Sessional Returns 2006-07 Contents


Information and statistics about the membership, work, and staff of select committees


This Return follows the pattern of its predecessors since the creation of the current select committee system by the House in 1979. Section A lists, in alphabetical order, the Members who served on select committees during the Session. Section B gives details of each committee's work, staff, publications and other statistics. Section C analyses the staffing of select committees.


1  Alphabetical list of Members
Names of Members Committees to which nominated
Afriyie, AdamScience and Technology
Ainsworth, Mr BobAdministration; Selection
Alexander, DannyScottish Affairs
Amess, Mr DavidChairmen's Panel; Health
Anderson, Mr DavidNorthern Ireland Affairs
Anderson, JanetAdministration; Chairmen's Panel; Culture, Media and Sport
Arbuthnot, Mr JamesDefence; Liaison
Atkins, CharlotteHealth
Atkinson, Mr PeterChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Austin, JohnUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Bacon, Mr RichardEuropean Scrutiny; Public Accounts
Bailey, Mr AdrianUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Banks, GordonRegulatory Reform; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Barlow, Ms CeliaDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Procedure
Barrett, JohnInternational Development
Barron, Mr KevinHealth; Liaison; Standards and Privileges
Battle, JohnInternational Development; Northern Ireland Affairs
Bayley, HughChairmen's Panel; International Development
Begg, Miss AnneChairmen's Panel; Work and Pensions
Beith, Mr AlanConstitutional Affairs; Liaison
Bell, Sir StuartFinance and Services; Liaison
Benton, Mr JoeChairmen's Panel
Benyon, Mr RichardHome Affairs
Bercow, JohnChairmen's Panel; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); International Development
Beresford, Sir PaulCommunities and Local Government
Berry, RogerTrade and Industry
Betts, Mr CliveCommunities and Local Government; Finance and Services
Binley, Mr BrianConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Crossrail Bill; Trade and Industry
Blackman, LizSelection
Blackman-Woods, Dr RobertaStatutory Instruments
Blunt, Mr CrispinFinance and Services
Bone, Mr PeterStatutory Instruments; Trade and Industry
Borrow, Mr David SDefence; European Scrutiny
Bottomley, PeterUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Brady, Mr GrahamTreasury
Breed, Mr ColinTreasury
Brokenshire, JamesConstitutional Affairs
Brooke, AnnettePublic Accounts
Brown, LynCommunities and Local Government
Brown, Mr NicholasAdministration; Selection
Brown, Mr RussellConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Browne, Mr JeremyHome Affairs
Browning, AngelaPublic Accounts
Bruce, MalcolmInternational Development; Liaison
Bryant, ChrisModernisation of the House of Commons; Public Accounts
Buck, Ms KarenHome Affairs
Burden, RichardInternational Development
Burns, Mr SimonAdministration; Selection
Burrowes, Mr DavidDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee); Public Administration
Burstow, Mr PaulFinance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Burt, LorelyRegulatory Reform
Butler, Ms DawnModernisation of the House of Commons
Butterfill, Sir JohnChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Campbell, Mr AlanSelection
Campbell, Mr GregoryNorthern Ireland Affairs
Campbell, Mr RonnieHealth
Carswell, Mr DouglasEducation and Skills; Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Cash, Mr WilliamConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny
Caton, Mr MartinChairmen's Panel; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit
Challen, ColinConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Chaytor, Mr DavidDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Education and Skills; Environmental Audit
Chope, Mr ChristopherAdministration; Chairmen's Panel; Procedure
Clapham, Mr MichaelTrade and Industry
Clappison, Mr JamesEuropean Scrutiny; Home Affairs
Clark, GregPublic Accounts
Clark, Ms KatyCrossrail Bill; Draft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny; Procedure; Scottish Affairs
Clarke, Mr KennethTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Clegg, Mr NickConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Clelland, Mr DavidTransport
Clifton-Brown, Mr GeoffreyFinance and Services
Coffey, AnnModernisation of the House of Commons
Cohen, HarryWork and Pensions
Connarty, MichaelEuropean Scrutiny; Liaison
Conway, DerekAdministration; Chairmen's Panel
Cook, FrankChairmen's Panel
Cooper, RosieNorthern Ireland Affairs
Cormack, Sir PatrickLiaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
Cousins, JimTreasury
Cox, Mr GeoffreyEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Crabb, Mr StephenWelsh Affairs
Crausby, Mr DavidDefence
