Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Shaun D Malcolm, Chairman, People's Democratic Movement, Turks and Caicos Islands



  It is a pleasure to have met with your Committee, the Hon Leader of the Opposition and members of the Official Opposition of the Turks and Caicos Islands. I write to your Committee as a way to follow-up, in my official capacity as National Chairman of the Opposition Party and in personal regard. Essentially what follows will highlight matters of high national importance. Sirs, we do believe that the personal freedoms and the finances of the Turks & Caicos are at stake and that the Islands are reaching a critical crossroads in the direction of this country. Before I proceed to list the documents herein attached. I believe that there is urgent need for a Commission of Enquiry at the least when viewed against the background of lesser events worldwide and in particular our immediate Regional Neighbors that have prompted similar investigations. Elliot Spitzer, Governor of New York resigns over allegations of being involved in a prostitution ring, a British Minister being forced to resign owing to his making a call to the Immigration Office in London to check on a work permit, a former Junior Minister in Jamaica was recently arrested and charged with numerous counts of conspiracy to defraud the Government of monies in what is dubbed the Cuban bulb scandal, etc. We have convincing evidence that basic fundamental rights were flaunted, cast aside and breached by our Premier and his Ministers, under the watchful eye of the Governor, who a few weeks ago went on National Television ("Education and You") to attempt to exonerate the Government in the eyes of the public. May I now present my position before this August Committee.

  1.  I am a trained hotelier with a tertiary level education, former school teacher, choir director and a host of achievements in the private and public sector. It is against this background that I reached assistant managerial status at the Sandals Resort in Providenciales, Beaches well over four years. Owing to my exercise of my basic fundamental right to discuss public issues, be an active campaigner for the Opposition, and appeared on National TV that I was removed from my post. I subsequently met with the Principal Owner and Directors of Beaches Resort, and I was advised by them that my public activity was causing the then Chief Minister, Michael Misick, a lot of "trouble" and that he (Michael Misick) will not do business with them as long as I remained a part of that company as an employee. So I was forced to tender my resignation within a few days, so they can get their business done with the Government. Please note that I was a good employee and that there were no disciplinary complaints against me. My only crime was being an Opposition activist and spokesperson. Yet the fundamental rights provisions of the Constitution, being the right of association and freedom to speak, in their absolute form could not protect my job. Today as I write you sir, with all the resorts in this country and over 10 years in the hotel business, I still don't have a job in my country, because the Government will not do business with any resort if they employ me (I have a wife and two infant children).

  2.  On 1 June 2007. I wrote to the Minister responsible for Natural Resources dealing with the Minister's dictatorial destruction of my land grant. In this regard, I list the


    (i)  Letter to Minister 1 June 2007.

    (ii)  Emails to and from the Governor, 7 June 2007.

    (iii)  Letter to the Governor enclosing Land Grant of 12 February 2003 and related letters from the permanent Secretary Natural Resources.

    (iv)  Application forms.

    (v)  A copy of my passport.

  3.  Sirs, I also point out to you a list of the Electors for Electoral District 8, the Constituency of the Premier, there was not allowed any Claims and Objections proceedings required under the Elections Ordinance. Please see list which remains unaltered owing to his appearing at Claims and Objections proceedings and interrupting the meetings. I was present at the Claims and Objections in 2006 when he attacked the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Derek Taylor, threaten the delegation and caused a row—so that the Supervisor of Elections was forced to cancel the Hearings.

  4.  Please see also the copy of the DVD which recorded the Premier's recent press conference where he falsely alleged that the Leader of the Opposition and myself forged 500 letters of complaint to this August Foreign Affairs Committee.

  5.  I am also in a position to advise that the "Let's Talk Politics" program which I used to host on the Local TV Station, WIV, was cancelled owing to direct interference by the Premier.

  Sirs, we need this Government and the Governor to be removed from Office without further delay, owing to the numerous serious allegations of corruption and constitutional breaches that have occurred in the past and continue to this day.

  Time is of the essence as we as citizens watch helplessly as Her Majesty's Representative, The Governor and PNP Government continue to abuse its citizens' constitutional rights, rape and plunder the limited resources of these Islands. A modern day tragedy that generations to come will have as a legacy. Based on the number of unrelated submissions of various breaches of human rights in the TCI and allegations of corruption by public officials; how can the current Governor who is responsible for good governance continue to sit as chairman of Cabinet and have the confidence of Her Majesty's Government when he publicly said that he has not seen any evidence of these breaches.

  Based on your visit here and interviews, you were able to corroborate as true the allegations. What steps will be taken by Her Majesty's Government in the short term to protect the assets and reputation of the Turks & Caicos pending a full commission of enquiry.

13 March 2008

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