Sessional Returns - First Report
Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 6 December 2006.
Terms of Reference
1 Business of the House 4
B Notices of Motions for an Early Day 4
C Disciplinary Powers of the Chair 4
D Public Petitions 4
2 Closure of Debate, Proposal of Question and Allocation of Time 5
B Power of Chair to Propose Question 6
C (1) Allocation of Time 7
C (2) Allocation of Time (Programme Motions) 8
C (3) Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)
3 Sittings of the House
A Days and hours of sitting in the House
B Days and hours of sitting in Westminster Hall
C Distribution of time on the floor of the House between principal types of business
D Distribution of time in Westminster Hall between applicable types of business
4 Private Bills and Private Business
A Private Bills, Private Business and Special Procedure Orders: General
B Dates of the House's consideration of the several stages of Private Bills
C Opposed Bill Committees
D Committee on Unopposed Bills
E Bills to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936
F Court of Referees
G Standing Orders Committee
H Special Procedure Orders
I Joint Committees
5 Public Bills
B Bills which received the Royal Assent
C Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent
D House's consideration of the several stages of Public Bills
E Consideration of Bills in Committee of the whole House
F Consideration of Bills in Standing Committee
6 Delegated Legislation and Regulatory Reform Orders
A Instruments laid before the House
B Instruments considered by the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments
C Consideration in the House and in Standing Committee
D Chairmen and Members of Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation
E Regulatory Reform Proposals and draft Orders
F Remedial Orders under the Human Rights Act 1998
7 European Legislation, etc.
A Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee
B Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Standing Committees
8 Grand Committees and the Standing Committee on Regional Affairs
Northern Ireland Grand Committee
Welsh Grand Committee
Scottish Grand Committee
Standing Committee on Regional Affairs
9 Chairmen's Panel
10 Select Committees
1 Alphabetical list of Members
2 Number of Members Serving on Select Committees
1 Administration
1A Parliamentary Visitor Centre Sub-Committee
2 Armed Forces Bill
3 Communities and Local Government
4 Consolidation, & c., Bills (Joint Committee)
5 Constitutional Affairs
6 Conventions (Joint Committee)
7 Crossrail Bill
8 Culture, Media and Sport
9 Defence
10 Draft Legal Services Bill (Joint Committee)
11 Education and Skills
12 Environmental Audit
12A Sub-Committee on Trade, Development and Environment
12B Sustainable Timber Procurement Sub-Committee
13 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
13A Rural Payments Agency Sub-Committee
14 European Scrutiny
15 Finance and Services
16 Foreign Affairs
17 Health
18 Home Affairs
18A Draft Corporate Manslaughter Bill Sub-Committee (Home Affairs)
19 Human Rights (Joint Committee)
20 International Development
21 Liaison
21A Liaison Sub-Committee
22 Modernisation of the House of Commons
23 Northern Ireland Affairs
24 Procedure
25 Public Accounts
26 Public Administration
27 Regulatory Reform
28 Science and Technology
29 Scottish Affairs
30 Selection
31 Standards and Privileges
32 Statutory Instruments
33 Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
34 Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
35 Trade and Industry
35A Export Credits Guarantee Department's bribery rules Sub-Committee
36 Transport
37 Treasury
37A Treasury Sub-Committee
38 Welsh Affairs
39 Work and Pensions
39A Draft Corporate Manslaughter Bill Sub-Committee (Work and Pensions)
1 Printing Costs and Page Count
1A Page Count and Costs: Financial Year 2005-06
1B Page Count and Costs: Session 2005-06
2 Select Committee Expenses
2A Financial Year 2005-06
2B Session 2005-06
3 Select Committee Staff