Creagh, MaryFinance and Services; Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Cryer, Mrs AnnHome Affairs
Cummings, JohnChairmen's Panel; Communities and Local Government
Cunningham, TonySelection
Curry, Mr DavidPublic Accounts; Standards and Privileges
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs ClaireTrade and Industry
David, Mr WayneEuropean Scrutiny; Welsh Affairs
Davidson, Mr IanPublic Accounts; Scottish Affairs
Davies, David T. C.Home Affairs; Welsh Affairs
Davies, PhilipCulture, Media and Sport; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Davies, Mr QuentinInternational Development
Dean, Mrs JanetChairmen's Panel; Home Affairs
Denham, Mr JohnHome Affairs; Liaison
Devine, Mr JimScience and Technology; Scottish Affairs
Dismore, Mr AndrewHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Liaison; Standards and Privileges
Dobbin, JimConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny
Dobson, FrankAdministration
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M.Transport
Donohoe, Mr Brian H.Administration
Doran, Mr FrankAdministration; Finance and Services; Liaison
Dorrell, Mr StephenConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Dorries, Mrs NadineEducation and Skills; Science and Technology
Dowd, JimHealth
Drew, Mr DavidEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Duddridge, JamesEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; International Development
Dunne, Mr PhilipPublic Accounts; Treasury
Dunwoody, Mrs GwynethLiaison; Transport
Eagle, AngelaTreasury
Efford, CliveTransport
Ellman, Mrs LouiseTransport
Engel, NataschaWork and Pensions
Ennis, JeffEducation and Skills
Evans, Mr NigelCulture, Media and Sport
Fallon, Mr MichaelTreasury
Farrelly, PaulConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Culture, Media and Sport; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Farron, TimEnvironmental Audit
Flello, Mr RobertScience and Technology
Flynn, PaulPublic Administration
Foster, Michael JabezStatutory Instruments; Work and Pensions
Francis, Dr HywelLiaison; Welsh Affairs
Fraser, Mr ChristopherNorthern Ireland Affairs
Gale, Mr RogerChairmen's Panel; Procedure
Gapes, MikeForeign Affairs; Liaison
Gauke, Mr DavidProcedure; Treasury
Gerrard, Mr NeilAdministration
Gibson, Dr IanDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee)
Gidley, SandraHealth
Gilroy, LindaDefence; Science and Technology
Goodman, HelenDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Public Accounts
Goodwill, Mr RobertTransport
Gove, MichaelEuropean Scrutiny
Gray, Mr JamesEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Regulatory Reform
Greening, JustineWork and Pensions
Griffith, NiaDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny; Human Rights (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Grogan, Mr JohnNorthern Ireland Affairs
Gwynne, AndrewCourt of Referees; Procedure
Hall, Mr MikeCulture, Media and Sport
Hall, PatrickEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Hamilton, Mr DavidDefence; European Scrutiny
Hamilton, Mr FabianForeign Affairs
Hammond, StephenRegulatory Reform
Hancock, Mr MikeChairmen's Panel; Defence
Hands, Mr GregCommunities and Local Government; European Scrutiny
Harman, Ms HarrietModernisation of the House of Commons
Harris, Dr EvanHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Science and Technology
Harvey, NickStandards and Privileges
Haselhurst, Sir AlanChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Havard, Mr DaiDefence
Heal, SylviaChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Heald, Mr OliverWork and Pensions
Healey, JohnPublic Accounts; Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Heath, Mr DavidCourt of Referees
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr DavidEuropean Scrutiny; Foreign Affairs
Hemming, JohnProcedure; Regulatory Reform
Hepburn, Mr StephenNorthern Ireland Affairs
Heppell, Mr JohnSelection
Hermon, LadyNorthern Ireland Affairs
Heyes, DavidPublic Administration
Hodgson, Mrs SharonCourt of Referees; Regulatory Reform
Hollobone, Mr PhilipCrossrail Bill; Transport
Holloway, Mr AdamDefence
Holmes, PaulEducation and Skills
Hood, Mr JimChairmen's Panel; European Scrutiny
Hopkins, KelvinCrossrail Bill; European Scrutiny; Public Administration
Horam, Mr JohnForeign Affairs
Horwood, MartinCommunities and Local Government; Environmental Audit
Howarth, DavidConstitutional Affairs; Draft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit
Howarth, Mr GeorgeModernisation of the House of Commons
Hoyle, Mr LindsayEuropean Scrutiny; Trade and Industry
Hughes, Simon Modernisation of the House of Commons
Humble, Mrs JoanChairmen's Panel; Work and Pensions
Hunter, MarkTrade and Industry
Hurd, Mr NickDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit
Iddon, Dr BrianScience and Technology
Illsley, Mr EricChairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Procedure
