proved that specific action like shortlisting, defining shortlisting
or restricting shortlisting works, I and the party would like
the law to be examined to allow for greater representation from
ethnic minorities. I think there are issues about that, but we
certainly definitely want to see that that debate continues because
we need to make much more rapid progress. I think progress is
too slow at this moment in time. I do not know if you want to
add to that.
Ms Speight: I do not think calling
into question the voting procedure is a valid argument. We heard
from the previous witnesses about whether PR actually does deliver.
Of the selections that we have carried out so far with majorities
under 5,000, we have had 17 retiring, eight have selected a man
and nine constituencies have selected a woman. With a majority
between five and ten thousand, we have had eight retirees, two
have been won by a man, one has been won by a woman in an open
contest and five all-women shortlists, and over 10,000 there has
been 11, five men, five women on an all-women shortlist and one
woman on an open list. So I think it is about changing the culture
of the party rather than talking about changing the voting system.
It has not been without its controversy, all-women shortlists,
but it is about working with local parties, gaining the consensus.
I heard the people giving evidence previously from Hansard. When
you look at the devolved parliaments in Scotland, in Wales, where
you can start with a clean sweep, we introduced twinning. We wanted
gender balance within those two devolved institutions, and in
1999 we elected 15 women, which was 53.6 per cent, in 2003 we
elected 19 women, but in 2007 we lost a number of seats and had
only 16 women, but that is 61 per cent of the Labour representation
within the National Assembly for Wales. So there are lessons to
be learned from positive discrimination and how each individual
party implements it. As I have said, it is about changing the
culture within the party from the grassroots level to make sure
that they understand why we are doing what we are doing, because
I think the achievement to get the House of Commons more representative
of the population is a goal to aim for.
Vice-Chairman: I am very conscious that
we have still got a lot of questions and we are running out of
Q249 Ms Abbott: I just want to set
the record straight with all-women shortlists and ask Ray Collins
two things. Ray said earlier that all-women shortlists had been
arrived at by a process of consensus. I was one of the group of
women activists and trade union activists that campaigned for
it and I was also at the NEC at the point when we drove it through.
I do not quite remember the consensus that Ray talks about. I
remember rocking up to conference year after year with my mates
and having a big row on the floor of conference and losing. Every
year we got more votes, but there was a debate, quite correctly.
How all-women shortlists got through is a little technical, but
I say this because there is an important point behind it. It was
the year that John Smith wanted one member, one vote. He was trying
to get it through conference. There was the usual late-night trading
in smoke-filled rooms with trade unions and some undoubting trade
unionists put all-women shortlists on the table and it got through
as part and parcel of a big vote, which was part and parcel of
a deal that was struck. I am not decrying that; I am just saying
that is how it was done. The moral of all-women shortlists is
not what you are saying, Ray, that it will all be done through
consensus and sweetness and light. If you want to take practical
action on equalities in political parties, at some point the party
leadership has to take a stand; so I think misrepresenting the
history of it does not help anyone, including other parties. The
two points I wanted to put to you were these. I was a big supporter
of all-women shortlists. I was one of those women who came year
after year to argue the case, but one of the disappointing things
about all-women shortlists, and I know it is has greatly increased
the number of women, but I think there are hardly any selections
under all-women shortlists that have produced black or Asian women.
The only shortlist I can remember in recent times is Ladywood,
which has produced an Asian woman. I was not selected under an
all-women shortlist selection, but the fact that hardly any, maybe
one or two that I can remember, have produced a black or Asian
candidate (they have all been white women, or nearly all white
women), I think, reflects a slight class bias in the types of
women coming through under all-women shortlists. Again, I am a
big supporter; I am not decrying it; but I think the small numbers
of black and Asian women, one or two, is about the class nature
of it. What I wanted to ask Ray is have you as General Secretary
observed that all-women shortlists have, in effect, been all white
women shortlists and what are we going to do as a party to make
sure that we see more black and Asian women coming through? My
other point is this. We have heard in earlier evidence and we
have heard it throughout this set of hearings that women are put
off because of the yah-boo culture and so on. I always find that
argument slightly distressing. I came into politics because I
believed in certain things. I am prepared to contest those ideas
in the Chamber or in the media. I think that most women are. I
think what genuinely puts most women off, though, is the fact
that you expose not just yourself to extraordinary personal scrutiny
but you expose your children and your family to what is sometimes
an unacceptable level of personal scrutiny and pain, whether it
is where your child is going to school (I am talking about the
child now being chased up the street by photographers and that
sort of thing), whether your child is foolish enough at 16 to
go out and get drunk because they have passed their GSCEs, whether
it is your husband's business activities, whether it is your husband's
choice of video. Can you assure this Conference that we are doing
everything that we can as a party to keep that unpleasant personal
family scrutiny out of politics as a weapon, because I think if
anything puts women off it is that sort of stuff?
