Turks and Caicos Islands
Population: 30,600 (subject to levels of legal
and illegal immigration)
GDP: $480 million, GDP per head: $15, 683
Key industries: tourism and real estate
Associate member of CARICOM
541. The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) form
the south-eastern extremity of the Bahamas chain and lie 90 miles
north of Haiti and the Dominican Republic and 575 miles south-east
of Miami. The territory comprises some 40 islands and cays (pronounced
keys) split into two groups by a deep-water channel, with a total
land area of 193 square miles. Only six of the islands are permanently
inhabited: Grand Turk (where the capital Cockburn Town is situated);
Salt Cay; South Caicos; Middle Caicos; North Caicos and Providenciales
(known as Provo, where the majority of the tourism development
is). There are a number of exclusive hotel developments and holiday
homes on smaller cays. Limited rainfall plus poor soil and a limestone
base restrict the possibilities for agricultural development.
The island has over 30 environmentally protected areas. There
are also 200 miles of white beaches.
542. Juan Ponce De Leon first discovered these
uninhabited Islands in 1512. Locals claim that the islands were
the first landfall of Christopher Columbus in 1492. For several
centuries TCI changed hands between the French, Spanish and British.
They remained virtually uninhabited until 1678 when they were
settled by a group of Bermudians who started to extract salt and
timber. Loyalists established cotton plantations after the American
Revolution, but this was short lived. By 1820 the cotton crop
had failed and the majority of planters moved on. TCI became a
formal part of the Bahamas in 1799. In 1848 the Islanders petitioned
for and were granted separate colonial status with an elected
Legislative Board and an administrative President. In 1872 the
Islands were annexed by Jamaica and remained tied to them until
Jamaica became independent in 1962. TCI then became a Crown colony
with an Administrator rather than a Governor. In 1965 the Governor
of the Bahamas also became the Governor of TCI. When the Bahamas
became independent in 1973 TCI got its own Governor.
Constitutional status
543. TCI has a ministerial system of government.
The 2006 constitution provides for a Governor, a Cabinet and an
elected House of Assembly. The Governor is responsible for external
affairs, defence, internal security, the regulation of international
financial services and certain other matters but is otherwise
normally required to act on the advice of Cabinet. The Cabinet
consists of the Governor (presiding officer), the Premier, six
other ministers and the Attorney General. The House of Assembly
comprises a Speaker, 15 elected members, 4 appointed members and
the Attorney General.
Evidence received
544. The Committee received over 50 submissions
from the Turks and Caicos Islands, many of which were sent in
545. The Committee heard oral evidence from the
Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands in December 2007.
546. A delegation of the Committee visited the
Turks and Caicos Islands in March 2008.
Key recommendations
- We conclude that it is wrong
for some Overseas Territories to have access to the benefits of
International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognition while others
do not. We recommend that the FCO should make representations
to the IOC about recognition for all its Overseas Territories.
(para 136)
- We are very concerned by the serious allegations
of corruption we have received from the Turks and Caicos Islands
(TCI). They are already damaging TCI's reputation, and there are
signs that they may soon begin to affect the Islands' tourism
industry. There is also a great risk that they will damage the
UK's own reputation for promoting good governance. Unlike the
Cayman Islands, where the Governor has taken the initiative in
investigations, the onus has been placed on local people to substantiate
allegations in TCI. This approach is entirely inappropriate given
the palpable climate of fear on TCI. In such an environment people
will be afraid to publicly come forward with evidence. We conclude
that the UK Government must find a way to assure people that a
formal process with safeguards is underway and therefore recommend
that it announces a Commission of Inquiry, with full protection
for witnesses. The change in Governor occurring in August presents
an opportunity to restore trust and we recommend that the Commission
of Inquiry be announced before the new Governor takes up his post.
(para 196)
- On 20 May we held a private meeting with Meg
Munn to express our concerns about the allegations we had received
during the course of our inquiry. (para 197)
- We recommend that the Government should closely
monitor the conditions of prisoners, illegal immigrants and migrant
workers in Overseas Territories to ensure rights are not being
abused. (para 268)
- We conclude that although extending voting rights
to non-Belongers will be politically difficult for Overseas Territory
governments, the Government should at least encourage local administrations
to review this issue with regard to non-Belongers who have resided
in an Overseas Territory for a reasonable period. We recommend
that the Government should propose that non-Belongers' rights
be an agenda item for the next OTCC. (para 275)
- We are concerned by the National Audit Office's
finding that the FCO has been complacent in managing the risk
of money laundering in Anguilla, Montserrat and the Turks and
Caicos Islands, particularly since these Territories are those
for which the UK is directly responsible for regulation and therefore
most exposed to financial liabilities. We agree with the Public
Accounts Committee's recent recommendation that Governors of these
Territories should use their reserve powers to bring in more external
investigators or prosecutors to strengthen investigative capacity.
(para 312)
- We recognise that immigration policy is a matter
devolved to the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), but we conclude
that given the scale of illegal immigration of Haitians into the
Territory the FCO should accept greater responsibility for tackling
the issue. We recommend that the FCO should provide a regular
Royal Navy presence in TCI's coastal waters to assist with patrols
and that it should consider with the Haitian government what further
measures could be taken by the Haitian and UK governments in cooperation
with each other to prevent Haitians leaving by boat to enter TCI
illegally. (para 374)
- We conclude that the Government has acted decisively
in some Overseas Territories, for example in the investigations
and prosecutions that took place on the Pitcairn Islands. However,
in other cases which should also cause grave concern, in particular,
allegations of corruption on the Turks and Caicos Islands, its
approach has been too hands off. The Government must take its
oversight responsibility for the Overseas Territories more seriously
- consulting across all Overseas Territories more on the one hand
while demonstrating a greater willingness to step in and use reserve
powers when necessary on the other. (para 437)
- We also conclude that the choice of Governor
for a Territory, and the levels of training and support they are
given, are crucial. We welcome the recent upgrading of the Governor
post in the Turks and Caicos Islands. We recommend that the FCO
should give consideration to opening up appointments of Governors
more frequently to candidates out side the diplomatic service.
We also recommend that the Director of the Overseas Territories
Directorate should become a more senior post. (para 438)
- Finally, the Committee concludes it is deplorable
and totally unacceptable for any individual who has assisted the
Committee with its inquiry to be subjected to threats, intimidation,
or personal sanctions or violence in any form. If the Committee
is informed of any such retaliatory measures being taken against
any person who has submitted formal or informal evidence to this
inquiry, it will take all appropriate steps within its powers.
(para 439)