House, Committees of the Whole House, General Committees and Select Committees - Sessional Returns Contents


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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 17 January 2011.

Arbuthnot, Mr James (Chair from 25.1.11)

Cunningham, Alex

Docherty, Thomas

Doyle, Gemma

Ellwood, Tobias

Francois, Mark

Jones, Mr Kevan

Lancaster, Mr Mark

Lopresti, Jack

Osborne, Sandra

Pincher, Chris

Robathan, Mr Andrew

Russell, Bob

Wright, David

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

11 out of 11

11 out of 11

8 out of 11

11 out of 11

11 out of 11

11 out of 11

10 out of 11

9 out of 11

11 out of 11

6 out of 11

10 out of 11

11 out of 11

9 out of 11

11 out of 11

90.9 %

Total number of meetings: 11

Of which:
Number of meetings at Public Bill stage

Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken



Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 3
Other activities
Informal meetings1


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Ministry of Defence 2
Service Complaints Commissioner for the Armed Forces 1
Appearances by other witnesses: 8

Overseas Visits

Not applicable

Visits to European Institutions

Not applicable

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
7.2.11Reserves Training and Mobilisation Centre, Chilwell, Chetwynd Barracks Arbuthnot, Cunningham, Doyle, Ellwood, Francois, Jones, Lancaster, Lopresti, Pincher, Robathan 1Visit to a Reserves training and mobilisation centre £664
9.2.11Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court Doyle, Lopresti, Robathan 1Visit to a rehabilitation centre £78
14.2.11Colchester Garrison — Merville Barracks Arbuthnot, Doyle, Francois, Lopresti, Russell 1Visit to a barracks £161

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2010-12) Date of publication Government reply
First Special Report: The Armed Forces Bill, Special Report of Session 2010-12 77910.3.11 Formal response from Rt Hon Andrew Robathan MP, Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans. Received 19.5.11

Government replies to Reports for Session 2009-10


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

8.2.11One, on whether the Committee seek oral evidence from Rt Hon Andrew Robathan MP, Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans
10.2.11One, on an amendment to the Bill
15.2.11Five, on amendments to the Bill


The Bill was reported formally back to the House and was debated in Committee of the whole House on 14 June 2011.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Armed Forces Bill4

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Prepared 14 September 2012