1 Administration
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/ac
The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.
It had 16 Members and held 17 meetings.
Doran, Mr Frank (Chairman)
Ainsworth, Mr Bob (discharged 9.7.07)
Anderson, Janet
Brown, Mr Nicholas (added 9.7.07)
Burns, Mr Simon
Chope, Mr Christopher
Conway, Derek
Dobson, Frank
Donohoe, Mr Brian H.
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Jones, Helen
Jones, Mr Kevan
Knight, Mr Greg
Lepper, David
Randall, John (added 9.7.07)
Robathan, Mr Andrew (discharged 9.7.07)
Thurso, John
Wishart, Pete
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
65.1 %
12.5 %
Clerk of the Committee: Steven Mark, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Nerys Welfoot (until 15.4.07), Senior Clerk (Band
A2); Rhiannon Hollis (from 16.4.07), Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
(until 31.5.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2) (from 1.6.07)
Committee Assistant: Ameet Chudasama, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Secretary: Jane Lauder, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
John Milner, Professor Jim Norton and Richard Turpin.
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
18-19.3.07 | Lisbon, PortugalA
| Doran, Donohoe, Knight |
1 | Ninth European Conference of Members of National Parliaments on Information and Communication Technology
| £4,403.68 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Reply from the House of Commons Commission
First Report: Improving Facilities for Educational Visitors to Parliament
| 434 | 18.4.07
| 194 | £22.00
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Information and Communication Technology Services for Members
| 498 | 8.5.07
| 112 | £15.50
| Awaited |
First Special Report: House of Commons Accommodation: Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2005-06
| 164 | 12.12.06
| 16 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: House of Commons Accommodation: Further Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2005-06
| 516 | 16.5.07
| 8 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
House of Commons Commission replies to Reports for Session
Responses to the Committee's Third Report: House
of Commons Accommodation, received 6.11.06 and 30.4.07 and
published as the Committee's First and Second Special Reports,
Session 2006-07.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee will be published
electronically in due course. They will be available on the Committee's
website at http://www.parliament.uk/ac.
Date | Subject
22.5.07 | Two, on proposals to recommend amendments to the terms and conditions for use of the private dining rooms
10.7.07 | One, on recommendation to adopt an outline programme of exhibitions and associated resources
Oral Evidence
1A Parliamentary Visitor
Centre Sub-Committee
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/admin/parliamentary_visitor_centre_sub_committee.cfm
The Committee was nominated on 28 February 2006.
It had 16 Members and held 1 meeting.
Doran, Mr Frank (Chairman)
Ainsworth, Mr Bob
Anderson, Janet
Burns, Mr Simon
Chope, Mr Christopher
Conway, Derek
Dobson, Frank
Donohoe, Mr Brian H.
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Jones, Helen
Jones, Mr Kevan
Knight, Mr Greg
Lepper, David
Robathan, Mr Andrew
Thurso, John
Wishart, Pete
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
81.3 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Sub-Committee: Nerys Welfoot, Senior
Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Ameet Chudasama, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Secretary: Jane Lauder, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Not applicable.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee will be published
electronically in due course. They will be available on the Committee's
website at
Oral Evidence
2 Communities and
Local Government
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/clg.cfm
The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.
It had 11 Members and held 42 meetings.
Starkey, Dr Phyllis (Chairman)
Beresford, Sir Paul
Betts, Mr Clive
Brown, Lyn (discharged 15.1.07)
Cummings, John
Hands, Mr Greg
Horwood, Martin
Main, Anne
Olner, Mr Bill
Pugh, Dr John
Thornberry, Emily
Wright, David (added 15.1.07)
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
64.5 %
9.1 %
Clerks of the Committee: Elizabeth Hunt (until 22.3.07),
Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1); Mrs Jessica Mulley, Deputy
Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)[1]
Second Clerk:
David Weir, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: James Cutting (Band B1); Sara Turnbull
(Band B1)
Media Officer: Laura Kibby (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Ian Hook (until 15.4.07), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Ms Clare Genis (from 16.4.07), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Ian Blair, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Anne Woolhouse (until 11.2.07) (temporary); Kerrie
Hanley (from 12.2.07), Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Liam Bailey, Richard Bate, Ted Cantle, Linda Crichton,
Sir Les Elton, Rita Hale OBE, Professor Alan Harding, Helen Hayes,
Professor Steve Hilditch, Paul Hildreth, Hannah Hislop, Russell
Marsh, Peter Newman, Shelagh Prosser, Professor Fred Robinson,
Janet Sillet, Tony Travers, Dr Helen Walker, Phillip Ward AFC,
Professor Christine Whitehead and Professor Steve Wilcox.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 3
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 4 |
Member of the House of Lords (who was also a Minister)
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department for Communities and Local Government
| 20 |
Other Government departments
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
English Partnerships |
1 |
Greater London Authority
| 3 |
Housing Corporation |
2 |
Local Authorities | 6
Local Government Association (LGA)
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 62 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
27-28.3.07 | Netherlands
| Starkey, Betts, Main, Pugh, Thornberry
| 2 | Inquiry into the Supply of Rented Housing
| £4,776.97 |
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
29.11.06 | London Development Agency and Stratford
| Starkey, Betts, Main, Olner, Pugh
| 4 | Inquiry into the Regeneration legacy of the 2012 Olympics
| Nil |
6.3.07 | Regents Park and Kensington
| Starkey, Beresford, Betts, Horwood, Main, Olner, Thornberry
| 4A | Inquiry into the Supply of Rented Housing
| £16.10 |
6.3.07 | ScarboroughB
| Starkey | 2
| Attendance at conference related to inquiry into Coastal Towns [British Urban Regeneration Association seaside conference]
| £1,227.80 |
12-13.3.07 | Manchester
| Starkey, Betts, Main, Pugh
| 4A | Inquiry into the Supply of Rented Housing
| £3,163.55 |
24.5.07 | ManchesterB
| Starkey |
| Attendance at conference related to inquiry into Supply of Rented Housing [Affordable Home Ownership conference]
| £291.00 |
9.9.07 | BirminghamB
| Starkey |
| Attendance at conference on National Muslim Communities Development Network
| £67.80 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser
B Travel in a representative
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
16.10.07 | HastingsB
| Starkey |
| Attendance at conference on Coastal Towns [English Heritage Conference]
| £65 (estimated outturn)
Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Work of the Committee in 2005-06
| 198 | 18.1.07
| 23 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Coastal Towns
| 351 | 7.3.07
| 206 | £22.00
| Cm 7129, published 1.5.07
Third Report: DCLG Annual Report 2006
| 106 | 19.3.07
| 140 | £17.50
| Cm 7125, published 1.5.07
Fourth Report: Is there a future for Regional Government?