Mr Collins: Cath wants to come
in on this as well. I apologise if in giving evidence I was saying
we strive to build consensus. I was not trying to imply that striving
to build consensus was without pain and without difficulty. The
point I am trying to make also on the party's position is that
we should never stop making the case that it is about discrimination.
It is not a mechanical thing that is simply, "Oh, it's the
rules, therefore you must do it", you constantly have to
make the case, and I am determined that we continue to do that.
On the whole point, I did say earlier, in my opinion, one of the
biggest problems we have (and I have learnt this from my experience
in the trade union movement when we were trying to address under
representation) is that there are loads of able women out there
who do a horrific job, who do not see their skills are transferable.
I have known women who have organised a campaign because they
are working to get the council to provide a cre"che. They
have gone out, recruited people, organised things, done budgets,
and all of that skill and all of that experience is not counted
as relevant to a lot of people in a lot of people's minds as being
a senior representative either in the party, or in terms of candidates,
or in terms of seeking high office. They work very hard, they
achieve a lot, but they themselves do not recognise how transferable
their skills are, and that is why we have got to constantly make
the case. In regard to your last point
Q250 Ms Abbott: Black and Asian women;
you did not mention that.
Mr Collins: I have not finished
yet. I thought you made three points. Certainly we have had all-women
shortlists. I think it was in Birmingham we certainly had an Asian
woman selected.
Q251 Ms Abbott: Ladywood.
Mr Collins: Was it Ladywood? Then
there was another one as well. I am sorry, I do not have the figures,
but I am not sitting back and saying we have done enough. I do
not think we have. I think we need to do more in terms of supporting
black, Asian and ethnic minority candidates. How we do that includes
all the mechanisms that I have referred to, but also I would like,
and the party would like, to see the law examined so that we are
not constantly caught when positive action results in anti-discrimination
cases against us, and that is, I think, a very important point.
Just briefly on your last point, and I accept what you say, I
have had the opportunity in the last two days to make absolutely
clear my own personal position. There is no place in politics
for scurrilous slurs, there is no place in politics for gossip;
there is no place for that sort of treatment. It demeans all of
us, I find it totally unacceptable and I am not prepared to have
any part of it. I have suffered it for myself. I am very proud
of my position on this and I am going to stick very hard to it.
Cath, do you want to come in?
Ms Speight: Yes. Like you, Diane,
we went to conference after conference, but that was about winning
the argument and gaining the consensus: the glass ceiling speech
that my General Secretary made at the conference where we actually
delivered the decision to introduce all-women shortlists. It goes
back to my point about changing the culture of the party internally.
Even now I have had to go, as Chair, to some constituencies. "You
have said we have got to have an all-women shortlist", and
there has been a favoured son that has been waiting in the background
who has been considered to be the natural successor and we have
said, "If we carry on doing things like that we will never
increase women's representation." It is about working with
them. Sometimes they are still not dead chuffed about it, but,
you know, they do see why we are doing what we are doing and they
do see that at the end of the day our conference is our sovereign
body, and if the conference has decided that that is the mechanism
that we want to use, then we will use it, but it has taken along
time. I cannot remember what year that speech was, but it was
pre 1997. So we are talking about 12 years, and we are still making
inroads into both gender balance and ethnicity.
Vice-Chairman: I am conscious that we
have to move on as well. I think there has been quite a lot talked
about the quality of candidates, but I think, Andrew, you want
to ask a bit more to clear some of that up.
Andrew George: I want to follow up some
evidence we have had from Trevor Phillips regarding the professionalisation
or the trend towards the professionalisation of new MPs, particularly
when coming from a more narrow-base educationally from certain
universities, going into research jobs within this House and then
moving into politics here. I do not think we need to expand on
what Ray Collins has just said, but I am sure all parties are
conscious that there is a need to ensure that the route is open
for people from all backgrounds. Perhaps as a test, if you like,
of the willingness of each of the parties to achieve a breadth
of experience coming into politics, there is, in fact, rather
a hierarchy that each of the parties actually has within its gift
in terms of selecting, from those who are available to them, positions
within their cabinet or shadow cabinet which reflect the need
to ensure that the route is widened and, equally, into the House
of Lords as well. It is within the gift of the hierarchy of the
party to bring forward candidates to the House of Lords. I wonder
whether there is anything you can say to me to reassure me that
in fact what you are not doing is simply selecting people from
a certain educational background, a certain class, and that in
fact you are getting the breadth of the people through that selective
process that is available to you?
Q252 Vice-Chairman: Very quickly,
one from each party, whoever wants to start.
