Members participating: Mr James Arbuthnot MP (Chairman),
Mr Dai Havard MP, Mr Bernard Jenkin MP, Mr Kevan Jones MP, Willie
Rennie MP and John Smith MP.
Sunday 8 July 2007
Basra Air Station
Briefing from Major General the Hon Jonathan Shaw,
General Officer Commanding, Multi-National Division (South East)
Command briefing from Colonel Ian Thomas, Chief of
Staff, MND(SE), and Major General Shaw
Briefing from HM Consul General, Mr Richard Jones
Briefing from Brigadier James Bashall, Commanding
Officer, 1 Mechanised Brigade
Um Qasr
Briefing from Captain Tim Stockings RN, Commanding
Officer, Naval Transition Team
Monday 9 July 2007
Basra Air Station
Briefing from Colonel Steve Shirley, Commander Force
Support, and Lieutenant Colonel Rob Blackstone RE
Briefing from Group Captain Paul Burt RAF, Commander,
903 Expeditionary Air Wing, Wing Commander Tom Bunnington RAF
and Wing Commander Mike Hand RAF
Briefing from Major Phil Oxley RA, Commanding Officer,
20 Battery, 16th Regiment, Royal Artillery
Briefing by Colonel Andy Bristow, Commanding Officer,
10th Iraqi Army Division Military Transition Team,
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Wenham, Chief of Staff, and Brigadier
General Malik Awaad Ibrahim, Deputy Commander, 10th
Division, Iraq Army
Briefing from Major Dom Spencer, Officer Commanding
D Company, 1 Royal Welsh, and Officer Commanding Divisional Internment
Facility, and Captain Adrian Twining, Army Legal Service
Meeting with Baswari politicians
Counter-IED Briefing from Major Dave Bickles RE,
Staff Officer 2 Counter Threat, 1 Mechanised Brigade
Manoeuvre Battle Group Briefing from Lieutenant Colonel
James Swift, Commanding Officer, 2 Royal Welsh
Borders North Battle Group briefing by Major Andrew
Horman, Second-in-Command, King's Royal Hussars
UK Medical Group Briefing by Lieutenant Colonel Toby
Rowland RAMC, Commander Medical
Washup meeting with Major General Shaw
Tuesday 10 July 2007
British Embassy briefing from HM Ambassador the Hon
Dominic Asquith CMG and Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb, Deputy
Commanding General, Multi-National Force - Iraq
Meeting with the United States Ambassador to Iraq,
Mr Ryan Crocker, and General David Petraeus, Commanding General,
Multi-National Force - Iraq
Security transition briefing from Major General Mastin
M Robeson USMC, Brigadier Neil Baverstock, Colonel Mark Castle,
Chief of Campaign Plans, and Colonel J P Jenks, Chief of Intelligence
Iraqi Security Forces briefing from Brigadier Stephen
Meeting with Nouri Al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq
Meeting with General Qadir Obeidir, Minister of Defence
of Iraq
Wednesday 11 July 2007
British Embassy Briefing from Mr Tim Stew, Chargé
d'Affaires, Colonel Geoff Moynan, Defence Attaché, and
Mr Jonathan Brown, Second Secretary (Political)
British Military Mission briefing from Brigadier
Jamie Mackaness, Commander, British Military Mission, and Lieutenant
Colonel Des Norton
Meeting with Sheikh Ali al Sabah, Deputy Head of
the National Security Bureau
Meeting with Lieutenant General Fahad Ahmad al Amin,
Chief of Staff, Kuwaiti Armed Forces
Meeting with Khalid Jarallah, Under-Secretary, Kuwaiti
Ministry of Foreign Affairs