| 352-I | 14.3.07
| 99 | £15.50
| Cm 7119, published 11.5.07
Fifth Report: Refuse Collection
| 536-I | 16.7.07
| 57 | £12.00
| Received 12.10.07: published as Second Special Report, Session 2006-07
Written Evidence: Refuse Collection
| 536-II | 11.10.07
| 215 | £21.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Equality
| 468 | 2.8.07
| 78 | £15.50
| Cm 7246, published 13.11.07
Seventh Report: Local Government Finance: Supplementary Business Rate
| 719-I | 7.8.07
| 34 | £10.00
| Received 13.11.07 |
Oral and Written Evidence: Local Government Finance: Supplementary Business Rate
| 719-II | 9.10.07
| 122 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: Local Government Finance: Council Tax Benefit
| 718-I | 7.8.07
| 34 | £10.00
| Received 2.10.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Local Government Finance: Council Tax Benefit
| 718-II | 13.9.07
| 82 | £13.00
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Local Government Finance: Council Tax Benefit: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07
| 1037 | 15.10.07
| 7 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Refuse Collection: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2006-07
| 1095 | 25.10.07
| 16 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-II | 22.11.06
| 202 | £22.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: The World Urban Forum III
| 48 | 16.4.07
| 59 | £11.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Is there a future for regional Government
| 352-II | 14.3.07
| 201 | £20.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Leasehold and Major Works
| 380 | 10.8.07
| 60 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Planning White Paper
| 671-I | 7.8.07
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-i | 18.12.06
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-ii | 19.1.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-iii | 29.1.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-iv | 20.2.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-v | 23.3.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-vi | 19.4.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Supply of Rented Housing
| 47-vii | 23.4.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Introductory hearing with the new Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
| 898-i | 16.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Housing Green Paper
| 1038-i | 15.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: DCLG Annual Report 2007
| 1093-i | 26.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: DCLG Annual Report 2007
| 1093-ii | 2.11.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Explanatory memorandum by the DCLG on the Winter Supplementary Estimates, 2006-07 (AR 02)
| | 28.11.06
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Revised explanatory memorandum by the DCLG on the Winter Supplementary Estimates, 2006-07 (AR 03)
| | 5.12.06
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: World Urban Forum 3: DCLG follow-up memorandum
| | 16.1.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: World Urban Forum 3: UN-HABITAT follow-up memorandum
| | 1.3.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at
Date | Subject
5.3.07 | One, on an amendment proposed to the
Chairman's draft Report on Is there a future for Regional Government?
25.7.07 | Four, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on Local Government Finance: Supplementary Business Rate
The following Report was the subject of an Estimates
Day debate:
Third Report, Session 2005-06, Affordability and
the Supply of Housing, HC 703, 7.12.06
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
Second Report, Session 2006-07, Coastal Towns,
HC 351, 7.6.07
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 23 of the Committee's
42 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
DCLG Annual Report 2006
| 2 |
DCLG Annual Report 2007
| 2 |
Equalities Green Paper |
2 |
Leasehold and Major Works
| 1 |
Local Government Finance
| 2 |
Planning Policy | 2
Refuse Collection | 3
The Housing Green Paper
| 1 |
The Supply of Rented Housing
| 7 |
The World Urban Forum III
| 1 |
Total | 23
3 Consolidation, & c., Bills
(Joint Committee)
For website access click on
The Committee was nominated on 10 November 2005.
It had 12 Commons Members and held 0 meetings.
Bercow, John
Binley, Mr Brian
Brown, Mr Russell
Cash, Mr William
Caton, Mr Martin
Challen, Colin
Clegg, Mr Nick
Dobbin, Jim
Dorrell, Stephen
Farrelly, Paul
MacDougall, Mr John
Waltho, Lynda
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
0.0 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Dr Hannah Weston, Assistant
Clerk (Band A3) (until 31.5.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2) (from
Committee Assistant: Mary Lewis, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Formal Minutes
Oral Evidence
4 Constitutional Affairs
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/conaffcom
The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.
It had 11 Members and held 32 meetings.
Beith, Mr Alan (Chairman)
Brokenshire, James (discharged 11.12.06)
Howarth, David
James, Mrs Siân C
Khabra, Piara (died 20.6.07)
Morden, Jessica
Morgan, Julie
Neill, Robert (added 11.12.06)
Tyrie, Mr Andrew
Vaz, Keith
Whitehead, Dr Alan
Wright, Jeremy
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
62.9 %
18.2 %
Clerk of the Committee: Roger Phillips, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Dr Rebecca Davies, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Adviser (Sentencing Guidelines): Kate Akester (from 8.5.07 until
26.7.07) (Band A2); Ruth Friskney (from 1.10.07) (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Maik Martin, (Band B1)
Media Officer: Jessica Bridges-Palmer, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Richard Poureshagh (until 1.12.06), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2); Jane Trew (from 1.1.07), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Alison Mara (from 15.1.07 until 7.5.07), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2); Ian Thomson (from 8.5.07), Senior
Executive Officer (Band B1)
Secretary: Chryssa Poupard, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: James Clarke (until 31.12.06), (shared) (Band
D1); Henry Ayi-Hyde (from 8.5.07) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Rob Allen, Professor Steve Martin, Professor Richard
Moorhead and Professor Andrew le Sueur.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 9
Other Ministers | 6
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 10 were also Ministers)
| 16 |
Attorney General | 2
Members of the Judiciary
| 5 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department for Constitutional Affairs
| 2 |
Ministry of Justice |
4 |
Number of appearances by representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Legal Services Commission
| 2 |
Office of the Information Commissioner
| 1 |
Parole Board for England and Wales
| 1 |
Public Guardianship Office
| 1 |
Serious Fraud Office |
1 |
The Commission for Judicial Appointments
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 45 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
15-16.11.06 | Berlin, Germany
| Beith, James, Khabra, Morgan
| 1 | Inquiry into Party Funding
| £4,940.76 |
26-30.11.06 | Canada and USA
| Beith, Howarth, James, Khabra, Morgan, Tyrie, Whitehead, Wright
| 2 | Inquiry into Party Funding
