Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by James E Skerritt


  There are objections already lodged by the residents of the above residential area. I am writing on behalf of my parents Joseph and Mary Skerritt, whose home is adjacent to the proposed project. My parents' property has been there for 30 years. Both of them spent most of their adult lives living and working in England. Having retired and returned to Montserrat in 1991 their peaceful hopes were ruined by the natural disasters that have occurred on the island. They have however remained loyal inhabitants of the island.

  After the volcano erupted a temporary shelter was constructed on the site to help those made homeless. The plot of land in question is not very large. It has now been proposed to build a permanent home to house the Indigent and Mentally Challenged people of the island.

  Having been to Montserrat to visit my parents and seen the site, my thoughts are that the location chosen does not lend much to the idea of long term planning. I do not think the site fits the purpose. I wonder does the department responsible for health really understand the needs of the people they are trying to help.

  It is more then 12 years since the start of the volcanic activity, the time for short-term "quick fixes" has long passed. It would appear that the Government of Montserrat is not giving much thought to all concerned, ie the residents of Sweeney who have voted for them and pay taxes to them, and the unfortunate people who are probably not in a position to raise this issue themselves.

  There was never any formal notification about the plans; in fact the first my parents knew of the project was by passing conversation. Though the matter has been ongoing from the middle of last year it was not until I pointed out, that the residents should be given formal notification of such a project that a Notice was placed on the site at the end of November. Information is not readily available from the Planning Department as there is nothing posted via their website. No further information has been forthcoming since.

  The lack of transparency I have seen in this matter is of much concern, as it indicates the views of the public would not be appreciated. I welcome any comments.

19 January 2008

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