Memorandum 105
Supplementary submission from the British
National Space Centre (BNSC)
BNSC is grateful to the Committee for the opportunity
to provide information relating to developments since its memorandum
of October 2006.
In Paragraph 5.2 sub section iii, BNSC referred
to the need for the UK to "decide how it should respond to
the new US-led initiative on exploration and exploitation of space",
noting that "this is not entirely an issue of science but
will also address exploitation".
In order to progress this policy area, BNSC
has taken several actions. BNSC is one of 14 space agencies, including
the US, Europe, China, Russia and Japan who have set up an ad-hoc
"Global Exploration Strategy" team to define how each
country can pursue space exploration through long term coordination
and collaboration. Both robotic and human exploration is foreseen,
focused on the Moon, Mars and asteroids. A "Framework for
Coordination" has been jointly prepared and will shortly
be published. This is not a proposal for a single programme but
instead will create a means to share plans and explore collaboration
at a global level in order to maximise the common benefits in
terms of science, technology, commercialisation and inspiration.
The BNSC partners are actively considering whether BNSC can contribute
to the robotic aspects. See
for further information.
The BNSC has set up a Space Exploration Working
Group composed of 22 scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs,
officials and independents to assess the developing global scene
in space exploration and suggest long term scenarios for UK involvement.
The Terms of Reference and membership are published on the BNSC
web site via a link at:
. This ad hoc group has been set up in recognition of the need
to develop policy in this area and it is expected that it will
publish its report by the summer, in time to inform the overall
new BNSC strategy document.
Finally, BNSC has also been engaged in bilateral
discussions with NASA to explore whether the UK should be involved
in NASA's plans for lunar exploration. Discussions within European
partners on lunar exploration are also underway through the UK's
participation in the ESA Aurora programme.
BNSC has recently started preliminary discussions
with ESA on the possibility of establishing an ESA facility in
the UK. Currently, the UK is the only major ESA member state without
a recognised ESA facility in its territory, while France, Germany,
Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Sweden and Belgium have
facilities. For the UK, any such facility should complement and
enhance our existing space capabilities, and provide a stimulus
for long term economic development based on exploiting the science,
technology and data products of space activities. For ESA, a UK
based facility must fill a current gap in its activities, and/or
add value.
A formal discussion between BNSC and Mr Dordain
(DG ESA) took place in February 2007. Mr Dordain was supportive
in principle and invited proposals on possible ESA facilities
which could be based in UK. It was also agreed to set up a BNSC/ESA
Working Group to further evaluate the issue and come up with a
set of recommendations on options. Composed of senior staff from
both organisations, the working group is expected to complete
its work by summer 2007. In order to prepare for further discussions
with ESA, BNSC has taken informal input from partners and UKSpace,
the space industry body.
In terms of a location for the possible ESA
facility, a leading area being considered is the planned Harwell
Business Campus where it is envisaged that such a facility could
form part of a cluster of facilities alongside those of Government
and industry. At this stage, a number of possible options are
being considered. These include the fields of space exploration,
covering scientific and technological aspects, as well as applications
and exploitation of space derived data, which are areas of significant
UK expertise and interest.
(1986) ACT (OSA)
The OSA licensing activities arise because of
international (UN Outer Space Treaty) obligations on Governments
to (i) maintain a register of objects sent into space; (ii) ensure
safety of operations for such space activities; and (iii) bear
ultimate liability for costs arising from accidental damage to
third parties from UK space activities.
The licensing process involves ensuring: (i)
the financial health of licencees; (ii) that the activity does
not pose risks to public health, safety or UK national security;
(iii) an unlimited indemnity from the licensee to HMG against
any proven third party costs resulting from the activities and
to help manage this indemnity; and (iv) third party liability
insurance (to a minimum of £100 million) both during the
launch and while the satellite is in operation.
Industry have often argued that the potentially
unlimited liability and the requirement to obtain insurance cover
during the operational phase (following launch) are too onerous
and anomalous compared to the other main space faring countries.
As mentioned in the original Memorandum submitted
by DTI (para 37), following an independent review of the UK licensing
regime, BNSC is now investigating possible updates. Any amendments
must balance the need to ensure that it does not place onerous
conditions on industry while also ensuring Government's obligations
on health, safety and national security as well as minimising
the exposure of the public purse to liabilities arising from licensees.
Possible future options for handling liability are being considered.
Discussions are ongoing with HM Treasury. A further issue being
considered is the appropriate licence fee (currently a single
charge of £6,500 per application) which has remained unchanged
while the costs of processing have increased. Once these issues
have been concluded, a public consultation is envisaged later
this year outlining the proposed new approach.
Since the original submission to the Select
Committee, further work has been completed to assess the economic
benefits deriving from BNSC investments in civil space activities.
The report on these expenditures[28]
indicates that "the UK space programme has generated a strongly
positive financial return" The report suggests that BNSC
support for commercial objectives is responsible for between 4%
and 6% of total UK space value added (contribution to national
income). Additionally it estimates that these BNSC investments
contribute two to three times their value in GDP. These economic
benefits do not take account of the additional and very substantial
scientific and policy benefits that also derive from UK expenditure
on civil space.
JSTP] (PARAS 2.13-2.14)
There has been good progress towards the establishment
of an NSTP through the CCLRC led bid for an annual budget of £18
million into the CSR. CCLRC is joining with PPARC (another BNSC
partner) on the 1 April to form the STFC (Science and Technology
Facilities Council). An early decision on the funding is expected
following the CSR settlement of 5.5% cash increase for the Science
Budget announced by the Chancellor in the Budget Speech.
The core activities in the NSTP will be:
(i) To identify opportunities for knowledge
transfer, and the exploitation of established and emerging space
technologies, including the extent to which they can address the
requirements of individual BNSC partners.
(ii) To perform "proof of concept"
and technology risk reduction to establish the viability of candidate
technologies and systems.
(iii) To exploit opportunities for collaboration
and technology demonstration, including flight heritage, and to
stimulate private finance investment.
(iv) To coordinate and provide formal reports
and other advice to partners to inform their investments and the
delivery of services.
The programme will support proposals on the
basis of their innovation, value for money, and socio-economical
potential. Priority will be given in particular to proposals that
establish or reflect a UK global leadership in a capability (eg
telecommunications, small satellites).
The Space Board approved the arrangements for
the implementation of the programme and the BSNC led Programme
Management Team is now working towards a first Call for proposals
in December 2007. The Space Board also proposed the establishment
of a Programme Advisory Board comprising eight to 10 individuals
recruited by open competition.
April 2007
28 Evaluation of the Economic Case for BNSC's Funding
of Civil Space Programmes. Final Report. March 2007. Technopolis
Ltd and Sagentia. Back