| £52,525.42 |
9-11.9.07 | Lisbon, PortugalA
| Beith | 1
| EU Presidency Conference of Chairman of National Parliaments' Justice and Home Affairs Committees
| £2,309.18 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
11.12.06 | Liverpool
| Beith, Wright | 2
| Inquiry into Implementation of the Carter Review of Legal Aid
| £1,071.50 |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Party Funding
| 163-I | 19.12.06
| 67 | £13.50
| Cm 7123, published 15.5.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Party Funding
| 163-II | 20.12.06
| 90 | £13.00
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2005-06
| 259 | 8.3.07
| 20 | £6.50
| Not required |
Third Report: Implementation of the Carter Review of Legal Aid
| 223-I | 1.5.07
| 98 | £15.50
| Cm 7158, published 22.6.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Implementation of the Carter Review of Legal Aid
| 223-II | 1.5.07
| 326 | £24.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Freedom of Information: Government's proposals for reform
| 415 | 24.6.07
| 104 | £15.50
| Cm 7187, published 25.10.07
Fifth Report: Constitutional Role of the Attorney General
| 306 | 19.7.07
| 157 | £20.00
| Awaited |
Sixth Report: The creation of the Ministry of Justice
| 466 | 26.7.07
| 45 | £12.00
| Awaited |
First Special Report: Party Funding - Oral evidence from the Lord Chancellor on the role of the Attorney General
| 222 | 19.1.07
| 7 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Scrutiny of Constitutional Reform
| 907 | 23.7.07
| 4 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Accommodation for the new Supreme Court
| 465-i | 9.10.07
| 23 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Public Guardianship Office
| 497-i | 10.10.07
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: House of Lords Reform and Party Funding
| 738-i | 9.10.07
| 10 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Party Funding
| 988-i | 8.10.07
| 11 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Judicial Appointments Commission
| 416-i | 23.3.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Judicial Appointments Commission
| 416-ii | 25.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Reform of the Coroners' System and Death Certification-Follow up
| 515-i | 16.5.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Towards Effective Sentencing
| 621-i | 12.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Towards Effective Sentencing
| 621-ii | 18.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Towards Effective Sentencing
| 621-iii | 2.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Towards Effective Sentencing
| 621-iv | 11.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Towards Effective Sentencing
| 621-v | 24.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Ministry of Justice: Aims and Objectives
| 938-i | 24.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Work of the Ministry of Justice
| 987-i | 1.8.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Work of the Ministry of Justice
| 987-ii | 12.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Draft Sentencing Guidelines: Assaults
| 1098-i | 25.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: Family
Justice: the operation of the family courts revisited, published
as Cm 6971 (21.11.06).
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at http://www.parliament.uk/conaffcom.
The following Reports were debated in Westminster
Eighth Report, Session 2005-06, Reform of the
Coroners' System and Death Certification, HC 902-I, 8.3.07
Third Report, Session 2006-07, Implementation
of the Carter Review of Legal Aid, HC 223-I, 12.7.07
The following Report and Uncorrected Oral Evidence
were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in
Westminster Hall:
Eighth Report, Session 2005-06, Reform of the
Coroners' System and Death Certification, HC 902-I, and Uncorrected
Oral Evidence of 8 May 2007, Reform of the Coroners'
System and Death CertificationFollow up, HC 515-i,
Debate on the Shipman Inquiry, 21.6.07
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 23 of the Committee's
32 meetings.[2]
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Accommodation for the new Supreme Court
| 1 |
Constitutional Role of the Attorney General
| 3 |
Draft Sentencing Guidelines: Assaults
| 1 |
Freedom of Information: Government's proposals for reform
| 2 |
House of Lords Reform and Party Funding
| 1 |
Implementation of the Carter Review of Legal Aid
| 5 |
Judicial Appointments Commission
| 2 |
Ministry of Justice: Aims and Objectives
| 1 |
Public Guardianship Office
| 1 |
Reform of the Coroners' System and Death Certification-Follow up
| 1 |
The creation of the Ministry of Justice
| 2 |
The Work of the Ministry of Justice
| 2 |
Towards Effective SentencingA
| 5 |
Total | 27
The Committee did not complete this Inquiry in Session 2006-07.
5 Crossrail Bill
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/crossrail.cfm
The Committee was nominated on 5 December 2005.
It had 10 Members and held 36 meetings.
Meale, Mr Alan (Chairman)
Binley, Mr Brian
Clark, Ms Katy
Hollobone, Mr Philip
Hopkins, Kelvin
James, Mrs Siân C
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Pugh, Dr John
Riordan, Mrs Linda
Soulsby, Sir Peter
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
48.9 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Miss Sîan Jones, Senior
Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Mr Darren Hackett, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Promoter's Counsel |
4 |
Promoter's witness |
6 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 37 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
22.2.07 | Bond Street, Paddington and Old Oak Common, London
| Meale, Hopkins, James |
2 | To inspect sites
| Nil |
8.3.07 | Isle of Dogs
| Meale, Hopkins, Riordan
| 2 | To inspect the proposed site
| Nil |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Special Report: Crossrail Bill
| 235-I | 23.10.07
| 91 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Crossrail Bill A
| 235-II | 14.11.07
| 535 | £37.00
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Crossrail Bill A
| 235-III | 14.11.07
| 587 | £40.50
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Crossrail Bill A
| 235-IV | 14.11.07
| 504 | £35.00
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Crossrail Bill A
| 235-V | 14.11.07
| 501 | £35.00
| Not applicable |
Reported to the House on 18 October 2007 and formally printed
on 14 November 2007.
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at
The following Special Report was tagged on the Order
Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
First Special Report, Session 2006-07, Crossrail
Bill, HC 235-I, Crossrail Bill (Carry-Over), 23.10.07
The Committee received 67 petitions and 89 supporting
documents, of which 37 came from Government departments.
The Committee published no memoranda. All documents
submitted were made available in the Private Bill Office for public
Scanned images of documents submitted during the
public meetings were made available on the Committee website at
6 Culture, Media and
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/cmscom
The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.
It had 11 Members and held 35 meetings. This included
1 meeting held concurrently with the Trade and Industry Committee
(abbreviated to (TCM) in the attendance table below).
