Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Alan Gamble, Bermuda


  I understand that a committee will be visiting Bermuda for an audit of standards of governance here. The Progressive Labour Party was recently returned to power for a third term which to some would indicate a level of satisfaction with their performance. This is a matter of opinion but what is a matter of fact is that the people of Bermuda are not receiving information which they are entitled to in many areas. There is no obligation (other than a moral one) for Government to make information public and there is a catalogue of secret reports and enquiries which remain hidden.

  We can only guess at the level of debt in which this Government has placed us and the treatment of the Auditor General has been disgraceful. To throw a public servant out of his office while he is off island and then arrest him for doing his job must be unprecedented in any democracy. In my view it is imperative that legislation is put in place immediately to restrict the unchecked spending which is taking place, some of which is clearly a use of public money to reward political activities. This may not be "illegal" under current regulations but it certainly should be made that way.

  Recently the "Right to Know" campaign was started and last year the Voters Rights Association was formed but to date they have been ignored by the Government. It is time that the party in power in Bermuda whatever it may be was made accountable.

31 January 2008

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