Jack, Mr MichaelEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Liaison
Jackson, Mr StewartHealth; Regulatory Reform
James, Mrs Siân CConstitutional Affairs; Crossrail Bill; Procedure; Welsh Affairs
Jenkin, Mr BernardDefence
Jenkins, Mr BrianDefence; Standards and Privileges; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Jones, Mr DavidWelsh Affairs
Jones, HelenAdministration; Education and Skills; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Jones, Mr KevanAdministration; Defence
Jones, LynneEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Jones, Mr MartynChairmen's Panel; Welsh Affairs
Kawczynski, DanielEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Keeble, Ms SallyTreasury
Keeley, BarbaraFinance and Services
Keen, AlanCulture, Media and Sport
Keetch, Mr PaulForeign Affairs
Key, RobertDefence; Draft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee); Finance and Services
Khabra, PiaraConstitutional Affairs
Khan, Mr SadiqPublic Accounts
Kidney, Mr DavidDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Statutory Instruments
Kirkbride, Miss JulieTrade and Industry
Knight, Mr GregAdministration; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Lancaster, Mr MarkDefence
Laxton, Mr BobEuropean Scrutiny
Lazarowicz, MarkDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Leech, Mr JohnTransport
Leigh, Mr EdwardLiaison; Public Accounts
Lepper, DavidAdministration; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Liddell-Grainger, Mr IanCrossrail Bill; Public Administration
Llwyd, Mr ElfynStandards and Privileges
Lord, Sir MichaelChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Love, Mr AndrewTreasury
Lucas, IanPublic Accounts
Luff, PeterLiaison; Trade and Industry
McAvoy, Mr ThomasFinance and Services
McCarthy, KerryTreasury
McCarthy-Fry, SarahPublic Accounts
McDonagh, SiobhainUnopposed Bills (Panel)
McDonnell, Dr AlasdairNorthern Ireland Affairs
MacDougall, Mr JohnConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Scottish Affairs; Statutory Instruments
McFall, JohnLiaison; Treasury
McGovern, Mr JimScottish Affairs
McKechin, AnnInternational Development
McKenna, RosemaryCulture, Media and Sport; Liaison; Procedure; Selection
Mackinlay, AndrewForeign Affairs
Maclean, DavidLiaison; Statutory Instruments
MacNeil, Mr AngusScottish Affairs
Mactaggart, FionaEducation and Skills
Main, AnneCommunities and Local Government
Malik, Mr ShahidEnvironmental Audit
Mallaber, JudyTrade and Industry
Mann, JohnUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Maples, Mr JohnForeign Affairs
Marris, RobTrade and Industry
Marsden, Mr GordonEducation and Skills
Marshall, Mr DavidChairmen's Panel
Martlew, Mr EricChairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Transport
May, Mrs TheresaModernisation of the House of Commons
Meale, Mr AlanCrossrail Bill
Mercer, PatrickHome Affairs
Miller, AndrewLiaison; Regulatory Reform
Milton, AnneHealth
Mitchell, Mr AustinPublic Accounts
Moffat, AnneTrade and Industry
Mole, ChrisDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee); Science and Technology
Moon, Mrs MadeleineEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Moran, MargaretHome Affairs; Science and Technology
Morden, JessicaConstitutional Affairs; Welsh Affairs
Morgan, JulieConstitutional Affairs; Public Administration
Moss, Mr MalcolmForeign Affairs
Mountford, KaliTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Mudie, Mr GeorgeTreasury
Mulholland, GregWork and Pensions
Mullin, Mr ChrisStandards and Privileges
Mundell, DavidScottish Affairs
Murphy, Mr DenisNorthern Ireland Affairs
Naysmith, Dr DougDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee); Health; Regulatory Reform
Neill, RobertConstitutional Affairs
Newmark, Mr BrooksScience and Technology; Treasury
O'Hara, Mr EdwardChairmen's Panel
Olner, Mr BillChairmen's Panel; Communities and Local Government
Osborne, SandraForeign Affairs
Owen, AlbertWelsh Affairs
Pearson, IanEnvironmental Audit
Pelling, Mr AndrewEducation and Skills
Penning, MikeHealth
Penrose, JohnWork and Pensions
Pope, Mr GregChairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs
Pound, StephenNorthern Ireland Affairs
Prentice, Mr GordonPublic Administration
Price, AdamCulture, Media and Sport
Pritchard, MarkEnvironmental Audit; Work and Pensions
Prosser, Mr GwynHome Affairs
Pugh, Dr JohnCommunities and Local Government; Crossrail Bill; Public Accounts
Purchase, Mr KenForeign Affairs
Randall, Mr JohnAdministration; Selection
Reed, Mr AndyTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Reed, Mr JamieEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Regulatory Reform
Rennie, WillieDefence
Riordan, Mrs LindaCrossrail Bill; Environmental Audit; Procedure
Robathan, Mr AndrewAdministration; Selection
Robertson, AngusEuropean Scrutiny