Whittingdale, Mr John (Chairman)
Anderson, Janet
Davies, Philip
Evans, Mr Nigel
Farrelly, Paul
Hall, Mr Mike
Keen, Alan
McKenna, Rosemary
Price, Adam
Sanders, Mr Adrian
Southworth, Helen
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
35 (including 1 TCM)
32 (including 1 TCM)
29 (including 1 TCM)
29 (including 1 TCM)
69.6 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Kenneth Fox, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Martin Gaunt (from 1.10.07), Assistant Clerk (Band
Inquiry Manager: Sally Broadbridge (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Daniel Dyball (from 8.1.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Laura Humble, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Anita Fuki (until 15.4.07), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Miss Susan Monaghan (from 16.4.07 until 30.9.07),
Higher Executive Officer (Band B2) / Mrs Lisa Wrobel (from 16.4.07),
Higher Executive Officer (Band B2) / Anna Watkins (from 1.10.07),
Higher Executive Officer (Band B2), (shared)
Secretary: Rowena Macdonald, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Jim Hudson, (shared) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Ray Gallagher, Bob Kindred MBE and David Sekers OBE.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 2
Other Ministers | 6
Members of House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister)
| 3 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
| 4 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
BBC | 3
Channel 4 | 2
English Heritage | 1
Heritage Lottery Fund |
1 |
Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services (ICSTIS)
| 1 |
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
| 1 |
Ofcom | 3
Office of Fair Trading |
1 |
Office of the Information Commissioner
| 1 |
Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest
| 1 |
S4C | 1
The Gambling Commission
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 83 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
17-18.11.06 | Berlin, GermanyA
| Evans |
| To represent Mr Speaker at conference on "A Soul for Europe"
| £1,050.20 |
13-15.12.06 | Athens, Greece
| Whittingdale, Anderson, Davies, Hall, Keen, McKenna, Sanders, Southworth
| 2 | Inquiries into Caring for our collections and the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
| £11,355.76 |
17-21.6.07 | Ottawa, Vancouver & Seattle, Canada & USA
| Whittingdale, Anderson, Davies, Evans, Farrelly, Hall, Keen, McKenna, Price, Sanders, Southworth
| 2 | Inquiries into Public service media content; Tourism and London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
| £63,187.97 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
11.6.07 | Brussels, BelgiumA
| Evans |
| To represent Mr Speaker at Discourse on "A Soul for Europe"
| £591.80 |
Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
27.11.06 | British Board of Film Classification, London
| Whittingdale, Davies |
2 | Inquiry into New media and the creative industries
| £194.94 |
28.11.06 | Optimistic TV studios, Wapping
| Whittingdale, Davies |
2 | Inquiry into Call TV quiz shows
| £16.00 |
5.12.06 | British Museum, London
| Whittingdale, Davies, Evans, Farrelly, Hall, McKenna, Southworth
| 3 | Inquiry into Caring for our collections
| Nil |
30.1.07 | Pinewood Studios, London
| Whittingdale, Evans, Hall, Price
| 1 | Inquiry into New media and the creative industries
| £186.12 |
1-2.2.07 | Newcastle & Glasgow
| Whittingdale, Anderson, Davies, Hall, Keen, McKenna, Price, Southworth
| 3 | Inquiry into Caring for our collections
| £6,253.01 |
1.3.07 | Press Complaints Commission offices, London
| Whittingdale, Keen, McKenna
| 1 | Inquiry into Self-regulation of the press
| £24.72 |
17.5.07 | Churchill Museum, LondonA
| Whittingdale | 2
| Inquiry into Caring for our collections
| Nil |
12.6.07 | O2 Centre, LondonA
| Whittingdale, Evans |
1 | To follow up work of previous Committee
| £5.10 |
11.7.07 | Press Association, LondonA
| Whittingdale, Anderson |
2 | Inquiry into Self-regulation of the press
| £5.40 |
24-26.8.07 | Edinburgh International Television Festival
| Whittingdale, Farrelly, McKenna, Price, Sanders
| | Inquiry into Public service media content
| £4,100.00 (estimated outturn)
Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Work of the Committee in 2005-06
| 234 | 23.1.07
| 13 | £5.00
| Not applicable |
Second Report: London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games: funding and legacy
| 69-I | 24.1.07
| 60 | £13.50
| Cm 7071, published 26.3.07
Oral and Written Evidence: London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games: funding and legacy
| 69-II | 24.1.07
| 138 | £16.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Call TV quiz shows
| 72 | 25.1.07
| 146 | £17.50
| Cm 7072, published 26.3.07
Fourth Report: Call TV quiz shows: Joint response from Ofcom and ICSTIS to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2006-07
| 428 | 29.3.07
| 16 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: New media and the creative industries
| 509-I | 16.5.07
| 90 | £14.50
| Cm 7186, published 24.7.07
Oral and Written Evidence: New media and the creative industries
| 509-II | 16.5.07
| 462 | £33.00
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Caring for our collections
| 176-I | 25.6.07
| 97 | £15.50
| Cm 7233, published 15.10.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Caring for our collections
| 176-II | 25.6.07
| 439 | £36.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Self-regulation of the press
| 375 | 11.7.07
| 151 | £17.50
| Department for Culture, Media and Sport Response and Press Complaints Commission Response received 4.10.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
First Special Report: Self-regulation of the press: Replies to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2006-07
| 1041 | 11.10.07
| 4 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: BBC Report & Accounts 2005-06
| 1490 | 4.12.06
| 23 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Ticket Touting
| 767 | 26.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: BBC Annual Report for 2006-07
| 820 | 3.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Confidence in Broadcasting
| 968 | 24.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Tourism
| 983-i | 23.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: DCMS Annual Report 2007 and responsibilities of the Secretary of State
| 1099-i | 25.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at http://www.parliament.uk/cmscom.
Date | Subject
7.6.07 | Two, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on Caring for our collections
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
Third Report, Session 2005-06, Protecting and
Preserving our Heritage, HC 912-I, 25.1.07
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 20 of the Committee's
35 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
BBC Annual Report for 2006-07
| 1 |
Call TV quiz shows |
1 |
Caring for our collectionsA
| 3 |
DCMS Annual Report 2007 and responsibilities of the Secretary of State
| 1 |
London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic GamesA
| 1 |
Ofcom Annual Plan 2007-08
| 1 |
Public Confidence in Broadcasting
| 1 |
Public service media content
| 8 |
Self-regulation of the press
| 1 |
Ticket Touting | 1
Tourism | 1
Total | 20
The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2005-06;
figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2005-06))
7 Defence
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/defcom
The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.
It had 14 Members and held 50 meetings. These included
1 meeting held concurrently with the Foreign Affairs Committee
(abbreviated to (FACM) in the attendance table below) and 5 "Quadripartite"
meetings held concurrently with Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and industry Committees (abbreviated to
(QCM) in the attendance table below).
