Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Catherine Mills, Ontario, Canada


  While appreciating the scope and complexities an international community encompasses, I would hope in the context of accountability the practical applications to currant, reformed or new legislative action will go beyond another review for further consideration.

  When individuals tacitly assisted by the system are able to circumvent the rule of law, make a mockery of it and the governments who are responsible to uphold the legal framework of local and international obligations; the claim of FCO priorities effect window dressing, embolden the undermining of law, while maximizing your contingent liabilities.

  Accordingly, 69 states and the European Community recently agreed to a new global convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and other Forms of Family Maintenance.* This important work through the Hague gives practical effect to the rights of the child. While the UK has been an active participant, the Overseas Territories are woefully absent in the Convention, despite the fact most are reciprocating Territories with the UK's REMO (Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders).

  In closing, a loophole that facilitates an open arms policy, to host and provide haven in a UK Overseas Territory to those who purposefully seek to evade responsibility, will be a matter to be addressed through action in the near future.


31 January 2008

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