Rogerson, DanEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Rooney, Mr TerryLiaison; Work and Pensions
Rowen, PaulPublic Administration
Ruddock, JoanInternational Development
Russell, BobHome Affairs
Salter, MartinHome Affairs
Sanders, Mr AdrianCulture, Media and Sport; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Selection
Sarwar, Mr MohammadLiaison; Scottish Affairs
Scott, Mr LeeHealth; Transport
Seabeck, AlisonRegulatory Reform
Shapps, GrantPublic Administration
Sheerman, Mr BarryEducation and Skills; Liaison
Shepherd, Mr RichardHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Simon, Mr SiônTreasury
Simpson, DavidStatutory Instruments; Transport
Singh, Mr MarshaInternational Development
Slaughter, Mr AndyCourt of Referees; Regulatory Reform
Smith, Ms Angela CCourt of Referees; Regulatory Reform
Smith, GeraldineDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee)
Smith, JohnDefence
Smith, Sir RobertInternational Development; Procedure; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Snelgrove, AnneScience and Technology
Soames, Hon NicholasStandards and Privileges
Soulsby, Sir PeterCrossrail Bill; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Southworth, HelenCulture, Media and Sport
Spink, BobScience and Technology
Spring, Mr RichardHome Affairs
Stanley, Sir JohnForeign Affairs
Starkey, Dr PhyllisCommunities and Local Government; Liaison
Steen, Mr AnthonyEuropean Scrutiny; Regulatory Reform
Stoate, Dr HowardHealth
Straw, Mr JackModernisation of the House of Commons
Streeter, Mr GaryHome Affairs
Stringer, GrahamModernisation of the House of Commons; Science and Technology; Transport
Stuart, Ms GiselaForeign Affairs
Stuart, Mr GrahamDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Education and Skills; Environmental Audit
Swinson, JoEnvironmental Audit
Syms, Mr RobertHealth
Tami, MarkHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Tapsell, Sir PeterUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Taylor, Ms DariDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee)
Taylor, DavidChairmen's Panel; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Taylor, Dr RichardHealth
Thornberry, EmilyCommunities and Local Government; Environmental Audit
Thurso, JohnAdministration; Treasury
Tipping, PaddyModernisation of the House of Commons
Todd, Mr MarkTreasury
Touhig, Mr DonPublic Accounts
Trickett, JonUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Turner, Dr DesmondDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Science and Technology
Tyrie, Mr AndrewConstitutional Affairs
Ussher, KittyPublic Accounts
Vaizey, Mr EdwardEnvironmental Audit; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Vara, Mr ShaileshEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Vaz, KeithConstitutional Affairs; Home Affairs; Liaison
Viggers, PeterTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Treasury
Walker, Mr CharlesPublic Administration; Scottish Affairs
Wallace, Mr BenScottish Affairs
Walley, JoanEnvironmental Audit
Walter, Mr RobertUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Waltho, LyndaConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Weir, Mr MikeChairmen's Panel; Trade and Industry
Whitehead, Dr AlanConstitutional Affairs; Draft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Standards and Privileges
Whittingdale, Mr JohnCulture, Media and Sport; Liaison
Williams, Mr AlanLiaison; Public Accounts
Williams, HywelChairmen's Panel; Welsh Affairs
Williams, MarkWelsh Affairs
Williams, Mr RogerEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Williams, StephenEducation and Skills
Willis, Mr PhilDraft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee); Liaison; Science and Technology
Willott, JennyPublic Administration; Work and Pensions
Wilshire, Mr DavidChairmen's Panel; Transport
Wilson, Mr RobEducation and Skills; Procedure
Wilson, SammyNorthern Ireland Affairs
Winnick, Mr DavidHome Affairs
Winterton, AnnChairmen's Panel; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Winterton, Sir NicholasChairmen's Panel; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Wishart, PeteAdministration
Wright, Mr AnthonyTrade and Industry
Wright, DavidCommunities and Local Government
Wright, Mr IainModernisation of the House of Commons; Public Accounts
Wright, JeremyConstitutional Affairs
Wright, Dr TonyLiaison; Public Administration
Wyatt, DerekPublic Accounts
Yeo, Mr TimDraft Climate Change Bill (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Liaison
Young, Sir GeorgeLiaison; Selection; Standards and Privileges
Younger-Ross, RichardEuropean Scrutiny; Foreign Affairs

2  Number of Members Serving on Select Committees

The total number of Members who served on Select Committees, other than Business Committees, was 364.

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Prepared 16 January 2008