Arbuthnot, Mr James (Chairman)
Borrow, Mr David S
Crausby, Mr David
Gilroy, Linda
Hamilton, Mr David
Hancock, Mr Mike
Havard, Mr Dai
Holloway, Mr Adam
Jenkin, Mr Bernard (added 27.11.06)
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Jones, Mr Kevan
Key, Robert
Lancaster, Mr Mark (discharged 27.11.06)
Rennie, Willie
Smith, John
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
45 (including 1 FACM and 2 QCM)
26 (including 1 FACM and 3 QCM)
35 (including 1 FACM and 2 QCM)
42 (including 1 FACM and 4 QCM)
22 (including 1 FACM)
33 (including 1 FACM)
32 (including 1 FACM)
37 (including 1 FACM)
30 (including 1 FACM)
34 (including 3 QCM)
36 (including 1 FACM)
64.9 %A
7.1 %
Not including concurrent meetings.
Clerk of the Committee: Ms Philippa Helme, Deputy
Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Eliot Wilson, Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Audit Adviser: Ian Rogers, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Dr Stephen Jones, (Band B1)
Inquiry Manager: Adrian Jenner (until 30.9.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Alex Paterson, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Richard Dawson, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Sheryl Dinsdale, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Stewart McIlvenna, (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Sibylle Bauer*, Paul Beaver, Rear Admiral Richard
Cheadle, Professor Michael Clarke, Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold
CB, Dr Paul Cornish*, Major General Timothy Cross CBE, Joanna
Kidd*, Professor David Kirkpatrick, Air Vice Marshal Professor
Tony Mason CB CBE, Dr Andrew Rathmell, Rear Admiral David Snelson
CB, Air Marshal Philip Sturley CB MBE and Brigadier Austin Thorp.
*Specialist Adviser to the Defence, Foreign Affairs,
International Development and Trade and Industry Committees in
their joint inquiry into Strategic Export Controls.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 7
Other Ministers | 2
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister)
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Ministry of Defence |
34 |
Executive Agencies, comprising:
| |
Defence Procurement Agency
| 2 |
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
| 1 |
Other Government departments comprising:
| |
Department for International Development
| 3 |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 1 |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
| 5 |
HM Revenue and Customs |
1 |
Officials of Devolved Administrations
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 73 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
27.11.06 | Riga, LatviaA
| Smith |
| Conference on Transforming NATO in a New Global Era
| £792.90 |
20-21.2.07 | Paris, France
| Key | 1
| Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £1,191.27 |
21-22.2.07 | Madrid, Spain
| Jenkin, Jenkins | 1
| Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £3,447.56 |
27-28.2.07 | Berlin, Germany
| Arbuthnot, Crausby |
1 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £2,864.65 |
27.2.07 | Rome, Italy
| Borrow, Holloway | 1
| Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £3,134.38 |
12.3.07 | Prague, Czech Republic
| Hamilton, Hancock, Jenkins, Rennie
| 1 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £4,292.80 |
21.3.07 | Copenhagen, Denmark
| Gilroy, Key, Smith |
1 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £3,651.34 |
21.3.07 | The Hague, The Netherlands
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Havard
| 1 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £2,750.05 |
28-29.3.07 | Brussels, Belgium
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Havard, Jenkin, Jones, Key
| 3 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £5,646.70 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-19.4.07 | India and Afghanistan
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Hamilton, Havard, Holloway, Jenkin, Jones, Smith
| 2 | Inquiry into UK operations in Afghanistan
| £24,918.25 |
23.4.07 | Berlin, GermanyA
| Arbuthnot | 1
| Conference of the Chairmen of Defence Committees of the Member States of the European Union
| £1,856.23 |
21.5.07 | Warsaw, Poland
| Hancock, Holloway, Jenkin
| 1 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £4,083.20 |
3-7.6.07 | Washington DC, USA and Ottawa, Canada
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Gilroy, Hamilton, Hancock, Havard, Holloway, Jenkin, Jenkins, Rennie, Smith
| 2 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £50,247.42 |
7-12.7.07 | Iraq and Kuwait
| Arbuthnot, Havard, Jenkin, Jones, Rennie, Smith
| 2 | Inquiry into UK operations in Iraq
| £22,972.84 |
9-10.9.07 | Paris and Toulouse, FranceA
| Arbuthnot |
| 5th Summer Defence Conference
| £744.53 |
30.9-1.10.07 | Lisbon, PortugalA
| Havard | 1
| Conference of the Chairmen of Defence Committees of the Member States of the European Union
| £1,823.43 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-18.10.07 | Tbilisi, Georgia and Ankara, Turkey
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Gilroy, Havard, Holloway, Jenkins, Key, Rennie, Smith
| 2 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO and European Defence
| £33,164.82 (estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
23.11.06 | Rolls-Royce, Raynesway, Derbyshire
| Arbuthnot, Crausby, Havard, Smith
| 3 | Inquiry into the Future of the UK's Nuclear Deterrent: the Manufacturing and Skills Base
| £1,204.50 |
29.1.07 | Selex SA&S, Edinburgh
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Hamilton, Holloway, Jones, Rennie, Smith
| 1 | Industry familiarisation visit
| £2,273.19 |
8.3.07 | Export Control Organisation, Department of Trade and Industry, London
| Borrow, Gilroy |
| Inquiry into Strategic Export Controls by the Quadripartite Committee
| Nil |
26.4.07 | Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London
| Borrow |
| Inquiry into Strategic Export Controls by the Quadripartite Committee
| Nil |
24.5.07 | Hounslow, Middlesex and Pirbright, Surrey
| Arbuthnot, Jones, Key |
3A | Inquiry into the Work of Defence Estates
| £40.00 |
14.6.07 | Headley Court and Combat Stress, Leatherhead, Surrey
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Gilroy, Jenkin, Jenkins, Key, Rennie, Smith
| 3A | Inquiry into Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| £54.00 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
21.6.07 | Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham
| Arbuthnot, Crausby, Gilroy, Havard, Jenkins, Jones
| 5B | Inquiry into Medical Care for the Armed Forces: Oral Evidence
| £1,715.45 |
25.6.07 | MBDA, London
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Gilroy, Jenkins, Jones
| 2 | Inquiry into Defence Industrial Strategy
| £38.16 |
31.7.07 | FRES Trials, Bovington, Dorset
| Arbuthnot, Jones | 2A
| Inquiry into the Army's requirement for armoured vehicles: the FRES programme
| £387.40 |
11.9.07 | Defence Systems & Equipment International Exhibition 2007, London
| Gilroy |
| Inquiry into Strategic Export Controls by the Quadripartite Committee
| £53.00 |
4.10.07 | RFA Argus, Portsmouth
| Arbuthnot, Jones, Key, Smith
| 3A | Inquiry into Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| £540.50 |
10-11.10.07 | Strensall Barracks, Yorkshire and Redford Barracks, Edinburgh
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Hamilton, Jenkins, Jones, Key, Rennie
| 5C | Inquiry into Medical Care for the Armed Forces: Oral Evidence
| £3,455.36 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser
B Includes 1 specialist
adviser and 1 shorthand writer
C Includes 2 specialist
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Defence Procurement 2006
| 56 | 8.12.06
| 103 | £15.50