Mr Maples: We have set a target
as a party of having more women and more ethnic minorities. David
Cameron has said that if we win the election at least 30 per cent
of ministers will be women. So as a party we have set these targets.
On the professionalisation question, I looked at this before coming
in because I know there is this kind of caricature, and I do not
know if it is true in other parties but certainly in ours, that
you leave university and go to work for a Member of Parliament,
you then go to work for the party, you become a special adviser,
you fight over the seat, you become an MP, but actually of the
30 Conservative held seats that have selected candidates, 30 that
we currently hold, only five have come via that route. That was
rather less than I expected. I think there is plenty of diversity
coming in here. I could not agree with you more that it is important.
We think as a party that people ought to bring some real life
experience to this place, and even if you do go the route you
are talking about, you ought to have had some real-life outside
experience during that period. I would certainly be very worried
if I felt the whole of our intake was coming through that route,
but on looking at the numbers it seems it is about ten or 12 per
cent, and that is probably fine.
Lord Rennard: Firstly, Parliament
itself could probably do more to try to promote and encourage
political engagement from people from more diverse backgrounds,
starting, I would say, with younger people. Obviously we can argue
about issues that I would talk about, like voting at 16 to encourage
people at an early age to participate rather than leaving it so
long. I think Parliament could do more of that. I think there
is a good point there about the House of Lords and backgrounds.
We have all talked about whether parties have the cultures to
address diversity. The membership of the House of Lords, which
apart from 92 hereditary members is entirely appointed, is still
80 per cent male, and I think that is an important statistic when
you consider how the culture of political parties could be changed.
My first experience of lunch in the House of Lords dining room
was with a Lord who told me, "Oh, it is just like school
dinners." I have to say, it is not like the school dinners
I had when I had free schools meals. I suspect it is a very small
minority of us in the House of Lords who actually had free school
dinners compared to the rest of the intake and the membership
of their Lordship's House.
Mr Collins: Two quick points.
First, Parliament itself could do a more effective job in monitoring
the diversity of its representation and I think if we had that
transparency and that information it could have a much more positive
debate. I also believe that the way people become candidates,
the organisations that support them, is critical. Through the
trade union movement, Labour representation as been incredibly
diverse. I know members of this House who have been bus drivers
and very active in my union when I worked for it, and I know that
there have been engineering workers and other workers that have
come through.
Q253 Mr Campbell: Coal miners.
Mr Collins: Coal miners, et
cetera so diversity and that issue of professionalism I think
is one that we need to be aware of, and I think if we had greater
transparency and monitoring we may be able to more effectively
address it.
Vice-Chairman: A final question on equality
audits from Julie.
Q254 Miss Kirkbride: When Trevor
Phillips came to speak he had a whole range of interesting ideas,
one of which was that the political parties should volunteer to
be bound by the same new duty that the public sector will have
to address inequalities and to promote equality. What do you think
of that idea and is there anything that you are already doing
in terms of auditing, or whatever it might be, to promote that
Mr Collins: I have got a great
deal of sympathy with that argument. We as a party adopted quotas
and specific actions in terms of our organisation, and that is
part of our rules and constitution, so it is very much part of
our culture. I always fear that when you have certain mechanisms
that people relax a bit and do not constantly make the case. I
think we have got to still make the case, but that duty on the
party is very much there, both constitutionally and in terms of
our own policy.
Q255 Miss Kirkbride: Forgive me.
At the moment is the only expression of that all-women shortlists,
or is there more that you would say as part this new public sector
Mr Collins: We monitor all of
our activists and we monitor all of our membership. We actually
have a very clearly defined quota in terms of all levels of representation
in the party. To me that is a very important step. If we do not
reach those quotas, we are failing our own constitutional obligation.
All-women shortlists are just one element of the armoury that
we have and it relates to, obviously, MPs but it is not as an
organisation. We have those other duties upon ourselves that have
been made through our rules. I repeat what I said earlier on,
I want to be in a position where all parties share the consensus
about how we actually evaluate and monitor our own success in
creating greater diversity. That would be my objective.
Lord Rennard: I have not seen
Trevor Phillips' proposal, but the outline that you have just
given us sounds to me very much what is actually enshrined in
the Liberal Democrats' party constitution and I think all parties
ought to subscribe to those sorts of values as you have outlined
them. We do, of course, undertake a lot of monitoring of diversity.
It is not the easiest thing to do across an entire party membership
and we are trying to be more proactive in making sure we pursue
this agenda. We have recently set up the Diversity Engagement
Group within the party, spearheaded by Vince Cable, to show the
seriousness with which we address the agenda. But it still seems
to me fundamentally there is a bit of an issue. I am sorry if
some regard my argument as being invalid. Whether it is about
changing the culture of the party or it is about giving power
to the voters to actually make real changes or it is about both,
it seems the things the parties all need to work on more is how
you overcome the barriers that are there to achieving equality
of outcome, and those barriers, I think, particularly in the Labour
and Conservative Parties, are the barriers to selection and with
the Liberal Democrat Party, perhaps it is more a barrier to election.
