Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Mr W L Chamberland, Gibraltar

  Pardon my further intrusion into your valuable time, which in all fairness you have to dedicate to your electors.

  On 7 February 1 wrote to you, in the main supporting the Hon Joe Bossano's testimony vis-á-vis the ongoing saga between the Chief Minister and the Chief Justice. This new "epistle" if I may be permitted to state goes to the core of all our problems, dating back to 1704 but which any decent nation would have put to bed, but when you have certain elements both in Britain and Gibraltar who unwisely wish to reach an accommodation the very essence of democracy goes out of the window. Both Spain and the Foreign Office have been waiting for a fall guy after years of non co-operation to fold up by successive Gibraltar Governments from the late Sir Joshua Hassan through Sir Bob Peliza, thankfully still alive and Mr Bossano.

  From the gist of the correspondence you will be able to perceive how much Spain has gained and Gibraltar lost. To continue in the 21st century with an archaic claim and still not be willing to test in court speaks for itself but if you have a CM of Gibraltar accepting to sign an agreement without an implied mandate from us the Gibraltarians and to cap it all continues to defend the Spanish interpretations as to the isthmus, the non existence of the frontier (but a police post to them) and the renaming of the "Bay of Gibraltar", is I am afraid not a sign of a mature politician but rather a sign of either weakness or undue pressure from the FO Mandarins. If you or any other member of your committee wish to recap the words of Mr Peter Hain to the people of Gibraltar which was more of a threat than a message you may or not arrive at my and quite a few thousands of my compatriots conclusion that the FO were behind these insinuations, gladly we are still about, he has had to look for other pastures.

  Gibraltar has not been defended for quite a number of years and in all sincerity one cannot blame the present Government as this stems from the times of Lord Howe and Baroness Thatcher, I could go on and on but would detract from the object of this letter. I sincerely hope that you Sir take the time to digest fully the contents of all these letters and can be proved by production of documents. I am not an angry young man, I am 73 years of age and except for the war years, spent in the heart of London during the blitz, lived here, I served our equivalent of National Service in 1953, very appropriate Coronation Year, in 1957 with a group of some 38 other Gibraltarians I was Commissioned in the then local Defence Force now The Royal Gibraltar Regiment and until recently Chairman of the Regimental Association from which I resigned in October 2007 after 8 years in the post.

  Therefore Sir I do not consider myself a trouble maker but more of a partisan and in conclusion may I suggest that since certain letters contain Spanish words, which I have purposely not translated as not to appear to be bias, I can but recommend that Mr Albert Poggio OBE, well known to you all be asked to explain the words.

  My profound apologies for the letter but in all fairness you and your committee are the only ones we can trust because at this rate Gibraltar will never be decolonised but could end up as a Banana Republic or worst still Spanish.

25 February 2008

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