| Received 8.2.07: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Second Report: Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2005-06
| 57 | 13.12.06
| 78 | £14.50
| Received 5.3.07: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2006-07
Third Report: Costs of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan: Winter Supplementary Estimate 2006-07
| 129 | 7.12.06
| 28 | £8.00
| Received 7.2.07: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Fourth Report: The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the Manufacturing and Skills Base
| 59 | 19.12.06
| 169 | £20.00
| Received 5.2.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Fifth Report: The work of the Committee in 2005 and 2006
| 233 | 22.1.07
| 34 | £10.00
| Received 26.2.07: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Sixth Report: The Defence Industrial Strategy: update
| 177 | 15.2.07
| 85 | £14.50
| Received 19.4.07: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Seventh Report: The Army's requirement for armoured vehicles: the FRES programme
| 159 | 21.2.07
| 79 | £14.50
| Received 26.4.07: published as Ninth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Eighth Report: The work of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and the funding of defence research
| 84 | 1.3.07
| 87 | £14.50
| Received 25.4.07: published as Tenth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Ninth Report: The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the White Paper
| 225-I | 7.3.07
| 88 | £14.50
| Received 9.3.07: published as Eleventh Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the White Paper
| 225-II | 7.3.07
| 207 | £20.50
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Cost of military operations: Spring Supplementary Estimate 2006-07
| 379 | 12.3.07
| 30 | £7.50
| Received 21.5.07: published as Twelfth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Eleventh Report: Strategic Lift
| 462 | 5.7.07
| 98 | £15.50
| Received 12.10.07: published as Fourteenth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Twelfth Report: Ministry of Defence Main Estimates 2007-08
| 835 | 9.7.07
| 31 | £10.00
| Received 12.10.07: published as Fifteenth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Thirteenth Report: UK operations in Afghanistan
| 408 | 18.7.07
| 180 | £20.00
| Received 12.10.07: published as Thirteenth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Fourteenth Report: Strategic Export Controls: 2007 ReviewA
| 117 | 7.8.07
| 323 | £25.00
| Awaited |
Fifteenth Report: The work of Defence Estates
| 535 | 14.9.07
| 82 | £14.50
| Awaited |
First Special Report: Educating Service Children: Government Response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2005-06
| 58 | 24.11.06
| 14 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Armed Forces Bill: proposal for a Service Complaints Commissioner: Government Response to the Committee's Fourteenth Report of Session 2005-06
| 180 | 8.1.07
| 3 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the Manufacturing and Skills Base: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2006-07
| 304 | 8.2.07
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Costs of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan: Winter Supplementary Estimate 2006-07: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2006-07
| 317 | 23.2.07
| 3 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
A Jointly with the Foreign Affairs, International Development
and Trade and Industry Committees
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
Fifth Special Report: Defence Procurement 2006: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2006-07
| 318 | 26.2.07
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: The work of the Committee in 2005 and 2006: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of 2006-07
| 344 | 2.3.07
| 2 | £3.00
| Not required |
Seventh Special Report: Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2005-06: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2006-07
| 376 | 9.3.07
| 15 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: The Defence Industrial Strategy: update: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2006-07
| 481 | 27.4.07
| 10 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Special Report: The Army's requirement for armoured vehicles: the FRES programme: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2006-07
| 511 | 11.5.07
| 11 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Tenth Special Report: The work of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and the funding of defence research: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07
| 512 | 18.5.07
| 8 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Special Report: The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the White Paper: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2006-07
| 551 | 24.5.07
| 20 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Special Report: Cost of military operations: Spring Supplementary Estimate 2006-07: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2006-07
| 558 | 25.5.07
| 3 |
| Not applicable |
Thirteenth Special Report: UK operations in Afghanistan: Government Response to the Committee's Thirteenth Report of Session 2006-07
| 1024 | 12.10.07
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fourteenth Special Report: Strategic Lift: Government Response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2006-07
| 1025 | 12.10.07
| 9 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fifteenth Special Report: Ministry of Defence Main Estimates 2007-08: Government Response to the Committee's Twelfth Report of Session 2006-07
| 1026 | 12.10.07
| 30 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: IraqB
| 209-i | 27.2.07
| 22 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK Defence: commitments and resources
| 381-i | 9.3.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK Defence: commitments and resources
| 381-ii | 16.3.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| 655-i | 15.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
B Joint publication with the Foreign Affairs Committee
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| 655-ii | 27.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| 655-iii | 17.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Future of NATO and European Defence
| 707-i | 22.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Future of NATO and European Defence
| 707-ii | 12.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK operations in Iraq
| 727-i | 29.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK operations in Iraq
| 727-ii | 27.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Iraq and Afghanistan
| 1091-i | 26.10.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the manufacturing and skills base
| 59 | 12.12.06
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: UK Defence: commitments and resources
| 381 | 22.5.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| 655 | 22.5.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The Future of NATO and European Defence
| 707 | 19.6.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: UK operations in Iraq
| 727 | 24.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Reply to the Committee's Eleventh Report: Educating
Service Children, received 24.11.06 and published as the Committee's
First Special Report, Session 2006-07.
Reply to the Committee's Fourteenth Report: Armed
Forces Bill: proposal for a Service Complaints Commissioner,
received 19.12.06 and published as the Committee's Second Special
Report, Session 2006-07.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at http://www.parliament.uk/defcom.