By that I mean time and personal resource. You need a lot of time
and a lot of money to get selected generally as a Labour or Conservative
candidate in a winnable or held seat and you need an awful lot
of time, and sometimes quite a bit of your own money, to get elected
as a Liberal Democrat MP. I think you have to look at those sorts
of barriers. Could you do more for MPs? The issue of MP's allowances,
of course, is hotly controversial, but why is nobody talking about
a proper allowance for MPs who have childcare allowances in the
unique circumstances of having to work and operate in two different
places? If you are going to do something for MPs, why not do something
perhaps about candidates, aspiring MPs, to help them with some
of those sorts of costs, to address those sorts of barriers which,
in my view, clearly hinder achievement and quality of outcome.
Q256 Miss Kirkbride: Through the
Lord Rennard: I am a taxpayer,
Q257 Miss Kirkbride: You want the
taxpayers to pay for that?
Lord Rennard: I am suggesting
perhaps other things taxpayers might not pay for. Perhaps they
might not pay for an additional costs allowance for two homes
for MPs already within London, but they might consider that actually
it is a duty, and, indeed, as MPs you approve childcare costs
for the staff you employ across Parliament, and that is quite
right because it means the staff you employ across Parliament
have some support for their childcare responsibilities, but you
do not do it for yourselves, and actually I think that is discriminatory.
An MP who comes and works in Westminster a lot of the time during
the week, if they cannot get any help towards their childcare
costs, it is barrier towards allowing (it tends to be) women of
a certain age to do that. If you look at the Liberal Democrats,
we have nine MPs: four of them are young and have no childcare
responsibilities at this moment, five of them are over 50 and,
again, have no childcare responsibilities. We do not have any
female Liberal Democrat MPs who actually have childcare responsibilities,
and perhaps that is something you might be able to address. I
do not suggest increasing the tax burden and I do not suggest
spending less on schools and hospitals, but spending some money
differently might be an achievable outcome.
Mrs May: In relation to the question
about Trevor Phillips, I think the most important thing that has
been done and that needs to be continued was the legislation that
was introduced that enabled parties to use positive action or
positive discrimination, and we certainly would support an extension
of that legislation. There is a potential tension with the proposal
that Trevor Phillips has put forward which we are already seeing
in the operation of the gender equality duty in the public sector,
which is that it can mitigate against the possibility of taking
positive action for one particular group of people, and so I lay
that on the table, because I do not think this would be an all-win
situation, and that is why I have some scepticism about whether
or not that would work and, of course, political parties are private
bodies as opposed to being in the public sector. May I make one
final general point though, which is when we have been talking
about the numbers. There is a real issue for Parliament. As John
has said, if the Conservative Party wins the next general election,
there will be a step-change in the number of women Conservative
MPs and the number of BME Conservative members of Parliament,
but a number of those will have actually defeated women Labour
members of Parliament, so the overall number of women in Parliament
may not increase that significantly. So there is an issue. It
is ultimately about changing cultures within parties to make sure
that we are getting the numbers of people coming through so that
you get that better balance, if you like, whatever the result
of an election is in terms of which particular party is in power.
Vice-Chairman: Thank you very much. I
am conscious that we have gone way past the time that you were
anticipating. We do have other questions. I wonder if it would
be in order for us to write to you with some of those questions.
We wondered particularly how much, on average, the political parties
think a candidate should be spending or might expect to spend
on becoming an MP. There were certainly questions on that. You
also made reference to the audit of membership, where you said
that you do audit of membership. I think we are still awaiting
a reply from both the Labour and Conservative Parties with regard
to that, so it would be very helpful for us if you could give
us any indication of work you are doing in terms of monitoring
your membership and the results of that monitoring. Also, there
have been a lot of statistics flying around this morning in terms
of the selections that have already taken place. I wonder if all
three of you could give us the details of each of your parliamentary
selections that have already taken place, and in the future, from
each constituency, with reference to gender, race, disability
and, in the light of one of the committees questions, previous
professions, or jobs, to give us a chance to collate that material?[1]
That would be extremely useful for us. I think that is all unless
there is anything else from the Conference. Can I say thank you
very much, because we know that what you as political parties
are prepared to do in terms of your own selection process is key
to us being able to come up with concrete suggestions as to what
Parliament itself needs to do as well in order to increase the
diversity of MPs. Thank you very much for coming along this morning,
thank you for your time. We might have to get you back at some
stage, once we have got some suggestions, to see what your response
will be.
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