Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Further submission from Clive A Stafford Smith, Director, Reprieve


  I am writing in relation to the recent disclosure by David Miliband that CIA ghost prisoners were in fact transported through UK Overseas Territory in Diego Garcia. As you are aware, for some time now Reprieve has been pushing for a full, public inquiry into serious allegations of rendition and secret imprisonment in Diego Garcia, not least in our submission of October 2007 to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee's inquiry into the Overseas Territories.

  We have had very little response from your Committee and have not been invited to present oral evidence in your inquiry. Very many questions remain unanswered with regard to Diego Garcia's role in the CIA rendition system and we certainly can no longer fall back on US "assurances" that all is well.

  I hope that the FAC will be investigating this matter further and suggest that, as a matter of urgency, the following issues must be determined and made public:

    —  The identities of the two men admitted yesterday to have been rendered through Diego Garcia.

    —  Where these men were held prior to their transfer from Diego Garcia and whether in fact either of them were held on the island itself or on ships off Diego Garcia prior to their transfer.[259]

    —  Where these men were taken having been transferred from Diego Garcia and how they were subsequently treated.

    —  What permissions were sought by the Americans from the British in respect to these renditions or individuals.

    —  Full flight logs, data strings[260] and passenger manifests of the planes on which these men were transported.

    —  What permissions were granted and/or guarantees or promises sought in respect to these renditions or individuals.

    —  Any follow-up the British government has made in respect of the conditions in which these men have been held by the Americans or any other state.

    —  A full investigation into any other flights which have stopped off in or flown through Diego Garcia.

    —  A full investigation into detentions on any boats in any way supported by the naval base at Diego Garcia.

    —  A full investigation into reports that any prisoners may have been held on or near Diego Garcia, including but not limited to the following prisoners:

 (i)   Muhammed Saad Iqbal Madni

  You mention in your letter that one rendition flight took place in January 2002. Based on the difficult work that we at Reprieve have done trying to track down the victims of this illegal practice, a likely candidate for this illegal act is Muhammad Saad Iqbal Madni. Mr Madni (ISN 743) is a dual Egyptian-Pakistani national who was seized in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 9 January 2002, after arriving from Pakistan. Mr Madni has insisted that he is innocent of any crime, and was in Jakarta to visit his Indonesian step-mother and his brother after the death of his father.

  We have traced the plane, and on 9 January 2002, the Gulfstream N379P (dubbed the "Rendition Express") flew from Dulles to Cairo, presumably to pick up Egyptian "colleagues" who would take part in the rendition process. The plane flew on to Jakarta.

  On 11 January, Mr Madni was hustled aboard N379P and flown to Egypt. After leaving Mr. Madni to his fate in Cairo, the plane flew from to Washington via Prestwick (once again, British territory).

  Meanwhile, Mr Madni spent 92 torturous days in Egyptian custody, until 12 April 2002. He was then taken to Afghanistan for 11 months, before arriving in Guantanamo on 22 March 2003. He became so depressed by his treatment that he attempted suicide after 191 days in Guantanamo. He remains there to this day.

 (ii)   Sheikh Al-Libi

  The other person in our files who might fit this profile is Sheikh Al-Libi, who was transferred off the USS Bataan in January 2002, likely in the vicinity of Diego Garcia. He was taken to Egypt, where he was tortured into "admitting" that Al Qaida was in league with Saddam Hussein in the development of weapons of mass destruction. This was one plank of President Bush's case for the invasion of Iraq, a "confession" specifically mentioned in President Bush's argument to the world. It was, as we all know to our cost, entirely false, extracted through torture of the most horrendous nature. He has indeed been "released" by the US—but only in the sense that he was rendered (refouled is the technical term, in violation of the Refugee Convention and the Convention Against Torture) to Libya where our information leads us to believe he is suffering at the hands of the Gaddafi regime.

  The government has stated that the second rendition flight took place in September 2002. Flight logs for the N379P "Rendition Express" show a flight from Washington to Athens to Diego Garcia on 13 September. The plane subsequently appeared in Morocco on 18 Septtember.

 (iii)   Ramzi Bin Al-Shibh

  This plane may well have contained Ramzi Bin al Shibh. He was apparently taken into custody on 11 September 2002, in Pakistan. He is, indeed, now in Guantanamo Bay, and has been since being brought here in September 2006. More importantly, he is facing capital charges brought by the US military on Monday 11 February 2008. If he was the prisoner taken through Diego Garcia, there is a serious question as to whether the UK has violated its legal obligation to secure from the US assurances that the death penalty will not be imposed on a prisoner transferred from British territory. Please could you make immediate inquiries to determine whether this law has been violated and let me know, as it may prove vital to preserving his life.

 (iv)   Hambali aka Riduan Isamuddin[261]

 (v)   Abu Zubaydah[262]

 (vi)   Khalid Shaikh Mohammed[263]


  A full list of further lines of inquiry was included in our submission to you of October 2007. These should now be followed up as a matter of urgency. We urge you also to invite Reprieve and other relevant organisations to present oral evidence to your ongoing inquiry into the Overseas Territories.


  Equally important, after visiting Diego Garcia, N379P flew on to Morocco at a time when British resident Binyam Mohamed was being tortured there (after himself being rendered by the CIA). Around September 18, 2002, when N379P flew to Rabat, Mr Mohamed was having a razor blade taken to his genitals as part of an effort to build a case against him. He, too, languishes in Guantanamo Bay. Was this rendition plane bringing someone else for torture to Morocco? (Perhaps Mr bin al Shibh or another person.) Or was it bringing American agents to take part in the torture process against Mr Mohamed himself?


  There have been at least 54 queries (parliamentary questions and so on) concerning Diego Garcia, made in one form or another. Many concern the use of the territory of Diego Garcia to hold prisoners. More compelling however, is the idea that prisoners were held on ships in the waters surrounding Diego Garcia and supplied from the mainland. Whether this is technically within "territorial waters" (defined perhaps as three miles) or slightly further is immaterial. It has always been more likely that the territory of Diego Garcia was not, itself, the place where the major part of the rendition process was taking place. This makes all the logic in the world, since the US has a modus operandi: to hold prisoners in carefully controlled environments that are protected from the annoyance of lawyers and journalists. We have been tracking several ships that have been refitted to act as prison ships. These ships are listed in our submission to you of October 2007. Please would you make specific inquiries about whether rendered or ghost prisoners have been held on ships of this nature within a reasonable distance of any British territory (including Diego Garcia) and in what ways British territory has been used to supply such ships.

  I thank you for your attention and look forward to hearing from you.

26 February 2008, accessed 26/4/07. accessed: 26/4/07., accessed 26/4/07.

259   The second rendition flight allegedly took place in September 2002. Flight logs for the N379P "Rendition Express" show a flight from Washington to Athens and then to Diego Garcia on 13 September. The plane subsequently appeared in Morocco on 18 September. Unless we believe a ghost prisoner was picked up in Athens before being transferred to Diego Garcia, it seems likely that a prisoner was in fact transferred to N379P from Diego Garcia itself and then on to Morocco or Egypt. Back

260   The Council of Europe is in possession of these data-strings. Back

261   Ending Secret Detentions Report by Human Rights First, June 2004 Back

262   Knox, Paul, War on terror ignites battle over course of U.S. justice, The Globe and Mail, 5/9/02, Back

263   Selsky, Andrew, Guantanamo transcripts paint portraits of detainees, but much remains cloudy, Associated Press, 3/4/06, Back

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