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
Twelfth Report, Session 2005-06, Strategic Export
Controls: Annual Report for 2004, Quarterly Reports for 2005,
Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny, HC 873, 22.2.07
The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper
as being relevant to debates in the House:
Ninth Report, Session 2006-07, The Future of the
UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the White Paper, HC 225-I,
Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, The Future of the UK's Strategic
Nuclear Deterrent: the Manufacturing and Skills Base, HC 59,
Eighth Report, Session 2005-06, The Future of the UK's Strategic
Nuclear Deterrent: the Strategic Context, HC 986, debate on
Trident, 14.3.07
Fifth Report, Session 2005-06, The UK deployment
to Afghanistan, HC 558, Thirteenth Report, Session 2005-06,
UK Operations in Iraq, HC 1241, debate on Defence in the
World on a Motion for the Adjournment of the House, 1.2.07
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 31 of the Committee's
50 meetings. On 1 occasion evidence was taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Fulton Report | 1
IraqA | 1
Iraq and Afghanistan |
1 |
Medical Care for the Armed Forces
| 3 |
A Jointly with the Foreign Affairs Committee
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Strategic Export Controls: 2007 ReviewB
| 3 |
Strategic Lift | 2
The Army's requirement for armoured vehicles: the FRES programme
| 1 |
The Defence Industrial Strategy: update
| 1 |
The Future of NATO and European Defence
| 2 |
The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the Manufacturing and Skills BaseC
| 2 |
The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: the White Paper
| 4 |
The work of Defence Estates
| 1 |
The work of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and the funding of defence research
| 1 |
UK Defence: commitments and resources
| 2 |
UK operations in Afghanistan
| 4 |
UK operations in Iraq |
2 |
Total | 31
B Jointly with the Foreign Affairs, International Development
and Trade and Industry Committees
The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2005-06;
figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2005-06))
8 Draft Climate Change
Bill (Joint Committee)
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/jcclimatechange.cfm
The Committee was nominated on 18 April 2007.
It had 12 Commons Members and held 14 meetings.
Barlow, Ms Celia
Chaytor, Mr David
Goodman, Helen
Griffith, Nia
Howarth, David
Hurd, Mr Nick
Kidney, Mr David
Lazarowicz, Mark
Stuart, Mr Graham
Turner, Dr Desmond
Whitehead, Dr Alan
Yeo, Mr Tim
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
75.6 %
0.0 %
Commons Clerk of the Committee: Ms Charlotte Littleboy,
Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Legal Specialist: Simon Fuller, (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Miss Frances Allingham, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Anwen Rees, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Samantha Colebrook, (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Paul Ekins and Mr John Newbigin.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Minister | 1
Other Ministers | 4
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister)
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| 1 |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 1 |
Department for Transport
| 1 |
European Commission |
1 |
Office of Climate Change
| 1 |
Office of Science and Innovation
| 1 |
Executive Agencies, comprising:
| |
Environment Agency |
1 |
Met Office | 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Energywatch | 1
Envirowise | 1
National Consumer Council
| 1 |
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
| 1 |
South East England Development Agency (SEEDA)
| 1 |
Sustainable Development Commission
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 29 |
Overseas Visits
Not applicable.
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
24.5.07 | Newcastle-upon-TyneA
| Kidney |
| Youth Parliament Conference on climate change
| £176.50 |
15.6.07 | Oxford UniversityA
| | 1
| Meeting with academics to discuss Draft Bill
| £104.30 |
21.6.07 | EdinburghA
| Lazarowicz | 2
| Discussions with Scottish Parliament and Executive on climate change
| £715.10 |
21.6.07 | WokingA
| Griffith, Whitehead |
2 | Discussions with Woking Borough Council on climate change matters
| £141.95 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Draft Climate Change Bill
| 542-I | 3.8.07
| 164 | £20.00
| Cm 7225, published 29.10.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Draft Climate Change Bill
| 542-II | 6.8.07
| 420 | £30.00
| Not applicable |
Formal Minutes
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2006-07
were published in the Report of the Committee, Draft Climate Change
Bill, HC 542-I, Session 2006-07.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 8 of the Committee's 14
meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Draft Climate Change Bill
| 8 |
Total | 8
9 Draft Human Tissue
and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee)
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/jchumantissue.cfm
[Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the
House of Commons, 2 May 2007: "Ordered, That a
Select Committee of nine Members be appointed to join with the
Committee appointed by the Lords to consider the draft Human Tissue
and Embryos Bill."]
The Committee was nominated on 2 May 2007.
It had 9 Commons Members and held 15 meetings.
Willis, Mr Phil (Chairman from 15.5.07)
Burrowes, Mr David
Clark, Ms Katy
Gibson, Dr Ian
Key, Robert
Mole, Chris
Naysmith, Dr Doug
Smith, Geraldine
Taylor, Ms Dari
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
83.0 %
0.0 %
Commons Clerk of the Committee: Sarah Hartwell-Naguib,
Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Legal Specialist: Sarah Thatcher (until 30.9.07), (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Francene Graham, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Senior Office Clerk: Samantha Colebrook, (Band D1)
Office Support Assistant: George Fleck, (Band D2)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Martin Johnson and Professor Sheila McLean.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Minister | 1
Member of the House of Lords
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department of Health |
2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 37 |
Overseas Visits
Not applicable.
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Human Tissue and Embryos (Draft) Bill
| 630-l | 1.8.07
| 135 | £17.50
| Cm 7209, published 8.10.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Human Tissue and Embryos (Draft) Bill
| 630-ll | 8.8.07
| 487 | £34.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Formal Minutes
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2006-07 were published in the First Report of the Committee, Human
Tissue and Embryos (Draft) Bill, HC 630, Session 2006-07.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 8 of the Committee's 15
meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Draft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill
| 8 |
Total | 8
10 Education and Skills
For website access click on http://www.parliament.uk/edskills
The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.
It had 11 Members and held 53 meetings.
