Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Susan Parsons


  I am married to a Bermudian and have been for 10 years we have two children together born in Bermuda who hold full status. I had three children from my previous marriage when we met, born to a UK status father. We have had to leave Bermuda as when my children turn 21 they could not apply for status. This would have left my family in a situation where three children would be ripped away from their family and siblings and expected to start a life alone elsewhere. After having been brought up and schooled in Bermuda for over 10 years.

  Is this not a constitutional breach of our rights as a family?

  To further complain every other civilised country in the world has a government website where one can check requirements for citizenship and status to see if its worth applying or if one indeed qualifies. For eight long years the Bermuda website (on the section of status) has had the message " under construction". Eight long years of no information. When I questioned this with the appropriate department I was told they were busy and had no funds!!

  I think this is appalling and the government of Bermuda should be expected to clearly state their policy when it comes to legal spouses and blended families such as mine that fall into this terrible, desperate situation.

  Until this happens my born in Bermuda husband is denied the privilege of living with his chosen family in his home country. Does anyone know what rights my children have to be able to live as one family or to remain together in Bermuda as siblings?

31 January 2008

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