Submission from W L Chamberland, Gibraltar
I wish to advise you that following the evidence
given to your Committee by the Hon Joe Bossano, Leader of the
Opposition in respect of, in part the ongoing saga between the
Chief Minister and the Chief Justice. In fact the remarks in regard
to protocol are quite accurate as on more than one occasion Military
Parades have surprise surprise started late because the Hon Chief
Minister has tried to arrive after the Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
A previous incumbent of this later office used
to post a member of staff to check when the CM left.
Another very important aspect which Mr Bossano
failed to bring up was as to loyalty, whether this was a lapse
or he tried not to add more fuel to the polemics only he knows.
I shall limit myself to the following quotation
which appeared in a local newspaper website on Tuesday 28 May
Quote "In an interview to the magazine Hermes
of the Sabino Arana foundation which will be on sale next week
in Spain, Mr Caruana calls for a process of dialogue where no
one `feels threatened or undermined or with a knife to his neck
or a pistol to his head. Mr Caruana says that Spain should `spoil'
the Gibraltarians a little until the Gibraltarians decide to lower
the Union Jack flag. This last remark unworthy of any leader and
unheard of in the past".
February 2008