Sheerman, Mr Barry (Chairman)
Carswell, Mr Douglas
Chaytor, Mr David
Dorries, Mrs Nadine (discharged 11.12.06)
Ennis, Jeff
Holmes, Paul
Jones, Helen
Mactaggart, Fiona
Marsden, Mr Gordon
Pelling, Mr Andrew (added 11.12.06)
Stuart, Mr Graham (added 22.10.07)
Williams, Stephen
Wilson, Mr Rob (discharged 22.10.07)
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
70.2 %
18.2 %
Clerk of the Committee: David Lloyd, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Dr Sarah Thatcher (from 1.10.07), Senior Clerk (Band
A2); Jyoti Chandola (until 10.9.07), Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Specialists: Libby Aston (until 29.6.07), (Band B1);
Nerys Roberts (until 31.10.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Luke Robinson (until 31.3.07), (shared) (Band B1);
Rebecca Jones (from 23.7.07), (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Lisa Wrobel (until 15.4.07), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2) / Miss Susan Monaghan (until 15.4.07), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2); Katie Phelan (from 16.4.07), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Miss Susan Ramsay, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: John Kittle (shared) (Band D1)
Sandwich Student: Charlie Twyman (until 9.2.07)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Janet Beer, Toby Greany, Professor Bob
Hudson, Chris Hughes, Professor Ewart Keep, Professor Christine
Pascal OBE, Professor Teresa Smith, Professor Alan Smithers, Professor
Kathy Sylva, Professor Sir William Taylor CBE, Alexandra Thompson,
Tony Travers, Professor Geoff Whitty and Professor Alison Wolf.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Minister | 1
Other Ministers | 11
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister)
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department for Children, Schools and Families
| 2 |
Department for Education and Skills
| 5 |
Home Office | 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Arts Council England |
1 |
British Council | 2
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
| 1 |
Learning and Skills Council
| 1 |
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)
| 2 |
Partnerships for Schools
| 1 |
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
| 1 |
Sector Skills Development Agency
| 1 |
The Children's Commissioner for England
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 84 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
23.11-2.12.06 | Sydney and Canberra, Australia
| Sheerman, Carswell, Chaytor, Ennis, Holmes, Mactaggart, Marsden, Williams
| 2 | Inquiries into Higher Education and Post-16 Skills
| £46,781.63 |
8-16.6.07 | Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing, China
| Sheerman, Carswell, Chaytor, Ennis, Holmes, Mactaggart, Marsden, Williams
| 3A | Inquiry into Higher Education
| £47,201.37 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-15.1.07 | Liverpool and Knowsley
| Sheerman, Carswell, Chaytor, Ennis, Jones, Marsden, Pelling, Williams
| 4A | Inquiry into Sustainable Schools
| £4,033.90 |
26.4.07 | Maidstone
| Sheerman, Mactaggart |
2 | Inquiry into Sustainable Schools
| £127.95 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2006-07)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Work of the Committee in 2005-06
| 301 | 8.2.07
| 13 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Citizenship Education
| 147 | 8.3.07
| 355 | £29.00
| Received 30.4.07: published as Second Special Report, Session 2006-07
Third Report: Bullying
| 85 | 27.3.07
| 286 | £24.50
| Received 18.5.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Fourth Report: The Bologna Process
| 205 | 30.4.07
| 199 | £22.00
| Received 14.6.07: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Fifth Report: 14-19 Diplomas
| 249 | 17.5.07
| 289 | £24.50
| Received 26.7.07: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Sixth Report: The Work of Ofsted
| 165 | 12.7.07
| 107 | £15.50
| Government Response and Ofsted Reply received 11.9.07: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Seventh Report: Sustainable Schools: Are we building schools for the future?
| 140-I | 9.8.07
| 71 | £14.50
| Received 8.10.07: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Sustainable Schools: Are we building schools for the future?
| 140-II | 9.8.07
| 334 | £24.00
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: The future sustainability of the higher education sector: international aspects
| 285-I | 5.8.07
| 24 | £8.50
| Received 3.10.07: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: The future sustainability of the higher education sector: international aspects
| 285-II | 9.8.07
| 472 | £33.00
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Post-16 Skills
| 333-I | 2.8.07
| 27 | £8.50
| Received 17.10.07: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Post-16 Skills
| 333-II | 14.8.07
| 437 | £30.50
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Special Educational Needs: Assessment and Funding
| 1077 | 25.10.07
| 21 | £6.50
| Awaited |
Eleventh Report: Creative Partnerships and the Curriculum
| 1034 | 31.10.07
| 81 | £14.50
| Awaited |
First Special Report: Public Expenditure: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2005-06
| 211 | 16.1.07
| 7 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Citizenship Education: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2006-07
| 517 | 22.5.07
| 14 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Bullying: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2006-07
| 600 | 18.6.07
| 17 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: The Bologna Process: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2006-07
| 788 | 3.7.07
| 22 | £8.00
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Government Responses to (1) the Committee's Fifth Report, 14-19 Diplomas, and (2) Eighth Report, The future sustainability of the higher education sector: international aspects; and Government and Ofsted Responses to the Committee's Sixth Report, The Work of Ofsted, of Session 2006-07
| 1033 | 15.10.07
| 41 | £10.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: Sustainable Schools: Are we building schools for the future?: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2006-07
| 1078 | 22.10.07
| 21 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: Post-16 Skills: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2006-07
| 1101 | 29.10.07
| 14 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: The Work of the Education and Skills Committee
| 1102 | 29.10.07
| 4 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Children's Services
| 62-i | 28.3.07
| 22 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Prison Education: Follow Up
| 170-i-ii | 19.7.07
| 77 | £12.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
| 561-i | 19.7.07
| 22 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The Work of the Children's Commissioner
| 789-i | 1.10.07
| 19 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Departmental Restructuring and Public Expenditure on Education and Skills
| 912-i | 25.9.07
| 35 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The Work of Ofsted
| 165 | 20.7.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Sustainable Schools
| 140 | 10.8.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Testing and Assessment
| | 13.8.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Special Educational Needs: Assessment and Funding
| 1077 | 28.8.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Creative Partnerships and the Curriculum
| 1034 | 7.9.07
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06
Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: Public
Expenditure, received 14.12.06 and published as the Committee's
First Special Report, Session 2006-07.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published
electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available
on the Committee's website at http://www.parliament.uk/edskills.
Date | Subject
21.2.07 | Six, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on Citizenship Education
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 34 of the Committee's
53 meetings.[3]
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
14-19 Diplomas | 4
BullyingA |
2 |
Children's Services |
1 |
Citizenship EducationA
| 1 |
Creative Partnerships and the Curriculum
| 2 |
Departmental Restructuring and Public Expenditure on Education and Skills
| 1 |
Post-16 Skills | 8
Prison Education: Follow Up
| 1 |
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
| 1 |
Sustainable Schools: Are we building schools for the future?A
| 2 |
The Bologna Process |
2 |
The future sustainability of the higher education sector: international aspects
| 8 |
The Work of Ofsted |
2 |
The Work of the Children's Commissioner
| 1 |
Total | 36
The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2005-06;
figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2005-06))
1 Duties shared with Mrs Hunt until 22.3.07 Back
On four occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate
oral evidence sessions. Back
On two occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate
oral evidence sessions. Back